Xiao Bai looked at Alfia:"Compared to resurrecting your sister, you should consider your body first. Although your body has been resurrected, your disease has not disappeared. Just because of your The body has returned to its best condition and all diseases have not yet appeared."

"So you first have to find a way to cure your disease. The only thing that can cure your disease is the power of faith, so the power of faith required to cure you is a number that should not be underestimated."

"If you want me to resurrect your sister, you have to be alive. Otherwise, if you die, it's none of my business whether your sister is alive or dead."

Alfiya's face instantly darkened and she glared fiercely at Xiao Bai in front of her. In the end, she didn't say anything more. She just looked into Xiao Bai's eyes."Sixty-eight-seven" She felt somewhat unhappy.

"I see!"

Xiao Bai looked at Alfia in front of him and scratched his head and said:"What do you understand!"

Alfiya glanced at Xiao Bai coldly and turned to leave without saying anything. After Alfiya left, Xiao Bai had a speechless expression on his face.

"Really, I don’t know what you are talking about."

Looking at Alfia leaving, Xiao Bai complained, but then Xiao Bai seemed to remember something again.

Apart from Alfia, he seemed to be able to resurrect people who had been dead for a longer time.

Astri Ya Familia!


Xiao Bai's eyes narrowed slightly, but then Xiao Bai decided to put these things down for the time being. Now is not the time to think about these things. The power of faith is really running out.

Xiao Bai's collection and use of the power of faith has also been restricted in this world. Unless the power of faith is obtained in one world, the power of faith in other worlds cannot be used in this world. Otherwise, the power of faith in other worlds cannot be used in this world. It would be hard for Xiao Bai and Zhi Zui to be like this.

They had long resurrected all the dead adventurers.

However, although it was impossible to resurrect those dead adventurers, Xiao Bai did think of another way. The big fox in the dungeon.

Although Xiao Bai has no interest in that fox and it is not in line with his XP, the magic of that fox is undoubtedly one of the cheats in the dungeon.

This big fox I have to get it!

But the Ishtar Familia is not that easy to solve. To put it bluntly, the Ishtar Familia is second only to Loki, Freya, and Ganesha, and belongs to the second-tier family.

Xiao If Bai's current family members are not Alfia, they are not qualified to touch the Ista family members.

"Maybe you can try to move the disaster eastward. If you can't solve it yourself, then let someone who can solve it solve it. Ishtar happens to have the key to the artificial maze in her hand. Using this thing as a bargaining chip in exchange, I think she should be able to solve it. Exchange that big fox for that one."

Xiao Bai told Tushan Rongrong and the others his thoughts, and then Tushan Rongrong also became interested. After all, they were both foxes. Although they were not from the same world, Tushan Rongrong also wanted to see this person. What does a fox look like in this world?

"Leave this matter to me. It just so happens that I also want to see the vixens in this world."

"Then I leave it to you."

On the other side, more than a week has passed and Finn and the others still haven't found any keys to the maze.

"Those Dark Familia haven't appeared for so long. Is it possible that they don't have to come out of the man-made maze?"

"Do you think there is a possibility that the Dark Familia has an internal response outside? These should provide food and water to the Dark Familia."

"If you really don’t have any good ideas, then I think you can ask Xiao Bai. If Xiao Bai is at 80%, you will gain something."

Fels glanced at Finn. Although he knew that Xiao Bai's charge was 10 cents more expensive, but

There really isn't anything wrong with Xiao Bai's work, except that it's expensive.

When he heard that he was going to find Xiao Bai, he suddenly fell into silence and felt a headache. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Finally, he nodded helplessly:"It seems that we have no choice but to look for Xiao Bai. I hope Xiao Bai can give us good news!"

To be honest, if there is any If he chooses Fenn, he will never choose to go to Xiao Bai, but now that he has no choice, Fenn has no choice but to go to Xiao Bai.

However, what Fenn didn't expect was that he actually learned the key to the maze from Xiao Bai. whereabouts

"It is true that I know who holds the key to the labyrinth, but the problem is that I seem to have no reason to tell you. If you want to know, you can find it yourself!"

Listening to Xiao Bai's words, Fels was so good that he was not surprised:"Just tell me what you want!"

"After killing the other party, I need one of the other party's dependents. If you agree, I will tell you who it is!"

Hearing what Xiao Bai said, Finn frowned and said nothing, while Fels nodded:"Okay!"

Not only can we solve the opponent's internal conspiracy in Orario, but we can even get the key to the man-made maze. This deal is definitely a good deal.

"So now you can tell us who the entanglement is!"


The name Xiao Bai said caused everyone present to fall into silence.

Ishtar is also a powerful family member for Orario, but she didn't expect that the other party would be like this.

"you sure?"

"Sure, sure, and sure, 3.4 I can let you all take the stolen goods as a reward for paying the bill this time, but as a price, the dependent family I asked for must be given to me!"

"No problem, but what is it about that family that makes it worth your while?"

"What do you know? That’s a fox. Forget it, I’ve told you too much and you don’t understand."

Xiao Bai waved his hand and said, and then Xiao Bai said to Fels:"As long as you do what you promised me, you don't have to worry about other things. I will let you all get the stolen goods."

After the stolen goods are collected, the Loki Familia and the Ganesha Familia can take action directly. As long as the Ishtar Familia is solved, it will be easy to get the key to the man-made maze.

And Xiao Bai can also gain something. Big fox..

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