After hearing this scream, Xiao Bai immediately guessed what happened. As expected, when Xiao Bai and Yuki Asuna walked over, they smelled the smell of blood.

Yuuki Asuna's face turned slightly pale. It was hard to imagine that such a situation would happen. Then Yuuki Asuna's eyes saw the death god Edogawa Conan.

Although Yuuki Asuna had already known the power of the Shinigami elementary school student Edogawa Conan from Xiaobai's diary, it was only after seeing where he went and died that Yuuki Asuna realized that she was still Too naive, underestimated the power of this death student

"Go and take a look, maybe you'll find something."

A company that was originally on the verge of bankruptcy now has something like this happening again. Next, Xiaobai can already predict what kind of difficulties Yuki Asuna's family will encounter.

But these things For Xiao Bai, they are all small problems that can be solved easily., Xiao Bai is concerned about why these properties in Asuna Yuuki's family are recruiting people to target them so.

If we don’t understand why Yuuki Asuna’s company was targeted for these issues, even if Xiao Bai helped Yuuki Asuna overcome this difficulty this time, it will still happen next time. Only Only by solving the problem at its root can it be solved once and for all.

At this time, Xiao Bai suddenly felt that he was hit by someone. He turned his head to look at Xiao Bai and found an intellectual woman wearing glasses.

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry now. Please allow me to sincerely apologize to you later!"

Xiao Bai didn't say much when he heard this sentence. He just glanced at the woman in front of him and said,"I think we should have the same thing, let's do it together."

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he slightly released his momentum. Suddenly, the people in front of him felt a pressure one by one and then subconsciously gave way.

Xiao Bai looked at the woman wearing glasses. Said:"Please!"

After he finished speaking, he walked forward on his own. The woman wearing glasses looked at Xiao Bai and was stunned for a moment, then immediately followed her.

Xiao Bai took Asuna Yuki to the scene of the crime. Then I saw a man nailed to death in the bathroom stall, with blood flowing out of the door. From the open door, it looked like the man was still alive. Yuki Asuna's body trembled slightly, and she subconsciously He grabbed Xiao Bai's hand with one hand.

Xiao Bai looked at Yuuki Asuna's appearance and gently comforted Yuuki Asuna in his arms:"Don't worry, it's just a dead person, there's nothing to be afraid of!""

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, Yuuki Asuna still didn't raise her head from Xiao Bai's arms. The woman wearing glasses who followed Xiao Bai said to Xiao Bai:"As a boy, shouldn't you? Pay attention to something? Letting girls watch this kind of scene is not the behavior a boy should do"

"This is just pediatrics. If he wants to stay with me, what he will experience in the future will be 1,000 times or 100 million times more cruel than this one."

Xiao Bai is destined to be with a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. If Yuuki Asuna wants to stay by Xiao Bai's side, she must learn to deal with this kind of thing. Now, just a corpse will destroy Yuuki Asuna." Nai was so frightened that Yuki Asuna was obviously not suitable to stay with Xiao Bai. Yuki Asuna, who was originally hiding in Xiao Bai's arms, was silent for a moment and then gradually raised her head and looked at Xiao Bai with firm eyes. Bai:"I will never back down."

Looking at Yuki Asuna's appearance in front of him, Xiao Bai laughed and said,"You are indeed the hero among girls that I value."

Then he kissed Yuuki Asuna and said,"Then you stay here and I'll go over and take a look!"

Xiao Bai said that he was about to walk towards the corpse, but a voice immediately stopped Xiao Bai at the next moment.

"Stop, now we have to maintain the scene and wait for the police to arrive."

Edogawa Conan stopped in front of Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai stared at Edogawa Conan coldly. The way Edogawa Conan didn't take human life seriously in his life directly frightened Edogawa Conan. Jump.

Edogawa Conan even subconsciously regarded Xiao Bai in front of him as a criminal, that is, a murderer


For this Edogawa Conan, Xiao Bai is not like other fan fiction protagonists who will have a good relationship with each other. Xiao Bai hates Kudo Shinichi's character, and he also doesn't like Edogawa Conan.

So Xiao Bai Bai didn't want to have a good relationship with the other party, and he was equally unpretentious towards Edogawa Conan who was standing in front of him. The next moment, a vast murderous intention broke out, but it was only aimed at Edogawa Conan, just for an instant. Edogawa Conan was already frightened to the point of peeing.

Looking at Edogawa Conan who was frightened to pee by himself, Xiao Bai sneered without saying anything more and walked towards the corpse.

But the next moment Xiao Bai Bai suddenly turned sideways and clamped a 703 anesthesia needle between his fingers.

Xiao Bai turned his head and looked at Edogawa Conan coldly, with a hint of killing intent flashing in his eyes.

Xiao Bai had no intention of getting used to it. With this Edogawa Conan

"Sorry, sorry, this child of mine has caused trouble for you!"

At this time, Mouri Kogoro quickly came out and punched Edogawa Conan hard on the head, and then immediately pulled Edogawa Conan back.

Xiao Bai glanced at Edogawa Conan coldly. Then he looked at Mouri Kogoro.

This guy was not simple. He was able to step out and pull Kudo Shinichi back despite his own murderous intent. It seemed that an investigation needed to be done on Moori Kogoro.

Xiao Bai withdrew his gaze and came to the body. The next moment in front of the corpse, a black figure emerged from Xiao Bai's shadow. This black figure and the corpse quickly merged, and then the corpse spoke under the unbelievable circumstances of everyone.

"The murderer was Kishimoto. The other party chose to kill because he could not repay the loan. The evidence that the other party committed the murder was on the other party's belt, which was stained with the blood of the deceased."

Then the black shadow broke away from the corpse and merged into Xiao Bai's shadow.

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