Seeing the indifferent look on Morgan's face, Artolis had a bitter expression on his face. Morgan's hatred for him made Artolis feel unspeakably bitter.

Artolis has known that this royal sister hates and dislikes him since he was a child, but Artolis also knows that his royal sister's hatred for him comes from the fact that he took away the throne that originally belonged to her. But this is not Artolis's own wish.

If someone chooses Artolis and would rather choose to be a knight than a king, then there is no need to be disgusted by his queen sister.

But fate plays tricks on people like this, and there is no choice at all!

Artolis could not live up to his mother's expectations. Countless people expected Artolis to lead Britain to its peak and greatness, so Artolis also constantly demanded that he become a perfect king.

Artolis was worthy of everyone, but he only felt indebted to his sister Artolis, because his birth caused his sister's misfortune.

Nowadays, his sister is mixed up with villains like Xiao Bai.

Looking at Artolis Xiao Bai smiled lightly and said:"Put aside your sense of me for the time being. What I want to tell you this time is related to the life and death of this world. If one is not good Many people will die, and these are definitely not caused by me!"

After saying this, Xiao Bai looked at Artolis again:"Sit down and listen to what I have to say, and then you can decide whether to leave!~"

Hesitated for a moment Afterwards, Artolis finished without saying a word. Xiao Bai glanced at Morgan. When Morgan saw Artolis staying, a playful look appeared on his face.

"I don’t know if you have heard of Kyushu Barrier!"

Artolis glanced at Xiao Bai and nodded slightly. Artolis had naturally heard of the Kyushu Barrier, but what on earth did Xiao Bai say about these things?

"So do you know the true function of Kyushu Barrier? The function of Kyushu Barrier is to protect this world from invasion by things from outside the world. You should have seen Baron Island, right. Do you think that thing is from this world?"

Artolis' originally calm face showed a slightly confused look, while Xiao Bai continued to talk to himself:"Once the Kyushu barrier is damaged, things from outside the world will continue to invade our world. You Can you imagine what the world will be like after an unprecedented and terrifying monster enters this world?"

"Have you ever heard about extraterrestrial evil spirits?"

"Are you talking about the legend of the only invasion of evil spirits from outside the territory during the reign of Emperor Shengzong? But isn’t that a legend?"

"Obviously not, those extraterrestrial evil spirits really exist!"

Xiao Bai took out the arbitrary door and then said to Artolis:"If you don't believe it, I can take you to that battlefield to have a look. There are still traces of the battle between the Holy Emperor and the evil demons outside the territory.!"


Xiao Bai opened the door to invite Artolis, and Morgan followed him through the door. The next three people appeared on a battlefield, or to be more precise, in a desert!

Artolis's eyes were With a look of disbelief, there are bones everywhere here, at least tens of thousands of people!

And even if these individuals have turned into bones, they still exude a terrifying aura. As long as you see these bones Artolis felt as if his consciousness was distorted.

"What on earth is this!"

Artolis asked Xiao Bai

"This is an ancient battlefield, and these bones are ordinary people who were deceived by evil spirits from outside the territory. These ordinary people became the lackeys of evil spirits from outside the territory, and were then killed here by the Emperor Shengzong. But even if they died, they were still covered by The corrosive power of external evil spirits is still there. If left unchecked, it will inevitably affect other people."

"Therefore, Emperor Shengzong established a Kyushu barrier here. In addition to blocking things from outside the world from coming to this world, he also suppressed these scum who were confused by the power of evil spirits from outside the territory."

Asking for flowers

"Is this the Kyushu boundary?"

Artolis and Morgan's eyes widened instantly.

"Yes, this is the outskirts of the Kyushu barrier, and these bones are the lackeys of those evil spirits outside the territory!"

Artolis looked at this desolate place, and saw that even though it had turned into white bones, it still exuded powerful power. Artolis and Morgan had complicated expressions on their faces. (Read Baoshuang novels , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Because any of these bones are stronger than them

"This is just the outer periphery. If you go inside, the closer you get to the Kyushu barrier, the more powerful the lackeys of the extraterrestrial evil spirits inside will be."

"These should only be considered cannon fodder level! Artolis looked at Xiao Bai:"

Tell me what exactly you want to do!""

"What I want to tell you is that the Kyushu barrier is about to be destroyed, and then the extraterrestrial evil spirits will invade again. You should be able to figure out how many people will die by then!"

"What is the purpose of telling me this?"

Artolis has obviously realized that Xiao Bai wants him to do something!

"I need legendary kitchen utensils. After collecting all the legendary kitchen utensils, I can summon the dragon, and then use the power of the dragon to strengthen the Kyushu barrier."

"You want me to get the legendary cookware from Britannia's collection!"

Suddenly Artolis understood Xiao Bai's purpose, which was to let him hand over the legendary kitchen utensil collected by Britain to Xiao Bai.

"Yes, you can choose to do it or not to do it"

"Sister Wang can do it too, why did you come to me specifically?"

"The reason is very simple. Only in this way can Morgan take revenge on you. As the Crown Prince of Britain, he handed over something as precious as legendary kitchen utensils to an enemy. This will be a stigma that you cannot wash away, so this is Morgan's revenge! Artolis' face darkened:"

What if I refuse?""

"It doesn't matter, I don't care how many people die, but can you?".

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