No shortage of walls

Chapter Chapter

In fact, I really don't blame the emperor. At that time, the two kingdoms were the elder brother who looked down on the emperor's artifact. If he could survive, you would know how much the emperor could do.

Chang Sheng's fist hit the ground and blood flowed out. He shouted:"Your Majesty, don't worry! I will remember the hatred of the Yue Kingdom! I will never forget it in my life!" At this time, he had a strong murderous intention in his heart. As long as the emperor's father decrees, the Yuejun royal family, including men and women, old and young, will never leave one!

His soldiers were all old troops brought from the north. So many people died in vain because of Yuejun's sneak attack. It would be strange not to hate it.

Lu Li arrived on the 19th of the first lunar month and began to attack Liao Palace on the 21st of the first lunar month. He brought ten trebuchets. It is said that Huada Church Cui Zheng, Cui Zheng hurriedly made ten sets.

But Lu Li knew that Huada was stubborn. He doesn't understand shit.

Twenty thousand of the old troops of King Jing plus twenty thousand of the garrison in the southern border. Ten trebuchets, eight powerful crossbows, as well as Liu Ying, Liu Jingyun, Chang Sheng, and Wu Wei. In addition to those guarding the border, one city and one regiment were guarded. The rest were mobilized early to surround the Liao Palace Imperial City.

In the Liao Palace and Imperial City, the Forbidden Army and the Imperial City Army should have 50,000 troops, while the Song Army had more than 70,000.

It was more difficult to attack than to defend with 70,000 men attacking 50,000 men. It would be very troublesome to capture it, but the eight powerful crossbows only shot at the gate, and the attack lasted only two days before the Liao Palace surrendered.

Even Lu Li was surprised that the enemy surrendered so quickly, but at this time, the opponent surrendered; he was very happy to save many soldiers.

Since the Four Cities and Two Passes were captured by the Song Army, the Liao Emperor had nightmares every night. The vicious tactics of the Song Army had already spread to the court. The courtiers were trying to survive, and the Liao Emperor himself was so frightened that he wet his pants before the Song Army moved. My father-in-law gave up on his first suggestion.

The Liao Dynasty court knew that the Song army would rush in; the best outcome would be to have the whole family executed.

Everyone discussed many conditions for surrender, and the Song army agreed, so they surrendered.

However, Lu Li promised Emperor Liao that all the conditions would not be fulfilled. Anyone who agrees is treated as fart. He ordered his troops to rush into the imperial city and kill all the male members of the Li family's royal family without leaving any trace behind! The Imperial Guards resisted a little, but no one was spared! All the civil and military officials in the dynasty, all the men in the family, no one was spared, and there was a river of blood!

Lu Li is more cruel than Wu Wei! No one in Prince Jing's old department was soft-hearted, and they didn't even give the other party a chance to explain. Everything they promised before was just a fart; even the letter of surrender was burned.

You are just a dead man! You have no right to speak. When you order the sleeping Song Army to be killed, the end is already there.

No one can challenge the imperial dignity of His Royal Highness Prince Jing, the Crown Prince Emperor!

Tooth for tooth!

Blood for blood!

Lu Li said.

The Liao Kingdom was not considered a wealthy country, but the palace's gold and silver treasures were countless. There was enough cloth to make five sets of clothes for each of the Song troops. The food below and behind was all rotten, and rats, snakes, and all kinds of pests were too numerous to mention.

Lu Li ordered people to kill them. Snakes don't move in winter, so they are easier to handle, but rats and mice are more difficult to deal with.

It's still cold and it won't rain on a day like this.

Lu Li ordered the sergeants to move everything in the palace out of the imperial city, and invited the people to see it. They also plundered everything from the hands and necks of the nobles. No one dared to resist. As long as there was any unwillingness, the nobles in the palace would be cut off; Let the soldiers explain, this is your emperor. The common people cannot eat even two meals a day. The royal rats are unimaginable. The rotten ones are also piled aside, as are dead snakes and dead rats.

At the same time, let the sergeants post it in the four cities, and let the people in the four cities of the old Liao Dynasty come to see your emperor.

