Xiao Bai hadn't arrived at school yet, but he received a call from Momo Qi Luoli.

Xiao Bai thought that Mooqi Luoli was calling about what happened yesterday, but what Mooqi Luoli said next made Xiao Bai's face gradually darken.

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Bai immediately opened a certain opinion poll website with his mobile phone. Then Xiao Bai discovered that a poll at the top of the survey website was about whether Neon should be independent!

Seeing this piece of investigation, a cold light flashed in Xiao Bai's eyes. Taoqi Luoli called and told Xiao Bai that the people of the Guangfuhui planned to take advantage of the previous shattering of the Kyushu barrier and the phantom that appeared in the void yesterday. Come to split the Ming Dynasty and want to make Neon independent.

Moreover, according to Momo Qi Luoli's report, the Restoration Society seems to be planning to expose the fact that Ming Dynasty treated neon as a toilet and sealed many evil spirits in neon.

Xiao Bai picked up the phone and called Taoqi Luoli. The phone only rang once and was answered.

"There is no need to intervene in this matter. You only need to secretly investigate who are members of the Restoration Society. Your main task is to get the list of members of the Restoration Society!"

After hearing Xiao Bai's order, Taoqi Luoli naturally would not refuse and decisively agreed.

"In addition, I have one more thing to ask you. How many of the girls yesterday are willing to continue this relationship?"

"You can find them at any time if you want, but I also hope that you can give them the same black goat eggs as me!"

"Got it, you find a time and I will give them the eggs of the black goat."

Then Xiao Bai hung up the phone and looked at the opinion poll website, with a cold look in his eyes. These people from the Guangfuhui are really brave, but that's right. After all, these people are not timid at all. That courage split the Ming Dynasty. Xiao Bai had no sense of belonging to the Ming Dynasty, but Xiao Bai did not allow Neon to be independent! It was purely because Neon had a hatred of the country and the family, and Xiao Bai had no good impression of this country, but this was limited to the country. As for the people in this country who are law-abiding people, Xiao Bai has no idea of ​​disgust. The background of this opinion poll website is also worth investigating. Xiao Bai knows very well that if this opinion poll website is not from the Liberation Association, who would dare to blatantly do so? to release this kind of vote?

【The Liberation Association really gave me a big surprise early in the morning. It actually launched a neon independence vote on the public opinion poll website. Haha, it’s really interesting. But I’m afraid I can’t find any clues now. Let’s check this. Who is behind the polling website? 】

The result was not as expected by Xiao Bai. The people behind this website had long since disappeared, and the public opinion polls on this website had not disappeared either. They were just hanging on the homepage of the public opinion poll website.

The polls on this poll website were not closed until dusk, and the results of the polls were also surprising. More than 69% of Neon people disagreed with Neon independence, while more than 69% agreed with Neon independence. Only 22% of Neon is independent, and the rest is indifferent. It doesn't matter whether Neon is independent or not.

Seeing this result, Xiao Bai almost laughed out loud. Those people in the Liberation Association were alarmist and exposed the fact that Neon was used as a toilet. The result still did not meet their expectations and made Neon independent.

Moreover, the number of people who voted this time reached more than 90% of all Neon.

In other words, even if the remaining people agree to independence, the number of people who disagree with independence is still greater than the people who want independence.

After reading this result, Xiao Bai suddenly felt that those people in the Ming Dynasty had probably known about the existence of the Restoration Society for a long time. They didn't take any action now and wanted to take this opportunity to see if Neon really wanted to Independent, but what happened this time was a reminder to Xiao Bai that it was enough for him to just be an oriole, there was no need to charge into battle.

At this time, in a conference room

"Bastards, these damn untouchables, have they forgotten who allowed their ancestors to live on this land?"

Through the video conference, someone's anger came from the screen, but the people on the other screens did not speak.

"Enough, shut up. You are barking like a bereaved dog. Those untouchables are just milk and mother. There is no glory at all. This time, the rash attack has attracted the attention of Ming Dynasty. You must be more careful next time. Be cautious, I don’t want to hear news that any of you have been arrested one day in the future."

".Oh, except for His Majesty Tian Locust, we don’t even know who the other party is. Even if we are caught, what can you know!"

"What is the current situation of the legendary kitchen utensils snatched from the Ming Dynasty? Can we rely on the legendary kitchen utensils to split the national destiny of the Ming Dynasty? If our neon can be independent and steal the national destiny of the Ming Dynasty, our neon will surely replace the Ming Dynasty as the leader. World power!"

"It is said that the kitchen utensils have been continuously watered with the blood of nine hundred and ninety-nine boys and girls born on extremely yin days. It is said that the spirituality of the kitchen utensils has been almost exhausted. When the spirituality of the legendary kitchen utensils completely disappears, there is no possibility of recovery. Then it will no longer be possible to maintain the Kyushu Barrier of the Ming Dynasty. At that time, the Ming Dynasty will become a purgatory on earth, and then Neon can take advantage of the situation to rise and replace the Ming Dynasty!"

"What that thief Zhu Cixi did to our Neon, our Neon will take revenge a thousand times, a hundred times (Wang Zhao) back!"

"Everyone says how great the Emperor Shengzong of the Ming Dynasty was, but to us, the Emperor Shengzong of the Ming Dynasty was just a butcher and an executioner. Tens of millions of sages were killed just because they resisted that dog Zhu Cixang During the invasion of thieves, all the blood sacrifices of that dog thief were used to seal those evil spirits. The descendants of this thief who hate us must not forget it!"

"Vote, America is willing to support our neon independence, and is willing to provide us with the latest virus they have researched. As long as this virus is released, if the Ming Dynasty cannot solve it, it will inevitably cause public dissatisfaction. When we want to split neon, it is much simpler"





All thirteen people agreed.

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