Nangong came to Xiao Bai that month, and the matter in Bedlord City could no longer be hidden. Even internationally, there were news about Daming conducting biochemical experiments in Bedlord City, and the subsequent biochemical virus outbreak.

Nangong Nayue looked at Xiao Bai with a hint of helplessness in his eyes. Although Neon is fine for the time being, if the matter in Bed Master City is not resolved as soon as possible, then ordinary people in Neon might really believe it..

At that time, Neon's independent sentiment will be extremely high, so now Nangong Nayue must resolve this matter as soon as possible.

Xiao Bai also knew what Nangong Nayue was thinking at this time, so Xiao Bai thought for a moment and then looked at Nangong Nayue and said:"I have an idea. I will enter Bedlord City and then look for the source of the virus in Bedlord City."


Almost without any hesitation, Nangong rejected Xiao Bai's proposal that month. Nangong would rather die in bed master city than agree to Xiao Bai's adventure in bed master city that month.

Seeing what Nangong said that month, Xiao Bai wanted to say something, but suddenly his cell phone rang. Xiao Bai took a look at the display of the phone and answered the call.

"whats the matter!"

Momoqi Luoli's voice came from the other end of the phone, and then Momoqi Luoli told Xiao Bai something:"What happened in Bedlord City is probably something that Guangfu will do. I passed some I heard from the channel that the Liberation Association seemed to be planning to do something because of the public opinion polls, but it was already like this before I could investigate clearly."

Xiao Bai fell into silence and then slowly said:"You made me a little disappointed."

Momoqi Luoli's body stiffened slightly, and her breathing became a little faster, but fortunately, Xiao Bai's next words made Momoqi Luoli breathe a sigh of relief.

"I don’t want this kind of thing to happen again. No matter what method you use, I hope you can infiltrate the Guangfuhui as soon as possible. I can give you all the support you need, and even give the other party superhuman power! Momoqi

Luoli knew what Xiao Bai meant and immediately replied:"I understand. I will dig out at least one of the top leaders of the Restoration Society in a short time.""

"Then I will wait and see, and let me know immediately if anything happens next."

Xiao Bai hung up the phone. Nangong Nayue looked at Xiao Bai:"It is obviously unrealistic for Tao Qi Luo Li to break into the high-level officials of the Liberation Association in a short time. If you push too hard, you might end up with someone else. Momochi Loli was forced into a desperate situation and her own existence was exposed instead."

"I believe in Momoki Loli!"

Although Xiao Bai is forcing Mooqi Luoli, Xiao Bai believes that Mooqi Luoli will not let him down.

"Nayue-chan, I’m going to bed master market!"

Xiao Bai once again mentioned that he wanted to go to Bed Master Market, and Nangong Nayue had an angry look on his face.

"I said, I will not allow you to go. Even if everyone in Bedlord City is dead, I will not allow you to go to Bedlord City!"

"If the source of the virus is not found, then Yuejiang, do you think the virus will really be limited to the bed host market? I can tell you clearly, no, the virus will definitely not be limited to Bedlord City, but will spread to the entire Neon, and even the entire world!"

【Except for me, I’m afraid no one would have thought of how terrible this dead virus is. It has spread all over the world, and all existing regimes have been subverted. Unfortunately, in the end, there was no one because the author passed away due to illness. The ending, but if nothing unexpected comes to mind, it will probably be the ending of the total annihilation of mankind!】

【So I have to go to the bed host city to find the source of the virus and solve the virus at its root. The virus shouldn't be a problem for me, but it won't be the case for others. ]

When Nangong saw the diary recorded by Xiao Bai that month, his face turned blue and white. Finally, he looked at Xiao Bai and said,"Okay, but I want to go with you!""

"Don't make trouble, Yue-chan, I am immune to the virus, but you are not. What will happen if you are infected by the virus, so you just wait here honestly for me to solve the problem."

Hearing Xiao Bai's words, Nangong wanted to say something that month, but Xiao Bai covered his mouth...0

"Okay, this matter has been decided. No objection is allowed. Objection is invalid."

"So now I will set off to bed master city, then Yue-chan, you can send me to bed master city."

Nangong Nayue bit her lip and looked at Xiao Bai for the last time:"Prepare something first, and then I will send you there."

"Don’t worry, there’s nothing I can do about the virus!"

【Laughing to death, what can a mere dead body virus do to me? Can the three boss-level spirits in me still be infected by the virus? ]

After Nangong prepared some items for Xiao Bai that month, he opened the portal and sent Xiao Bai to the bed master city. Xiao Bai appeared in Fujimi Academy as soon as his eyes flashed.

Fujimi Academy This is the beginning of the Apocalypse. Xiao Bai naturally plans to start from here. Following the protagonist and a group of people, Xiao Bai believes that he can quickly find out things about the virus.

Xiao Bai appeared on the rooftop of Fujimi Academy.

In his hand, he held a knife that Nangong Nayue gave to Xiao Bai. According to what Nangong Nayue said, the knife in Xiao Bai's hand was named An Gang. Because he killed the Shutun boy, it was also called Tongzi Qie An Gang.!

Xiao Bai originally wanted to say that he didn't know how to do kendo, but after thinking about it for a while, he realized that he didn't know how to do kendo, but he could kill people with the Fierce Bull Blue Dragon Slash!

So I kept it. As for food and drink, 5.4 Xiao Bai's storage ring was almost full, and of course there were all kinds of medicines.

Therefore, Xiao Bai seemed to be carrying nothing else except a knife.

At this time, Fujimi Academy has completely turned into a paradise for dead bodies. Xiao Bai originally thought that the protagonist and his group had already left, but what Xiao Bai didn't expect was that when he was about to leave, he heard a burst of noise, and then... Xiao Bai immediately followed the sound and rushed over.

When I arrived, I saw a purple-haired woman wielding a wooden sword and beheading a dead body!

It was obviously an extremely bloody scene, but it looked so beautiful!

Well, it was definitely not the swaying dumpling that attracted my attention!.

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