Xiao Bai's eyelids twitched slightly when he looked at Belmod who appeared out of nowhere.

"I'm not interested in Mao Lilan, so you don't need to worry about what I think about Mao Lilan!"

"That's true, but some things don't depend on your own will. It's like you and Fei Yingli, who had no intersection in the first place, suddenly developed a relationship!"

He couldn't help but frown slightly and looked at Belmod in front of him. Xiao Bai said lightly:"Are you spying on me?"

Belmod shook his head decisively and denied this:"I don't have the time to monitor you, let alone the courage. I just followed Xiaolan and happened to know about you and Fei Yingli!"

Well, Xiao Bai can accept this reason. Judging from the current situation of Belmod, it is indeed very likely that he knows about this matter from Mao Lilan.

And if the other party really Xiao Bai didn't mind if he had the guts to follow him and killed him easily.

"So you are looking for me to keep me away from Maorilan? But have you ever considered one thing, what identity do you use to talk to me about this!"

I simply don't know what to say. Xiao Bai doesn't even know if he should laugh at Belmode. He doesn't know how high the sky is. What kind of level is Belmod? He actually dares to talk to him 417, and he still makes demands on himself.

【It seems that I give people the impression that I am easy to talk to. Otherwise, how could Belmode have the courage to run in front of me and ask me to stay away from Maorilan? Who gave Belmod the courage? It's just a matter of life and death. 】

Belmod looked at Xiao Bai in front of him and his eyelids twitched slightly. He seemed to be a little arrogant. Xiao Bai would not give him any face!

At this moment, Belmode also smiled bitterly. He really forgot about the matter related to Mao Lilan. As a result, he actually forgot that the man in front of him was not an ordinary man. He was an extremely cruel tyrant..

Belmod felt that he might have drifted off, so much so that he actually forgot about this and ran in front of this man and told him to stay away from Mao Lilan.

Seeing the fear that Belmode recalled in front of him, Xiao Bai said lightly:"Give me a reason to let you go. If there is no reason, then you can stay here forever!"


(aieg) Bellmod was so anxious that cold sweat broke out on his forehead, but Xiao Bai looked at Bellmod indifferently with a trace of panic in his eyes, Barbie, is he really going to die now?!

But fortunately, someone came to rescue Belmod before Barbie.

Nangong Nayue appeared in front of Xiao Bai and said to Xiaobai:"Okay, fine, let this guy go for my sake."

Xiao Bai glanced at Nangong Nayue and then said lightly :"I asked why Belmod is so bold. You support Belmod behind his back on emotional matters."

Nangong Nayue gave Xiao Bai a white look and then said to Xiao Bai:"I said you are a grown man. Can you please stop being so petty? Belmod just cares too much about Mao Lilan, so he just made such a mistake, and it didn't cause you any inconvenience. Why do you have to hold on to me so that you can't touch me? Let it go, be more generous."

Xiao Bai glanced at Nangong Nayue and then said to Nangong Nayue:"For your sake, I don't have to argue with Belmod, but don't let it happen again. , if there is another time, then I will not guarantee whether anything will happen, and there is no problem in letting the other party go, but there must be small punishments and big warnings."

However, before Xiao Bai could take action, Nangong stepped forward that month. He grabbed Xiao Bai's hand and said,"I will punish Belmod properly in the future. Okay, don't argue with Belmod now. I promise that I will give Belmod what he deserves in the future." Punishment, can you still not trust me?"

Looking at Nangong Nayue, there was a hint of doubt in his eyes, why did Belmode let Nangong Nayue protect him, and what kind of deal was there between the two of them.

But with the suspicion in Xiao Bai’s eyes, Nangong Nayue could only shake his head helplessly!

"Belmod is a very good spy. He plays a very important role in my hands and has made a lot of great contributions to me. Naturally, I cannot just watch what happens to Belmod. You should know how rare it is to have an excellent subordinate."

That's true. It's not easy to find an excellent subordinate.

"Okay, this time for your sake I won’t argue with Belmode!"

Hearing that Xiao Bai was willing to let him go, Bellmod felt relieved.

Nangong quickly took Bellmod away that month. Bellmod didn't know what he would do if he continued to stay here. If something happens, it's better to let this guy leave quickly.

After receiving yesterday's sign-in reward, Xiao Bai sighed as he looked at some worthless things. Luck is sometimes really good. It makes people love and hate at the same time!"

Xiao Bai lived a very relaxed life in the days after that. He fished every day, and then wrote in a diary to receive rewards. Unfortunately, the rewards during this period of time were not very good.

Until this day, Kirishima Shoko went on a date with Xiao Bai.

It’s still the same amusement park from two years ago!

It’s just that two years ago, it was Kirishima Shoko and Sakamoto Yuji, but two years later it was replaced by Xiao Bai and Kirishima Shoko.

"On this day two years ago, you came to save me. It was from that moment on that I had a crush on you and fell in love with you!"

Xiao Bai scratched his cheek and felt a little embarrassed.

"I didn't have any other thoughts at the time. I just felt that this guy Xiong Er was a little too inappropriate. He was obviously a good girl, but he didn't take it to heart at all. He was really a bastard."

"Want to know why I like Sakamoto? Xiao

Bai looked at Kirishima Shoko and shook his head:"No matter why you liked Sakamoto before, it doesn't matter. It's enough that you like me now!"

Kirishima Shoko heard Xiao Bai's words and said to Xiao Bai:"Kiss me!""

Xiao Bai chuckled, hugged Kirishima Shoko, and kissed Kirishima Shoko's lips.

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