Alfia, who had completed the service for Xiao Bai with a face full of humiliation, hurriedly ran to the bathroom, followed by the sound of retching and the sound of water running for a while, Alfia walked out again.

Looking at Xiao Bai, his eyes were full of anger:"Now I can resurrect my sister."

Xiao Bai naturally did what he said, and after snapping his fingers, Alfia's sister appeared in Alfia's house. before.

Seeing her sister Alfia finally showing joy:"Metlia!"

Alfia ran towards her sister and hugged her, but then she felt her sister His whole body was cold, as if he didn't look like a normal human being:"What else have you done? Why doesn't Metelia have any temperature on her body?"

"I think I can explain this matter. Don't forget that your sister has the same disease as you."

The happy expression on Alfia's face disappeared instantly.

"I can do whatever you want to cure Metelia's disease. Xiao Bai refused without thinking:"

I refuse. Treating your sister's diseases is not worth the loss for me!""

"You bastard!"

Alfiya is obviously about to lose her mind. Xiao Bai, a bastard, dares to treat his sister like this, even though he can cure his sister, but he doesn't want to.

Xiao Bai completely ignored Alfiya's angry self. Gu Zi said:"Being able to resurrect him is because you have been obedient these days. If you are still nagging, believe it or not, I will let your sister embrace death again now.""


She cursed at Xiao Bai fiercely, and then Alfia looked at her sister with distressed eyes.

Metelia, however, didn't care about her illness and looked at her sister instead. I asked about another thing, how is my child doing?

"He is heading to Orario, but it is said that he has turned into a pretty bad person because he was raised by Zeus~."

After Alfia finished speaking, Metelia suddenly showed a distressed expression:"If it's like this, then it's indeed quite a headache."

Metelia couldn't help but feel a little headache when she thought about her child turning into a character like Zeus, but if it was just like this, it would be acceptable. At least this shows that her child is growing up safely. Big

"Then you sisters, please talk slowly and slowly by yourselves. I have other things to do first."

Xiao Bai has no intention of getting involved in the matter of these two sisters who have reunited after a long separation.

"Scumbag! Alfia cursed Xiao Bai for a while. This bastard could obviously cure her sister, but in the end he refused.

Then Alfia said to her sister:"Don't worry, I will definitely do it." Let this scumbag cure you"

"In the past, sister, you would not be so excited at all. It seems that it is really because of feelings. Sister, you have fallen in love with this person."

Hearing these words, Alphea immediately retorted:"It's impossible. How could I fall in love with such a scumbag? If you continue to talk nonsense, I will teach you a lesson."

Alfia expressed great anger at her sister's nonsense.

"Okay okay I was wrong."

Regarding her sister's appearance, Metelia decisively chose to admit defeat. When her sister got angry, she would really take action.

Metelia didn't want to be pressed down and spanked by her sister.

On the other side.

The fact that Xiao Bai can resurrect the dead has been confirmed, and the resurrected Alfia is an ironclad fact. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) Among them, the most exciting one is

Liu Liang, Liuliang had witnessed his resurrected companion, so Liuliang wanted Xiao Bai to resurrect his companion more than anyone else. Liuliang found the Xiaobai family directly, but Liuliang had no way to enter the Xiaobai family..

Because Xiao Bai has no plans to meet with Liuli Ang for the time being, Xiao Bai still wants to let this matter continue to develop a little bit, and maybe he can gain more faith.

But the more he can’t see Xiao Bai , the more Liuliang wanted to meet Xiao Bai. As long as she could meet Xiao Bai, she could ask Xiao Bai to resurrect her companions.

However, Liuliang never thought about why Xiao Bai helped her resurrect those companions, or Asked if there was any benefit from Xiao Bai helping her resurrect those companions.

Liuliang could not think of these things now. Now Liuliang only thought about one thing.

That was to resurrect his dead companions.

Suddenly Liuliang discovered that Xiao Bai had come from the family members. Coming out of the middle, Liuli Ang immediately ran towards Xiao Bai and then stopped in front of Xiao Bai. Looking at

Liuli Xiao Bai could guess what the other person was thinking without him having to say anything. matter

"`Please, please resurrect the Astraea Familia companions."

Xiao Bai looked at Liu Li'ang and then said calmly:"Give me a reason to resurrect. If you want me to resurrect your companion, you can do it, but give me a reason to resurrect you. Do you know what price it costs to resurrect a person? ? What is the use of my resurrection to those who are useful to us."

Liu Li'ang was startled.

He could understand what Xiao Bai said, but

Liuliang really couldn't figure out how he could make the other party resurrect his fellow clan members.

"But I can provide you with a way. I am quite interested in you. You can exchange yourself and resurrect a companion. If you can exchange Astraea, then you can resurrect. Three."

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he didn't care what Liuliang's expression was. He patted Liuliang on the shoulder and said,"Then you think about it slowly. I'll leave Shen first."

Looking at Xiao Bai leaving, Liuliang couldn't help but clenched his fists.

Xiao Bai's request made Liuliang very angry, but Liuliang was helpless. Xiaobai's request, Liuliang could only agree to, otherwise he would You can no longer see your companions.

Sacrifice yourself in exchange for the resurrection of one companion or sacrifice the goddess you believe in to resurrect three companions.

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