British Embassy in Ming Dynasty.

After receiving a call from Eri Sawamura, the British Ambassador to the Ming Dynasty, Charles James, immediately went to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ming Dynasty.

Charles James directly handed the video that Eiri Sawamura gave him to Jiang Xiaobai, the deputy minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ming Dynasty. Jiang Xiaobai finished watching the video with a smile on his face, and then asked James Charles with a smile on his face. :"So what do you mean?"

James Charles looked at Jiang Xiaobai in front of him and said seriously:"We strongly request the other party to arrest this person and hand him over to us for trial. The other party's words and deeds have seriously affected him. Friend Fang and I."

The serious expression on Charles James's face made Jiang Xiaobai smile:"Our Ming Dynasty is a democratic country. We will not judge crimes based on words and deeds, and the words spoken by the other party are not enough to constitute any Therefore, we cannot agree to Ambassador Charles' request!"

Charles James showed an expression of disbelief on his face, and then looked at Jiang Xiaobai in front of him and said:"Minister Jiang, you must know that the other party's words and deeds have seriously damaged him. This will affect the friendship between the two of us. I advise Minister Jiang to think about it carefully." Jiang

Xiaobai glanced at Charles James in front of him, and then he still had a smile on his face:" This sentence is really interesting. If I remember correctly, many people in Britain are cursing our Holy Emperor as a dictator, butcher, and tyrant. So, can you hand over these individuals to us? I know that these personal remarks of the other party have deeply hurt the hearts of our people in the Ming Dynasty."

Charles James looked at Jiang Xiaobai with an angry look in his eyes

"Minister Jiang Xiaobai, are you sure you want to antagonize us in Britain for such a person?"

Looking at Charles James in front of him, Jiang Xiaobai still had a faint smile on his face and looked gentle.

"Our Ming Dynasty is a democratic country, so we will not judge the crime of a citizen just because he tells some facts."

Charles James looked ugly and stood up without saying anything.

"I have to say that we in Britain are very disappointed in each other!"

After Charles James finished speaking, he left directly.

As for Jiang Xiaobai, he was drinking tea slowly, with a hint of ridicule in his eyes.

After a long time, he was sure that Charles James was gone, and then Jiang Xiaobai let go. Teacup cursed:"What a street thing, what a piece of bullshit Britain, they are just the descendants of a group of bandits, and they dare to threaten my Ming Dynasty, eat shit!""

This look is like a scoundrel scolding the streets.

"A bunch of idiots want us to deal with that one!"

Jiang Xiaobai, as the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, happens to have a cabinet minister in his family, so he has already been informed of Xiao Bai's identity, and made it clear that he must not offend Xiao Bai. It is precisely for this reason that it seems After finishing the video, Jiang Xiaobai was so arrogant that he didn't even bother to waste time with these people in Britain, and just beat them away.

Otherwise, if it were another person, Jiang Xiaobai, even though he would not arrest people either, he would still He would argue with these British guys for a while, but after seeing that it was Xiao Bai, Jiang Xiaobai didn't even bother to argue.


Eiri Sawamura looked at An Yilun in front of her with a trace of her eyes. It's complicated.

If it weren't for An Yilun, she Sawamura Eiri would not have reached this point today.

At this time, Sawamura Eiri may have no love for An Yilun, but looking at An Yilun, she also Now that she is in this miserable state, Eiri Sawamura still feels sorry for An Yilun.

"Don't worry, Lun Ye, I will avenge you, so you can go with peace of mind."

Eri Sawamura stretched out her hand and pinched An Yilun's neck and then gradually tightened the force. An Yilun also stared and struggled instinctively. He opened his mouth wide as if he wanted to breathe air, but An Yilun, who had no arms or legs, There was no room for resistance at all, and soon An Yilun stopped breathing completely.

Looking at An Yirun who stared with his eyes wide open and his mouth open, looking like he was still dead, Sawamura Eiri looked at An Yirun. Said:"Don't worry, I will send Xiao Bai to accompany you soon!"

There is no fluctuation in the eyes. The passing of a life in Sawamura Eiri's eyes at this moment is like trampling an ant to death.

She picked up a tissue and wiped off the stained Aki on her hands. As the saliva flowed from Tonya's mouth, Eri Sawamura glanced at An Yirunya with a little disgust, then walked out of the bathroom and washed his hands, and walked out not long after, without even looking at An Yirunya's body. Room

"Yinglili, news came from the British Embassy in the Ming Dynasty that the Ming Dynasty rejected our request."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Sawamura Eiri, who had just walked out, frowned slightly when she heard the bad news, but then relaxed her brows. The threat of Britain was not a threat to the Ming Dynasty at all. It's not worth paying attention to. What's more, I'm afraid that the threat of Britain is probably a joke in the eyes of the Ming Dynasty. Sawamura

Eiri was a little disappointed but didn't say much.

Artolis looked at Sawamura. Eiri felt that there had been some changes in Eiri Sawamura, but she didn't know where exactly (Li's) changes had occurred.

Eiri Sawamura said to Artolis:"Let's get ready to go back!

Artolis asked in surprise:"Are you going back like this?""

Sawamura Eiri nodded and confirmed without saying anything. Then she picked up the hotel phone and made a call.

Not long after, someone came up and entered the room. Not long after, they took a shroud from the room. The body of Tomoya Aki came out with the bag in it.

Artolis looked at Eri Sawamura and

"I helped him free himself, and it would be nothing but pain for him to live in that way again."

Artolis didn't say anything, but at this moment Artolis did feel that Sawamura Eiri had changed, but Artolis didn't know how he should face the current Sawamura Eiri. Pear..

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