A mushroom cloud rose in the sky, and if that dazzling white light were not for Xiao Bai, Tifa knew that she would definitely go blind because of it!

No, I'm afraid they're all turned to ashes now!

"Damn, those son-of-a-bitch politicians, how dare they, they actually dropped a nuclear bomb on Raccoon City!"

Tifa couldn't hold back and yelled angrily. Those damn politicians actually threw a nuclear bomb at Raccoon City. But what shocked Tifa even more was that Xiao Bai was able to block even the nuclear bomb!

"Bai, you can actually block even a nuclear bomb!"

Although Tifa saw Xiao Bai saying in the diary that he could destroy the world, it was obvious that Tifa did not think that Xiao Bai could really destroy the world. But now after seeing that Xiao Bai withstood the nuclear bomb so easily, Tifa She was completely frightened, and then she was worried. Since Xiao Bai can stop the nuclear bomb, can he really destroy the world?

Tifa, who was frightened by her own thoughts, looked at Xiao Bai with horror in her eyes. Just assume Tifa is shocked that she can intercept a nuclear bomb

"To be honest, although I knew it could be done, I didn’t expect it to be so easy!"

Xiao Bai originally thought that Cthulhu and the others were very strong, but within the scope of understanding. However, this time Xiao Bai found that his vision was too small. The power of Cthulhu and the others in this world was not What I can understand, in a more understandable way, is that Cthulhu and the others are high-dimensional creatures, while Xiao Bai is only a three-dimensional creature!

Therefore, to resist nuclear bombs, it is necessary to temporarily raise the dimension, and then lower the latitude. Weapons cannot cause damage to things at high latitudes at all!

"Falk, those son-of-a-bitch politicians, how dare they drop a nuclear bomb in their own country!"

Not far away from Xiao Bai and Tifa, the same sound of cursing came. Tifa immediately looked towards the source of the sound. In the middle, a woman was cursing those politicians.

Xiao Bai also followed suit. Looking in the direction, Xiao Bai then found that the man looked familiar.

"Bai, if we see a survivor, let's take her away with us!"

Facing Tifa's request, Xiao Bai nodded and agreed. Anyway, so many people have died, so there is no less than this one.

And more importantly, the other party looked familiar to Xiao Bai, so Xiao Bai He didn't mind saving the other person's life!

Soon Tifa stepped forward and brought the other person back. Then Tifa said to Xiao Bai:"Her name is Natalie, she is a survivor of Raccoon City, just right We're leaving and taking Natalie with us."


Xiao Bai felt a little familiar when he heard this name, but he couldn't remember it, so he nodded and agreed to let the other party leave with them.

Natalie looked at Xiao Bai and Tifa, and then said in amazement:"It's hard to Believe me, your bodies are actually spotless!"

Looking at the clothes of Xiao Bai and Tifa, Natalie had a look of surprise on her face.

Tifa looked at Xiao Bai and herself, they were indeed spotless, and then said to Natalie:"This is My boyfriend Bai, he has some super powers, so he can protect me."

Natalie was stunned, then nodded, but a trace of suspicion about Xiao Bai flashed in her eyes. Then Natalie secretly took a photo of Xiao Bai while Tifa wasn't paying attention, and then passed it on. Arriving at the Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Bureau.

Obviously, this Natalie is Natasha Romanov, the famous Black Widow!

Xiao Bai discovered Natalie's little move, but did not expose the other party, because at this time Xiao Bai has already remembered who Natalie is.

Natalie is Natasha's pseudonym. With her burgundy hair, face and figure, plus the other party's little moves, Xiao Bai is almost certain that the other party is the Black Widow.

"Is this because you suspect me and deliberately approach me to investigate me? Or was it just a coincidence that we met each other?"

【It’s interesting. I didn’t expect to meet Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow who will be an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. in Raccoon City. However, the other party just secretly took a photo of me, probably to investigate my identity. Haha, it’s interesting. Change it. I would be worried before I started, but now, I am worried about a hammer. High-dimensional life will completely crush low-dimensional life. It is like a nuclear bomb inside a piece of paper. It can come out and blow up people. ? ]

Tifa looked at the woman in front of her who claimed to be Natalie with some surprise. She had no idea that the other party would be an agent, and she was here to investigate Xiao Bai. This was interesting.

However, Tifa has no way to remind her now. She can only watch her being played by Xiao Bai.

"~So we leave Raccoon City now?"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiao Bai originally wanted to leave, but suddenly felt that maybe he could

Looking at Natasha, Xiao Bai smiled mysteriously and then said to Tifa:"I won't leave for now. I plan to go to the hive. Where are the senior officials of Umbrella Company and where did the virus leak out? , How can we not investigate it."

Tifa glanced at Natasha with pity. Not surprisingly, Xiao Bai was planning to fish, and the fish was naturally Natasha.

How miserable!

Tifa complained secretly in her heart, and then Xiao Bai looked at Natalie and said to Natalie:"You can wait for me here for some time, and we will take you away after the matter is over!" (Zhao Zhao's)

"It doesn't matter, you can take me wherever you want to go, I won't hold you back!"

"Then you have to think about it carefully. Once you make a decision, you will never regret it!"

"Of course not!"

【Very good, this fish has been hooked, and the next step depends on whether the top management of Umbrella can be a good person. ]

Just when Xiao Bai was about to enter the hive, Hastauruk suddenly sent a message to Xiao Bai.


Xiao Bai suddenly shouted a national curse, which shocked Natalie and Natasha on the side.

"What's wrong?"

"America's top executives are all crazy, and they actually released the T-Virus all over the world!"

Tifa's pupils suddenly shrank, and Black Widow Natasha was also in disbelief!

"This is impossible, they are crazy!".

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