Then listen to the orthodox emperor of the Song Dynasty. In order to let the people survive, he exempted himself from taxes for five years. After five years, he reduced the taxes by 20%. Knowing that the salaries of sergeants and government officials were low, they increased their salaries by 50%.

In order for the people of the Song Dynasty to live well, our orthodox emperor not only sold the treasures of the northern royal family, but also the treasures given by the late emperor to his father, His Highness Prince Jing, just to give the people a way to survive.

The orthodox emperor is still the one chosen by heaven, and he will do everything for the sake of the common people of the world! If you don’t love treasures or wealth, what about your emperor?

On the one hand, people were ordered to search the residences of ministers and generals, according to the case files provided by the Ministry of National Security. Those who were greedy for money and harmed the people were dealt with on the spot, and all the men of the three tribes were executed; with signs inserted, this pile belongs to the palace, this pile belongs to that minister, and this pile belongs to that minister.

The gold and silver in the national treasury is actually inferior to the private treasury of a minister.

As for the fourth rank and above, it doesn't matter whether they are corrupt officials or not; as long as they are fourth rank and above, all the men from the three clans will be executed; if they resist even a little, the fifth clan will be punished.

The strong policy, coupled with the mountains of treasures, grain, and cloth, made the Liao people half-hearted.

All kinds of strategies, the most important thing is to attack the heart!

While Lu Li ordered people to arrest people, confiscate their homes and kill people, he also asked people to register the grain and cloth first, and announced to the four cities that people in the city did not have grain in stock, so they could come and buy it at the market price. At the same time, he sent the grain to the four cities and ordered the defenders to come by themselves. Liu Ying and Wu Wei's army were escorting the grain and fodder. They had already arranged the imperial edict to where they should go. Lu Li ordered his subordinates to note down how much they should take away, how much per day, and how much for the high official. They copied it overnight and sent it to various cities overnight to paste it..

The nobles, eunuchs, and maids in the palace are all demoted to common people, and their living expenses are distributed as in the old days in the north. They are sent out of the palace without any embarrassment and can find their own families. It's just that the Liao Palace is not like the day before yesterday, it was all the elders of the Song family; the people in the Liao Palace don't have special care, and the women in the palace can marry freely without discrimination.

Suddenly, all the rich men in the imperial city were scared to death. They were just doing business normally. Lu Li was not embarrassed and instead advised them to maintain the living supply in the city.

The inspection lasted for thirteen days, with 40,000 soldiers, working almost day and night.

Spring has arrived. Food, cloth and other items that are afraid of rain are hurriedly taken back to the four cities for safekeeping. It seems that the food alone is enough to last the Liao imperial city for two years. If the rotten ones can still be eaten, they can support the emperor. The city costs half a year.

Rats, snakes, etc. were even dragged to the wasteland by carloads to dig pits and bury them.

Lu Li asked people to post good and bad things every day, and people talked about them. They even pulled the inedible food out of the city and piled it into soil.

How could the feudal dynasty withstand such a naked test? The people of the Liao country suddenly dispersed.

People all over the world are struggling with two meals a day. Who knew there were so many rivals in the palace? On the contrary, the people of Xuzhou, the extreme state, have recently made a lot of money selling sugar cane and old bamboo, and they are exempt from taxes. They are actually a little gloating in their hearts. They think to themselves, my place has been returned to the Song Dynasty long ago, and the money has been obtained. I will be exempt from taxes for five years and build a new house. No more questions.

There is too much food and grass, and it will go bad if left for a long time. Lu Li urgently ordered Yi Zhouquan to send someone to pick him up. He was building a city wall there and had a lot of food. He also picked some poor cloth, which had changed color, and gave it to him for workers to make work clothes. It was not until the seventh day of March that the things that were afraid of rain were taken care of. complete.

The court newspaper was published every few days. Every time Lu Li cleared a house, he would report to it. He would rush there and return quickly. He sent people one after another. Jin Zhuan, the chief writer in the capital, wrote about Lu Li first and then wrote about propaganda for unification. My emperor does not like it. Treasures are only written for the common people's affairs. Because it is an extended issue, there is no paper limit. In order to prevent foreign countries from causing trouble, each issue starts with revenge and also talks about rescuing the people of the Liao Kingdom. It must be included in every issue.

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