After Xiao Bai made the offer, Ying, who could no longer refuse, readily agreed to become Xiao Bai's dog. Xiao Bai was very satisfied with this and said that he would introduce many good-looking girls to Ying in the future, and Ying was also very satisfied with this. A happy smile appeared on his satisfied face.

Xiao Bai looked at Ying and said,"Then are you still looking for Rosalia? If you don't look for Rosalia, let's go back and sleep together!""

"I have to find her, I have to find her. Only if I find Rosalia can I stick with Noelle."

Ying's face showed an excited look:"As long as we find Rosalia, we can get close to Noelle."

Thinking of Noelle becoming his maid and doing such and such things to Noelle, Ying's face suddenly showed a lewd expression. Xiao Bai covered his face and looked helplessly at Ying in front of him.!

"Okay, okay, I'm scared of you, you are a hopeless woman! Ying put her hands on her hips and looked at Xiao Bai sideways:"Do you dare to say that you don't want to see Noelle and I having sex?" Don't think that I don't know what's going on in your heart. You must be thinking that if I take down Noelle, you can enjoy the blessings of everyone, right? Xiao Bai:"

Slander, you are slandering, you are slandering me!""

Xiao Bai shouted as if his hair was fried.

However, Ying looked at Xiao Bai in front of him and sneered in his heart. Do you really think you are a fool?

Can you not see the thoughts in Xiao Bai's heart ? ?

What is this bitch man thinking in his heart that he can’t tell?

Stop joking, okay? This bitch man sticks his butt out to show that he now knows what the other person wants to do.

But he doesn’t care about this. One thing, Ying believes that he can firmly hold a dog man. If he can't even hold such a dog man and a dog, then he might as well die!

"So hurry up and look for it, do you want to see what Noel and I have posted?"

Xiao Bai squinted his eyes and said nothing, but the meaning in his eyes was obvious displeasure. He was actually seen by Ying and wanted to watch Ying and have sex with other girls!

Bah, bah, bah, it's the other guide to watching Ying. girls, and then sit back and enjoy the results

"I do not watch!"

Xiao Bai said to Ying expressionlessly, are you kidding? Is Xiao Bai suitable for the kind of person who will be manipulated by Ying?

Obviously not. If Ying wants to manipulate Xiao Bai, it depends on whether Xiao Bai is willing or not!

"Don't you really want to see it?"

Ying stuck to Xiao Bai's ear, biting Xiao Bai's ear as if she wanted to do it.

Not to mention Ying's appearance, Xiao Bai became inexplicably excited. When did Ying become so good? Did n't Xiao Bai look at her and didn't understand why she suddenly became so good?

When she saw Xiao Bai's appearance, her face showed a proud expression!

Sure enough, the little emperor's books he read were indeed correct. , such things as men are not easy to come by.

At the same time, Yingying was also secretly thanking Amber. If it weren't for Amber, she might not have been able to find those pornographic books in such a short time, and then learn these from the pornographic books. Things, Amber, you are my god.

But it’s really shocking that Amber actually has those pornographic books.

But when I think of the boyfriend of my best friend that Amber likes, the sudden love seems to be everything at once. I understand, it turns out Amber really didn’t expect you to be like this!

A strange smile appeared on his face, and a picture emerged in Ying’s mind.

"Amber, you don’t want other people to know about this, right?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The plot in the Little Yellow Book immediately made Yingbian's blood boil.

Xiao Bai couldn't help but twitch his brows when he saw the obscene smile on Ying's face.

This guy seems to be growing up a little too fast.

In the game, Ying has grown up to this point after experiencing several countries, but now Ying has become like this in just a few days. Xiao Bai simply can't imagine what will happen next. What a result!

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and come with me to find Rosalia. You will benefit a lot, believe me!"

Speaking sweet words to Xiao Bai in Xiao Bai's ear!

Xiao Bai said that he should not be too familiar with this kind of void painting pie!

"Look for it, then I will accompany you to look around if I can find it."


It's impossible to find. Rosalia fell into the abyss. It's not that easy to find Rosalia. To put it mildly, Rosalia is in the abyss. Even if It’s not surprising at all when someone dies, okay?

However, Xiao Bai gave Rosalia a layer of protection to ensure that no accidents would happen to Rosalia. After all, Xiao Bai just wanted Rosalia to Leah suffered a little and didn't think about Rosalia's death.

With Xiao Bai's backing up on Rosalia, even if Rosalia stayed in the abyss for a lifetime, there would definitely be no accidents. He was still alive and kicking.

So Xiao Bai didn't have to worry about looking for it for the time being. After searching for three days in Mondstadt, Ying almost collapsed and slept in the open for three days!

"Rosalia, where are you?"

Ying yelled in collapse, while Xiao Bai took a sunset fruit and gnawed it in his mouth. Although it is not delicious, people in Mondstadt can't eat it now because of the lack of food in Mondstadt. The fallen fruits have been collected long ago, and there are not many fallen fruits growing in the wild now.

Ying turned her head and looked at Xiao Bai:"How long do you want to eat? Find someone, find someone, do you know?" Know!"

"Do you think there will be anyone here? And if you don’t look at the places you are looking for, do you think that nun will come here?"

Xiao Bai looked at Ying with a speechless expression. The places he was looking for were all normal places, such as Star Picking Cliff and Fruit Wine Lake.

Xiao Bai doubted that Ying was going on a date with him instead of I came out with myself to find someone.

"Then where do you think the other party will run to?"

"It must be those places that are inaccessible to people, and they are the only kind of places that the other party would go to."

"You fucking told me earlier!"

Ying roared at Xiao Bai.

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