Shinomiya Kaguya, no, at this moment it should be said that Horaiyama Kaguya looked at Shinomiya Qingryu in front of him and shook his head:"What a disgusting hypocritical guy!"

This kind of evaluation of Horaiyama Kaguya , Shinomiya Qinglong was slightly stunned, and then he seemed to understand something, looked at Shinomiya Kaguya and said:"It's not Kaguya, but Kaguya's contracted spirit?"

"Although I don’t know how Kaguya made a contract with you, how about giving up on Kaguya? I can give you more than Kaguya"

"Ha, I have no interest in men like you. Well, it’s time for me to fulfill my contract!"

A branch that looked like white jade with branches dotted with five-color gems appeared in the hands of Kaguya Hōraiyama.

"Let me disappear!"

Hoglai Mountain Kaguya gently waved the Penglai jade branch in his hand, leaving five colors of light in the air. The light instantly turned into balls of light and smashed towards the Fourth Palace Qinglong.

"It's a pity that there is so little strength that can be exerted. Even the weakest spell card cannot be activated, let alone attacks above the spell card level."

There was some regret in Horaishan Kaguya's words, but Horaishan Kaguya didn't realize that Shinomiya Qinglong could withstand his casual attacks. He was just a low-level shadow demon that could be killed with just a wave of his hand. ~!

But something unexpected happened. The shadow demon actually swallowed all the attacks directed at the Fourth Palace Qinglong. The Fourth Palace Qinglong did not suffer any damage.

This time, the Horaishan Kaguya suddenly I have a bad premonition. When will a weak monster like the shadow demon be able to swallow his own attack without any damage?

"It seems that your attack is not effective, so it is time to take action, Shadow Demon!"

The dark shadow demon instantly turned into a ball of ink, and then the shadow demon turned into a beast, but there was no shadow under the feet of this beast.

Kaguya Horaishan:

Damn, it’s overturned. It’s rare for me to come out once, and the result is that the car overturns. Is it drafted? Is it drafted? Do you hear me?

Horaishan Kaguya cursed in anger, but there was nothing she could do. The contract between her and Shinomiya Kaguya had just been concluded, and she used the method of divine descent to control Shinomiya Kaguya's body, but Shinomiya Kaguya's body was already Being weak and unable to withstand too much power, Horaishan Kaguya couldn't even increase her power.

Once too much power is used, Shinomiya Kaguya's body is like a large amount of air injected into a balloon, and then explodes!

But fortunately, Horaisan Kaguya suddenly felt a familiar feeling, which put a smile on Horaisan Kaguya's face again.

"Yakumo Murasaki, stop watching the show and come out to clean up the mess. You don’t want to see anything happen to Shinomiya Kaguya, do you?"

Xiao Bai and Yakumo Purple, who were hiding in the gap, slightly twitched the corners of their mouths. This woman, Horaishan Kaguya, is a bit...

Yakumo Zi looked at Xiao Bai:"Are you going to take action?"

"Take action, Kaguya can't get into trouble, and it's okay to catch one of the Twelve Members!"

After Xiao Bai finished speaking, a gap appeared, and then Xiao Bai walked out of the gap, looking at Penglai Mountain Huiye with a look of disgust in his eyes:"Wait!"

Horaiyama Kaguya's eyes widened, and his whole body trembled with anger, a waste?

This dog man actually said that he was a waste?

Then Horaiyama Kaguya began to explain, why Shinomiya Kaguya can't bear her too much With so much power, it’s hard to understand why if it’s your own body and you wave your hand here, you can kill the shadow demon.

"One of the twelve members of the Liberation Association unexpectedly caught a big fish for me!"

Sigong Qinglong's expression suddenly changed, and then he immediately ordered the shadow demon:"Kill them!"

The shadow demon instantly attacked Xiao Bai, arriving in an instant, but after the shadow demon's sharp claws touched Xiao Bai's body, the whole body disappeared without a trace in an instant, as if the ice melted and the snow melted. trace!

"Do you have any other trump cards?"

Xiao Bai looked at Sigong Qinglong and asked, but then gave up:"The villain dies because he talks too much, I'd better take action directly!"

The green wind came in an instant and wrapped around the body of Sigong Qinglong. Sigong Qinglong fell to the ground and began to scream. What surprised Xiao Bai was that Sigong Qinglong could hold on longer than the original gin, which was enough. A full seven hours, a full seven hours of screams, before Si Gong Qing Long was transformed into a faceless man. Looking at the sky outside, it was already bright. Xiao Bai could not imagine that Si Gong Qing Long's will was like this. tenacity

"Tell me everything you know about the Liberation Meeting!"

Xiao Bai immediately gave the order to Si Gong Qinglong. Si Gong Qinglong told Xiao Bai what he knew. The code names of the twelve high-level members of the Guangfu Association were combined with the twelve earthly branches + zodiac signs, such as Si Gong. Qinglong's code name is Si She, but even the Twelve Members do not know the other party's identity. There is only one person who truly knows who the Twelve Members are, and that is the person codenamed Tian Locust. The other party is considered the real member of the Restoration Society. The controller of

Tian Locust?

After hearing this word, Xiao Bai looked at the Fourth Palace and asked in confusion:"Didn't it mean that the Tian Locust clan had been drowned in the manure pit by Emperor Shengzong?"

"No one can be sure whether the other party is really a member of the Locust Clan, and no one cares whether the other party is a member of the Locust Clan. Every senior member of the Guangfuhui joined the Guangfuhui for their own purposes. Just like me, I joined the Restoration Society in order to control the Shinomiya family and use the power of the Restoration Society to get what I want."

"I will try to figure out who the remaining eleven members are, and find out the locust. Then I will find out whether the other party slipped through the net or is a real imposter. No matter whether the other party is true or false, as long as I find it, I don't mind letting him experience the treatment of a locust and drowning him in a manure pit!"


Xiao Bai looked at Shinomiya Yan'an and Shinomiya Kaguya:"Kaguya, I plan to let Shinomiya Qinglong take charge of the Shinomiya family. You"


Shinomiya Kaguya agreed directly without any hesitation. Xiao Bai smiled at Shinomiya Kaguya and said:"I will make it up to you!""


Before Kaguya Shinomiya could speak, Xiao Bai interrupted directly:"That condition is absolutely unacceptable and I will not agree to it, so Kaguya, don't say anything!".

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