Yukinoshita Yukino was very unconvinced, but Mrs. Yukinoshita looked at her daughter in front of her with very cold eyes.

Mrs. Yukinoshita has feelings for this daughter, but on this matter, Mrs. Yukinoshita will not give in just because Yukinoshita Yukino is her daughter.

"Does it really have to look like this?"

Yukinoshita Yukino is a little unwilling. Does her mother really want to compete with her daughter for a man? Even if she wins the bet this time, it will only be three months. Three months later, her mother will still be Yukinoshita Yukino would seduce Xiao Bai, and when she thought of this, Yukinoshita Yukino felt her scalp explode.

But in the end, Yukinoshita Yukino agreed, not because of the three months promised by Mrs. Yukinoshita. To seduce Xiao Bai, Yukinoshita Yukino wanted to see if Xiao Bai would be seduced by her mother.

"Then go ahead and leave Xiao Bai alone."

Yukinoshita Yukino glanced at her mother without saying anything and turned away.

23 Xiao Bai was waiting for Yukinoshita Yukino in the distant courtyard. Xiao Bai didn't know Yukinoshita Yukino and her What on earth are the mothers going to talk about?

【I don’t know what Yukino is talking about with Mrs. Yukinoshita. It can’t be because of what I just did, but the weaker you are as a woman like Mrs. Yukinoshita, the weaker Mrs. Yukinoshita will be. She is strong, so if she wants Mrs. Yukinoshita to have a normal conversation, she must first shock the other party.】

【Normally, this is the process, but I forgot that the other party is Yukino's mother. How could Yukino be indifferent to me bullying my mother? 】

Just when Xiao Bai was thinking wildly, Yukinoshita Yukino came out and came to Xiao Bai and said:"My mother wants to talk to you alone, so I will go back first."

Looking at Yukinoshita Yukino, Xiao Bai always felt that Yukinoshita Yukino seemed a little unhappy.

Xiao Bai was a little embarrassed:"Sorry Xueno, I didn't mean to target your mother."

"It's okay, then I'll leave first, and hurry in, my mother is waiting for you!"

In order to test Xiao Bai's attitude, Yukinoshita Yukino did not reveal anything about the bet between herself and her mother.

"Okay, don't worry, I'll be more careful next time."

Yukinoshita Yukino nodded slightly and then left, but Yukinoshita Yukino was paying attention to the diary all the time!

There is a diary in Yukinoshita Yukino. I believe that if Xiao Bai does something, he will definitely do it. Record it in the diary, and then you will be able to clearly understand what Xiao Bai did.

Xiao Bai entered the room after Yukinoshita Yukino left.

After entering the room, Xiao Bai I apologized to Mrs. Yukinoshita for my previous rudeness:"Sorry, madam, I was rude before!

Mrs. Yukinoshita shook her head:"It's okay.""

But then Mrs. Yukinoshita said to Xiao Bai what I said about you and Yukino. I have no objection, but I hope you can agree to me a condition. As long as you are willing to agree to this condition, let alone Yukino, Even if you want me and Yang Nai, that's fine."

Xiao Bai:? ? ?

【Something is wrong, something is super wrong. Is this Mrs. Yukinoshita really okay?】

"As long as Madam agrees with Yukino and I, please speak up if you have any conditions. I will definitely not let Madam down if I can do it!"

"It's not a troublesome thing, I just hope you can take more care of Yukinoshita's family in Neon."

Xiao Bai breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Mrs. Snow's request. Fortunately, it was not a problem, so Xiao Bai immediately agreed.

"I can agree with this without any problem."

Mrs. Yukinoshita heard the words and bowed slightly:"I am grateful!"

I don't know if it was because of Mrs. Yukinoshita's carelessness. After she lowered her body, the collar seemed to be loosened a little. Xiao Bai immediately saw Mrs. Yukinoshita's white skin. He immediately looked away and Xiao Bai felt in his heart. The noodles crackled. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【thisIt turns out that his mother shouldn't be able toIt's just a misunderstanding, but let's not say it. It should be said that she is indeed a wife who can handle Taole. No normal man can stand up to her. If I hadn't been in a relationship with Yukino, then I guess it would only take a little hint. Mrs. Yukinoshita probably recommended herself as a pillow mat.】

【But obviously now, even if it’s just because of Yukino, I can’t have anything to do with this Mrs. Yukinoshita. If something happens to me and this lady, I can almost foresee that Yukino will definitely break up with me. Break up!】

【Thirty-six strategies: walking is the best strategy, run away quickly!】

"Madam, please rest assured that the Yukinoshita family will definitely grow stronger in Neon in the future, so if there is nothing else to do, I will leave first."

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he was about to stand up and leave, but Mrs. Yukinoshita stood up and suddenly ran for two steps, and then hugged Xiao Bai from behind.

Xiao Bai's body stiffened instantly.


"Yukino and Yangno are not at home, so no one will know what happened. Only you and I know about this matter."

Xiao Bai's body trembled slightly, and then Mrs. Yukinoshita took two steps back. Then Xiao Bai said:"Madam, there is no need to do this. My promise will always be valid, as long as Yukinoshita does not make any principled mistakes. I guarantee that the snow will be prosperous"

"I hope Madam will completely forget what happened today. Nothing happened today!"

After saying that, Xiao Bai left directly. Looking at Xiao Bai leaving, Mrs. Xuexia laughed.

"You can't escape!"

Mrs. Yukinoshita looked at Xiao Bai and became more and more eager!

Who said that the more dignified a woman is on the surface, the more dissolute she is on the inside. Once you meet a woman who can conquer this kind of woman With a man, you would never imagine what crazy things he would do!

【Yukino, Yukino, I rejected your mother's temptation for you. You have to make up for me well. But don't say that Mrs. Yukinoshita is really good at it. If Yukino is a black iron rank, then Yukinoshita Madam is a perfect king, no wonder those two-spined salamanders like to have mothers and daughters as Cao thieves, hiss!!! 】.

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