Back in the city center, Xiao Bai was about to go home, but suddenly all the hairs on Xiao Bai's body stood up. The next moment, Xiao Bai felt a sense of danger!

With Xiao Bai's eyesight, he could see an orange-yellow bullet shooting towards his head instantly from a thousand meters away.

If this was hit, Xiao Bai's head would most likely explode like a watermelon!

But it was obvious that Xiao Bai would be fine.

The dark fog instantly formed a screen in front of Xiao Cheng, and at that moment the bullet hit the dark fog and disappeared without a trace.

Xiao Bai's eyes instantly caught sight of a departing figure.


Xiao Bai wanted to chase after him, but suddenly Xiao Bai's head swelled, and the subsequent anger seemed to engulf Xiao Bai. Xiao Bai immediately realized that this was the anger coming from them, and he had to deal with this anger first. Get rid of the anger.

He glanced at the place where Gin was originally, but there was no one there anymore. Xiao Bai took a deep breath to suppress the thought of destroying everything in front of him, and then took out the phone to call Momoqi Luoli.

"Go to that hotel last time now!"

The words seemed to be suppressing something. After Xiao Bai finished speaking, he hung up the phone and rushed to the hotel where he was last time.

And Momoqi Luoli also rushed immediately after receiving Xiao Bai's call. As soon as they entered the hotel room, Momo Qi Luoli was thrown onto the bed by Xiao Bai, who bit Momo Qi Luoli's body like a wild beast.

The pain coming from her body did not faze Tao Qi Luoli. Qi Luoli screamed, but Momo Qi Luo Li made a sound of joy like a masochist!

I don’t know how much time passed, but Xiao Bai’s consciousness gradually regained consciousness.

Looking at his body covered with bruises and unconsciousness Momo Qi Luoli passed by, Xiao Bai frowned, and then the dark mist instantly covered Momo Qi Luoli's body.

Momo Qi Luoli's wounds bitten and scratched by Xiao Bai were healed visibly. , not even a scar was left, and the skin became smooth again.

Looking at Momoqi Luoli who was still in a coma, Xiao Bai ignored him and walked into the bathroom to clean his own skin. Body

【I survived. One of Gin's sniper bullets almost caused me to lose control and destroy everything I saw. But I finally vented my anger on Momoki Luoli, but this time I also reminded me Don't be too relaxed】

【It's a pity that Gin ran away this time, but it doesn't matter, as long as Gin is in Neon, he can't run away. 】

Xiao Bai was assassinated again?

As for the relationship between Xiao Bai and Momoqi Luoli, others don't care too much now. Instead, all their attention is focused on Xiao Bai being shot.

【Miyano Akemi said before that I was being targeted by a black organization, but I didn’t expect it to be true! 】

Speaking of this, the holder of the diary copy suddenly realized that Xiao Bai was implicated, right? Otherwise, Xiao Bai has nothing to do with the black organization?

Not only the holders of the diary copy thought this way, but also Miyano Shiho thought this way. Miyano Shiho also felt that it was probably because of his own reasons that Xiao Bai encountered such a thing.

【By the way, going home this time won't make Ram and Rem angry, right? I have a headache, forget it, go home first! ]

After returning home, Xiao Bai originally thought that Ram and Rem would be angry, but unexpectedly, Rem and Ram were not angry, which made Xiao Bai a little confused.

However, Xiao Bai still gave an explanation, and Ram and Rem accepted this explanation.

"So Master, how do you plan to deal with that killer~?"

"Catch him first and talk about it later!"

As for Ginjiu, Xiao Bai doesn't plan to do anything to the other party for the time being. Xiao Bai has an idea in his heart, but he has to catch Ginjiu first.

Xiao Bai took out his mobile phone to contact Nangong Nayue. Nangong Nayue You should be able to catch Gin. Even if you can't, it doesn't matter. Anyway, it's just a phone call and it doesn't take much time.

Nangong, who received Xiao Bai's call, said that he would pay attention to it soon. There will be news.

At this time, Gin is reflecting in the safe house, Xiao Bai has controlled the spirit!

This matter is not in the intelligence data at all, and I have not investigated it clearly. It is precisely for this reason that Gin's mission failed

"Vodka, make arrangements, I'm leaving Neon!"

Gin's sixth sense told Gin that he should run away now, otherwise he would most likely not be able to escape.

".~Yes, big brother!"

Vodka immediately started making arrangements, but at this time Belmode came to the safe house

"It's rare to see you in such a miserable state!"

Gin was not angry at all.

"Belmod, what are you doing here?"

"It's nothing, there's just someone who wants to see you, I'm just here to lead the way!"

Ginjiu drew his gun almost instantly, but the next moment, Nangong Nayue's chain of commandments had already heavily bound Ginjiu.

"Belmod, you actually betrayed the organization!"

"I'm sorry, I don't want to sink with this broken ship, and Gin, you don't even know who you are assassinating, and what will be the consequences of assassinating him!"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Looking at Gin, Bellmode was smoking a lady's cigarette, with a trace of inexplicable sarcasm on his face.

Gin's face was gloomy, but there was no (Money is good) opened his mouth to retort.

He was in trouble!

Belmod looked at the vodka that Nangong Nayue was carrying with the chain of commandments, and then said:"Then are you going to Xiao Bai's place now?"

"Well, what's the matter with you?"

"Remember to mention me to Xiao Bai, I don't want to accidentally hurt Mao that day!"

Nangong Nayue nodded, indicating that Belmod didn't need to worry.

"Then I will leave first, and I will tell Xiao Bai what happened this time."

Looking at the gin and vodka being taken away, Belmode blew out a smoke ring.

"Gin is finished, and this organization is also completely finished. I'd better find a new home quickly, and go to Shirley first. I think she will be very surprised when she sees me."

As if thinking of something, Belmode showed a meaningful smile on his face!.

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