Xiao Bai was also a little silent at this moment. It was obviously just a show, but why now it suddenly seemed as if he had really done something to Amber. Is this something unreasonable or wrong?

As for Youla, she was so angry that she wanted to chop Xiao Bai into pieces!

Xiao Bai, a bastard, actually eats the grass from his own nest. How can he bear this? Now Youla is about to fight Xiao Bai again, but fortunately Amber stops Youla and doesn't really let Youla La Zai is fighting Xiao Bai.

At the same time, Amber also told Yora what Xiao Bai was doing in Mondstadt. After listening, Yora was silent, and then she mocked:"Those Mondstadt people are still so ridiculous."

Xiao Bai said He picked his ears and then said to Youla:"I have good news and bad news. Are you going to hear the good news or the bad news, or choose to hear the good news or the bad news?"

04 La, Amber: ? ? ?

The two girls looked at Xiao Bai with confusion in their eyes, and then Xiao Bai said something that made them both unbelievable:"Barbatos handed over the city of Mondstadt to me, which means that from now on Mondstadt will be here." I have the final say in the city!"

Yola and Amber looked shocked and disbelieving that Barbatos actually handed over the city to Xiao Bai. Is there something wrong with him?

Facing the confused looks of Youla and Amber, Xiao Bai showed a look of satisfaction on his face and then stopped talking.

When they saw Xiao Bai, Yura and Amber immediately felt as if they were crawling with countless ants. They were so angry that they really wanted to knock Xiao Bai off.

"So I’m going to tell you whether you want to listen to what’s coming next. If you don’t listen, I’ll leave!"

Looking at Xiao Bai, Youla took a deep breath and then squeezed out a smile on her face:"You would be so kind to tell us? Tell me what conditions you have!"

"In fact, it's very simple. As long as you promise me one thing, then I will tell you why Barbatos chose to hand over Mondstadt to me."

"What's up?"

"Do you know about the Dangerous Party?"

Looking at Youla and Amber in front of him, Xiao Bai smiled. The dangerous party thing is quite awesome. Xiao Bai likes to see girls posting.

After understanding what the dangerous party Xiao Bai said, Amber The faces of Youla and Youla turned red, and Youla looked at Xiao Bai:"You pervert!"

"Just say whether you agree or not. If you don't agree, I'll leave. If you want to know, ask Barbatos yourself. Now Barbatos seems to be drinking in Nuclear Morax!"

Yora and Amber looked at each other and were speechless. How could they really run to ask Barbatos about such a thing? Barbatos couldn't tell them.


Is it possible that I really want to play that dangerous party with Yura (Amber)?

Yula and Amber, who were blushing, just felt very social at this moment!


In the end, Amber and Yola compromised. After all, they were really curious about Xiao Bai becoming the master of Mondstadt.

Why did Barbatos hand over Mondstadt to Xiao Bai? , it is difficult for Xiao Bai, a bastard, to threaten Barbatos. If Barbatos does not agree, he will kill everyone in Mondstadt. With Xiao Bai's character, he can definitely do such a thing. Come.

So in order to figure out this matter, Youla and Amber finally chose to agree. Although Youla and Amber were very unconvinced, they had nothing to do.

In order to figure out what the situation was, Youla and Amber Amber could only endure the humiliation for the time being.

Blushing Amber and Yola finished the dangerous party, and then looked at Xiao Bai:"Now you can tell us what method you used to get Barbatos to join the party." Mondstadt is yours!"

Xiao Bai put away the camera in his hand and looked at Amber and Yola and said:"Whether you believe it or not, it was Barbatos who took the initiative to find me and asked Garmond City to be entrusted to me. In other words, all this is Barbatos. The meaning has nothing to do with me at all."

Amber and Youla looked at Xiao Bai with astonishment in their eyes, and then they asked Xiao Bai:"That's it?"

"That's right, that's it. If you have any questions, you can ask Barbatos. I promise that I did not use any means to force Barbatos to hand over Mond to me."

The corners of Amber's eyes twitched slightly. With just such a word, Xiao Bai actually asked them to dance a dangerous party for him.

Youla directly picked up the big sword in her hand and smashed it towards Xiao Bai. Youla still didn't understand what she was doing. He was tricked by Xiao Bai.

This bastard was just making fun of himself and Amber!

Seeing the angry Youla, Xiao Bai slapped Youla's Song Lai away, then walked up and hugged her. Yula

"Don't be angry. Look, I didn't do anything to Mond this time."

Although Xiao Bai didn't do anything excessive to Mond this time, Youla felt equally uncomfortable in her heart.

"Maybe 447 you can think about the good side. I think Youla, you may have some guesses in your heart about what the result would be without me!"

"To put it mildly, if Mondstadt is left alone, it will definitely be doomed in the end. So now that Barbatos has nothing to do with Mondstadt, he simply blames all these things on me.!"

Xiao Bai obviously knows why Barbatos does this. Barbatos can no longer provide any help to Mondstadt, so it is better to leave this matter to Xiao Bai to deal with.

Anyway, Mondstadt On the other hand, he doesn’t look like Mondstad at all anymore. It’s better to give Xiao Bai a try. If he succeeds, he won’t be at a loss either.

"Barbatos is counting on me to help him change Mondstadt!"

"But if you want to take advantage of me, then haha."

Amber and Yora couldn't help but sympathize with those Mondlanders.

"You shouldn't be committing any massacres or anything like that!"

Yola looked at Xiao Bai suspiciously. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"As long as those idiots don't piss me off, that won't happen for a while!"

Xiao Bai can't guarantee whether those idiots will be stupid enough to make him angry.

The consequences of making yourself angry are very serious.

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