Sayuri Sawamura also called and confirmed that Eri Sawamura was picked up by the Spencer family and then breathed a sigh of relief, but she knew that she would have to face Xiao Bai soon.

"Now, tell me the whereabouts of the legendary kitchenware! Sayuri

Sawamura smiled bitterly:"I don't know, I just know that there is a legendary kitchen utensil in the hands of the Restoration Society, and I don't know anything else!""

"You're kidding me!!!"

Xiao Bai's voice was full of anger. At this time, he was suddenly overwhelmed by anger, but Sawamura Sayuri looked at Xiao Bai and said:"I'm sorry, I don't want anything to happen to Eirili."

"You can save Eiri Sawamura, but can you save yourself?"

Looking at the beautiful woman in front of her, the seriousness in Xiao Bai's voice made the hairs on Sayuri Sawamura's body stand up, while Sayuri Sawamura smiled silently and bitterly. She knew that she was doomed.

As Xiao Bai As Bai approached, Sayuri Sawamura closed her eyes and stopped struggling!

I don’t know how long it took, but Xiao Bai regained consciousness again. No, more accurately, he calmed down. He looked at the scarred Sayuri Sawamura and sneered. After making a sound, he took out his camera and took photos one after another.

Although the private parts of her body were covered, anyone who was not a fool knew what happened to Sayuri Sawamura.

"I wonder what your husband and Eiri Sawamura will think when they see these photos of you. Will Eiri Sawamura forgive you? Will I understand you?"

Without the slightest emotion, Xiao Bai said coldly to Sayuri Sawamura. After speaking, Xiao Bai ignored Sayuri Sawamura and left directly.

After going out, Xiao Bai immediately called Yamada Tifeng:" Find a few women to watch her, and try to find a way to swallow up the power and wealth of the Sawamura family through her before she can die!"


Yamada Tifeng lowered his head and said respectfully. Yamada Tifeng, who has become a deep diver, is a fanatical believer of Xiao Bai. Even if Xiao Bai asks him to die, Yamada Tifeng will not hesitate at all. After transforming into a deep diver, all his wealth and life were controlled by Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai did not plant the eggs of the black goat for Sayuri Sawamura. The first point was that Sayuri Sawamura was not worthy. This time it was just an accident. Xiao Bai will not take any responsibility for this accident.

The second is that Xiao Bai hates Sayuri Sawamura even more than Shiyu Kasumigaoka, so Xiao Bai has no need to plant the egg of the black goat for Sayuri Sawamura.

Xiao Bai then sent the previous photos of Sawamura Sayuri to Akita Kazuo, and asked Akita Kazuo to send these photos to Sawamura Eiri. Xiao Bai wanted to know when Sawamura Eiri saw these photos. What kind of expression would it be like?

Along with these photos, there was a sentence sent to Eiri Sawamura by Xiao Bai to Eiri Sawamura: Eiri Sawamura, I am CNM! I was just picked up. Sawamura Eiri, who became a member of the Spencer family, was shocked when she saw an envelope that suddenly appeared on her desk, and then picked up the photo inside the envelope. The next moment, Sawamura Eiri looked at her mother on the photo. She was naked, with scars everywhere on her body. How could Eri Sawamura, a book artist, not know what was going on?

When the envelope fell to the ground, a piece of paper also fell out, and then Looking at that piece of paper, the shock in Sawamura Eiri's pupils was gradually replaced by anger!

Sawamura Eiri, I am CNM!

Looking at the only few words in this letter, Sawamura Eiri's Her body trembled, it was anger, endless anger towards Xiao Bai!

How dare Xiao Bai, how could Xiao Bai do such a thing!

Sawamura Eiri's heart was full of anger, she couldn't accept Xiao Bai's own licking The dog actually did such a thing.


Revenge for An Yilun, revenge for her mother, and revenge for herself!

Sawamura Eiri's eyes are full of hatred at this moment.

She just has some Vanity, she just wants to enjoy the feeling of being pursued and licked by Xiao Bai, a licking dog. Is there anything wrong with her? All of this is of Xiao Bai's own free will, and she is not forcing Xiao Bai! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She just hangs on Xiao Bai and occasionally gives Xiao Bai a little hope, making Xiao Bai think that he has a chance.

And even if she is really at fault, throw away Leaving aside the facts, is there nothing wrong with Xiao Bai?

Even now, Eiri Sawamura does not think she has done anything wrong at all. The only one who is wrong is Xiao Bai!

After picking up the photo, he set it on fire After all these photos were burned, Eiri Sawamura picked up the phone.

"Dad, I promise to marry the prince of Britain, but as a condition, I have to die alone!"

Hang up the phone quickly, Sawamura Eiri's eyes are extremely vicious:"Xiao Bai, I want you to die!"

Sawamura Eiri didn't know that everything about her was under the supervision of Akita Kazuo. When Akita reported Sawamura Eiri's reaction to Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai just sneered.

Then Xiao Bai An order was issued for Kazuo Akita to find out who in 407 was married to Eiri Sawamura. Although Xiao Bai hated Eiri Sawamura, another personality of his predecessor liked Eiri Sawamura, so Xiao Bai did not want Eiri Sawamura either. Li has a relationship with another man, so Xiao Bai will kill Sawamura Eiri before she has a relationship with another man!

Xiao Bai sneered silently, and then put the matter behind him It’s over!

【This bitch, Eri Sawamura, actually agreed to marry someone else in order to kill me. Haha, naive, but I can't let her marry someone else. Although I hate this bitch, my ex likes her, so I can't let anyone else. A man touches Eri Sawamura, so let her die. ]

Just after Xiao Bai finished recording, he received a call from Akita Kazuo, and then Akita Kazuo found out the marriage partner of Eiri Sawamura. After hearing this, Xiao Bai burst out laughing!

【Laughing to death, I thought who Eri Sawamura was going to marry, but it turned out to be Artolis. No, to be precise, it should be Artoria, disguised as a man. Haha, in that case, let’s continue playing. There is no rush to let Sawamura Eiri die, but Akita Kazuo is also a talent. He has been able to find out such things in Britain for only such a short time. It seems that Akita Kazuo's power is developing well! 】.

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