As the plane landed, Xiao Bai walked alone to the place in his memory. Now Xiao Bai was a little confused. He felt that his previous life was arranged by someone.

So now Xiao Bai came to the only place in his memory that still made him feel warm.

After riding in the car for several hours, Xiao Bai finally returned to the place in his memory, but what he saw was a collapsed house. Xiao Bai's memory couldn't help but drift to his memory before he was seven years old.

The woman's eyes and smile still echoed in Xiao Bai's memory. The corners of Xiao Bai's lips slightly curved, and he said in gentle words:"I'm back~."

Xiao Bai walked past that place. A piece of ruins, and then came to the back mountain, still holding some things bought on the way to commemorate, but when Xiao Bai arrived at the destination, the things in Xiao Bai's hands fell to the ground.

Looking at the turned-up soil and the smashed urn on the ground, Xiao Bai froze, as if like a walking zombie. Step by step, Xiao Bai walked towards the urn that was smashed on the ground. -past.

The ashes in the urn were blown away by the wind or something else. Only the fragments of the urn were left on the ground. Xiao Bai squatted down and picked up the fragments of the urn. Then Xiao Bai looked at with collapsed and smashed tombstones.


There was a sudden thunder in the sky, and then heavy raindrops continued to fall. In just a moment, Xiao Bai's whole body was soaked, and his hair that fell down due to the rain covered Xiao Bai's eyes.

Neon, in Xiao Bai's villa, Nayako, who was playing with a handheld device, suddenly put down the handheld handheld device. Her eyes seemed to penetrate the space and see Xiao Bai standing in the rain.

Nayako then looked at Tifa and the others next to them and said,"Hey, whoever among you can find the Master and stop him as soon as possible. Otherwise, the Master may do something to destroy the world. Although I thought it was good at the time, but if this world was destroyed, I would probably be very bored."

"Nayako, what happened? Tifa asked Nayako, but Nayako said casually:"I don't want to say this, but do it as soon as possible. Otherwise, I can't guarantee what the Master will do.""

Tifa immediately told Nangong Nayue and the others what Nayako said in the diary copy holder chat room. At the same time, Nangong Nayue, Yakumo Purple and the others also immediately started looking for Xiao Bai.

It rained for three days and three nights. Xiao Bai also stood here for three days and three nights, holding the fragments of the urn in his hand. Xiao Bai has been thinking about one question for these three days, why!

What did she do wrong? Why can't I find peace even after death? Memories in my mind keep emerging, scenes of living with that woman. The final scenes gradually fragmented, and those scenes shattered into countless fragments

"Haha, haha, hahaha, hahaha!!!!"

Xiao Bai laughed, the laughter was heartbreaking, and he didn't know whether it was rain or tears flowing down his eyes. The next moment, the dark fog spread out from Xiao Bai's feet. In a moment, Xiao Bai was where he was. The moment the villagers in that village were entangled in the black mist, they were transformed into deep divers by Xiao Bai.

These deep divers came to Xiao Bai one by one. Xiao Bai watched these deep divers use The extremely calm voice asked:"Tell me, who did it."

Soon Xiao Bai knew who did it from these people's mouths. Xiao Bai's mouth opened with a smile, and then he gave an order to these deep divers:"Go kill people, kill them when you see them. , until you die!"

Xiao Bai ignored those deep divers and ignored the mud on the ground. He sat directly on the ground and put the urn fragments in his hands aside. Then he leaned back and lay on the ground next to him. It’s the fallen tombstone:"Why do you think you are so unfortunate? Why can others be happy but you are so unlucky? No peace even in death?"

"But don’t worry, those who hurt you, I will make those people even more miserable. Those who hurt you, I will make them suffer a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times more than you."

The rain hit Xiao Bai's face, but Xiao Bai just lay on the ground with a big font, closed his eyes and smiled, his laughter gradually became unscrupulous.

And those deep divers got Xiao Bai's order was then carried out conscientiously and perfectly, killing everyone on sight, and soon there was countless killings and deaths!

These villagers watched helplessly as Xiao Bai's mother's grave was dug without stopping them, then they What's the use of living?

To vent his anger, Xiao Bai vented his anger, but Xiao Bai didn't regret it at all. In Xiao Bai's eyes, these people deserved to die!

As for Neon,

"Xiao Bai has not recorded a diary for four days!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The faces of the group of girls at this time were full of anxiety. Xiao Bai had not recorded a diary for four days. What happened? What happened? Xiao Bai didn't record a diary for so long.

Nangong and the others were also looking for Xiao Bai that month, but they never found Xiao Bai's whereabouts. It was as if Xiao Bai suddenly disappeared from the world.


"A large-scale monster killing occurred in the Shu region of the Ming Dynasty?"

After hearing the news, Nangong Nayue seemed to have thought of something, and immediately asked Yakumo Zi to take him to the destination.

Nangong Nayue looked at Xiao Bai in the mud, and looked at the dug grave. , I suddenly understood what happened.

Holding an umbrella and walking in front of Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai opened his eyes and looked at Nangong Nayue:"You're here."

Then Xiao Bai looked at the sky still shrouded in dark clouds with dull eyes:"But you came a little late."

Nangong came to Xiao Bai holding an umbrella that month, looked at Xiao Bai and said:"You Mother wouldn't want to see you like this either"

"Is it important? She's dead, and she can't even have peace of mind even if she's dead. It's my fault. I should have killed them long ago. If they're dead, then she won't have peace of mind even if she's dead."

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