【Yesterday's diary was completed and rewards began to be distributed. You got Sakurajima Mai's diary.】

【The person who recorded yesterday's diary received a reward, and the diary copy was drawn, and the person holding the diary copy received the same reward.】

【The drawing is completed, congratulations to XXXX (Mai Sakurajima) for winning a diary of the same style】

【Rewards for diary copy holders have begun to be distributed. The person whose name was mentioned the most by diary recorders yesterday was Yae Shenzi. Rewards are now being distributed.】

【Congratulations to Yae Shenzi for getting a stack of fried tofu! 】

Xiao Bai looked at the diary in his hand. He originally wanted to throw it away, but after hesitating, Xiao Bai decided to open this diary and take a good look at what kind of person Sakurajima Mai was. woman!

As Xiao Bai looked through the diary, gradually"three two seven" Xiao Bai's face showed an embarrassed look.

【Well, I didn’t expect that I had misunderstood Mai Sakurajima. The private photos taken by Mai Sakurajima were only for my own enjoyment? This woman is too narcissistic. 】

Mai Sakurajima gritted her teeth: It’s none of your business, I’m happy with it, what’s going to bother you?

【But thinking about the previous misunderstanding about Mai Sakurajima, I have to apologize to Mai Sakurajima. It was really the red bean paste that beat Mai. I actually mistook you for an indiscreet bitch. I'm really sorry.! 】

Seeing Xiao Bai apologize, Sakurajima Mai's face looked better. Although this guy kept slandering her, he still had some generosity and knew how to apologize.

【But speaking of Sakurajima Mai, I don’t know if Sakurajima Mai has begun to lose her sense of existence. In this supernatural world, Sakurajima Mai’s disappearance of her sense of existence should not be a youth disease, but this matter has little to do with me. , and I don’t know Ms. Mai now, so I can’t help her even if I want to, so Ms. Mai, please improve yourself! 】

Mai Sakurajima: You are a dog, right? Why are you worse than a dog? The other girls are your wives, am I not? The misunderstanding has not been resolved, but you don’t want to help me, you damn scumbag, you still called me wife before.

【Rest, there is class tomorrow! 】

When he woke up, Xiao Bai felt the familiar sense of oppression coming from his body again.

Xiao Bai pulled back the quilt, and Rem and Ram were lying on Xiao Bai's chest.

【Should I stop it at this time, or should I close my eyes and enjoy it? Well, otherwise, let's just let it go. After all, things are already like this, right?】

【Now that it has happened, stop being pretentious. ]

As if he noticed that Xiao Bai was awake, Ram suddenly got into the quilt, and then after an unknown amount of time, Ram ran away, leaving Rem lying on Xiao Bai's body.

Feeling Rem's slightly disordered breathing lying on top of him, Xiao Bai couldn't figure out that Rem had woken up a long time ago and was just pretending to sleep now.

Xiao Bai put Rem on the bed, and then walked out. When Xiao Bai walked out of the bathroom, Rem and Ram acted as if nothing had happened.

Rem and Ram looked at Xiao Bai who came out and said,"Breakfast is ready, Master, please use it!"

Xiao Bai had breakfast and then went to school.

Entering the classroom, Sakamoto Yuji and Xiao Bai said hello.

"The sharp edge in your body has been reduced a lot. Before, you were like an unsheathed knife that could hurt others and yourself at any time, but now you seem to have sheathed the knife."

Sakamoto Yuji looked at Xiao Bai in surprise and said

"It just solved some worries!"

"Heart disease, it seems that you have solved An Yilun's problem!"

Sakamoto Yuji immediately realized that Xiao Bai probably solved An Yilun and they made him change.

"Your light novel became a hit, and your bet with Kasumigaoka Shiu also won!"

"Well, I won’t write any more light novels in the future. The original one was just a tool to target Shiyu Kasumigaoka!"(To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Sakamoto Yuji nodded and then changed the subject:"I plan to launch a summoned beast war against Class D!"

"Class D? Yuuji, Class D is not as easy to bully as Class E. Are you sure you want to start a war now? As promised, I haven’t taken the make-up exam yet!"

"There is no need for you. With Himeji here, Class D is not worth mentioning at all. As long as it is not Class B, Class A, Class C and below, we are very sure of victory in the summoned beast war........."

"Okay, I'll help you when the time comes, but if something goes wrong I'll run away directly. I don't want to take part in tutoring!"

"You guy!"

Sakamoto Yuji has a black line on his head.

"Akihisa, then go to Class D and declare war!"

"it's me again? I won’t go, Yuuji, you go by yourself this time!"

Yoshii Akihisa has not forgotten the last time he was forced to dress up as a woman.

"Mingjiu, Class D is not a violent class like Class E, and more importantly, there are many beautiful girls in Class D. If they are attracted by your handsome declaration of war, forget it. , since you don’t want to go, then I will ask someone else to declare war. Originally, I wanted to give you this opportunity, but since you don’t want it, then forget it."


Yoshii Akihisa shouted immediately, looked at Sakamoto Yuuji in front of him and said:"I'm going!"

Sakamoto Yuji patted Yoshii Akihisa on the shoulder:"Don't force it!"

"Don't force it, what does it matter if you sacrifice your personal 2.3 honor for the sake of the class!"

Sakamoto Yuji patted Yoshii Akihisa on the shoulder.

"Then it’s up to you, Akihisa, to let the girls and sissies in Class D experience your manliness, and then let those girls be fascinated by you!"

"Oh, leave it to me, Yuuji!"

Looking at Yoshii Akihisa who was going out in high spirits, Xiao Bai pondered for a long time before asking Sakamoto Yuuji:"You deceived Akihisa like this, won't your conscience hurt?"

"pain? Are you kidding, it doesn’t exist, okay? This person is Mingjiu, and Mingjiu and I are half-brothers. What's the matter with a joke between brothers?"

Listening to Sakamoto Yuji's words, Xiao Bai was silent and then when he was about to say something, the classroom door was suddenly opened.

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