With Gui Yanye, Xiao Bai came to Gui Yanye's home and met Gui Manami. After seeing Gui Yanye, Gui Manami directly angrily scolded:"I went out so late and even brought a man home. I I don’t remember teaching you this way!"

Gui Yanye shrank in fear after being scolded by his mother, but Xiao Bai on the side patted Gui Yanye’s shoulder and gave Gui Yanye a relieved smile, and then Looking at Katsura Manami:"You should thank Kotonoye. At least you can survive because of Kotonoye's plea. Otherwise, you will die!"

Katsura Manami suddenly felt angry, but before Katsura Manami could say anything, , the green wind had already wrapped around Katsura Manami's body, Katsura Manami just screamed and then fell to the ground.

But it only took a moment for Manami Katsura to turn into a faceless person. Xiao Bai looked at Manami Katsura in shock.

Whether it is transforming a deep diver or transforming into a faceless being, the first prerequisite for successful transformation is that there is no resistance in the heart. The stronger the resistance, the more painful it will be for the resister.

But there was no resistance at all in Katsura Manami's heart. This made Xiao Bai not sure what to say, but now that she had been transformed, Xiao Bai also began to ask for the news he wanted.

"Are you a member of the Liberation Association and are you related to the Liberation Association?"

Manami Katsura looked at Xiao Bai with fanaticism in her eyes. When she heard Xiao Bai's question, she immediately replied:"Master, I am not a member of the Restoration Society, but my husband may be."

"What about your husband?"

"He didn't come back more than a few times a year and was mysterious all year round."

Xiao Bai's brows furrowed, and he looked at Gui Manami in front of him and asked:"Can you find an excuse to let him come back?"

"I'm afraid not. Once I do this, the other party will become suspicious."

Xiao Bai's brows suddenly twisted up. Xiao Bai frowned and looked at Gui Manami:"Then there is no way to find your husband?"

"I have his phone number and can contact him, but there is no way to get him back. I am really very sorry, Master."


Suddenly Xiao Bai's eyes lit up. He might not have no chance to find the other party. He looked at Gui Manami and said:"Call your husband now. You can think of the reason yourself, as long as it doesn't make the other party suspicious."

The blue wind suddenly blew up, and then disappeared. It didn't disappear, but completely integrated into the air.

"Husband, Yan Ye is back with his boyfriend. Do you want to come back and take care of this matter?"

"I still have something to do outside. Regarding the matter of Yan Ye’s boyfriend, let him leave directly. I will choose the partner of Yan Ye and Xin. This matter has been decided like this. If there is no other matter, this matter will be this. It looks like that."

The phone then hung up, but Xiao Bai raised a smile and found it!

The neon-filled wind helped Xiao Bai find the person he was looking for.

Xiao Bai did not expect that Gui Yanye's father was there. In Yuanyue Resort, there is a certain distance from Yuanyue Palace, but not too far.

Xiao Bai looked at Gui Yanye and Gui Xin:"I will plant black goat's eggs for you, black goat's eggs It will give you strength, but at the same time, I will kill you once you have the idea of ​​betraying me."

Sowing the eggs of the black goat for Gui Yanye and Gui Xin, Xiao Bai then greeted Yakumo Zi and asked him to take him back to Totsuki Resort, and then successfully captured Gui Yanye's father Gui Xiaolu Taro!

When they met, he transformed the other person into a faceless man. The other person didn't react at all. By the time he did, he was already one of Xiao Bai's most loyal dependents.

"Tell everything you know about the Restoration Society."

Xiao Bai did not talk nonsense with Katsura Kojitaro, and directly asked him to tell him all the information he knew about the Restoration Society. As Katsura Kojitaro told Xiao Bai, he realized how heartless and crazy the people of the Restoration Society were. , these people of the Guangfuhui are no better than those who invaded China in Xiao Baiyuan's world. The

Guangfuhui is so crazy that it wants to kill 999 chefs in order to pollute the legendary kitchen utensils, and is born using 999 yin hours, yin months, and yin days. A baby under one year old mixed the blood of these chefs to create a blood pool, and soaked the legendary kitchen utensils in the blood pool to completely lose their spirituality. After hearing this, Xiao Bai felt endless anger burning in his heart.

【Sure enough, the Neon people are so crazy and inhumane at their core. They really want to completely destroy this despicable nation! 】

The murderous intention rising in my heart made the originally moonlit sky with sparse stars turn gloomy, and even when I looked up, I felt as if there was a sense of oppression as if the sky was about to collapse!

The expressions of the diary copy holders who saw the diary also sank. What happened to make Xiao Bai so angry that he even lost his mind and said such words. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Killing 999,683 chefs, using 999 babies born on the yin time, yin month, and yin day to create a blood pool, soaking the legendary kitchen utensils in the blood pool, causing the legendary kitchen utensils to completely lose their spirituality. Only these beasts in their childhood could do such a thing! 】

All the holders of the diary copy changed their minds after seeing this diary!

At the same time, they could also understand why Xiao Bai was so angry. Not to mention Xiao Bai, they themselves doubted whether such a person could really be called a human being?

If they were Xiao Bai, they would probably have the same idea as Xiao Bai

【Huh, calm down, calm down, the same rice feeds all kinds of people, you can't kill everyone with one shot for this reason, Yukino, Xiaomei, Kaguya, Erina, Alice, Yuan Guo are also neon people, they are not like They are those beasts, so they cannot be killed with one shot! 】

The dark clouds in the sky gradually dispersed, and a ray of moonlight penetrated the clouds in the sky, making everyone feel relaxed. Everyone just felt as if the sky was about to collapse in the next moment. But now, as a ray of moonlight penetrated the clouds in the sky and shone down, everyone immediately put their hearts back in their stomachs..

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