No shortage of walls

Chapter Chapter

A war is about to start between countries. It is not easy for anyone. Before the Song Emperor was orthodox, after the previous emperors of the Song Dynasty ascended the throne, they would also interact with each other according to normal diplomatic etiquette. But for the first time, it was as if the Song emperor was orthodox. As soon as he came to the throne, he started doing business with his neighbors, and it became bigger and bigger. It was Liu Hui of Qi who rebelled against Song, and Song Ru also rebelled against Song and entered Liao. Song was forced to fight back.

Emperor Song's son was too young, so he probably didn't have any ambitions yet, but that may not mean he was ambitious; he was just forced to take action.

Thinking about it this way, others become unreasonable and say that the Song-Liao War has only begun now and it is difficult to see what will happen in the future.

Liu Jingyun Changsheng saw that the imperial edict had been issued, so he took it as the standard. He only waited for the officials from Dingzhou to come and Liu Jingyun handed over the political affairs. As a soldier, managing political affairs was really a headache.

While waiting, he recruited troops and used training to attack Liao Sui.

Although the people of Jizhou are very reluctant, they have no choice; their flesh is on the pallet.

On November 10, more than 300 officials were sent from Dingzhou. They were still led by the right minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and a first-grade official. They were still from Jizhou, Xuzhou, and officials from the three branches of the country arrived together. In areas that are not overcome, he temporarily assists the Jizhou government in handling affairs; he still holds the original official position of the Song Dynasty. He has no rank in Jizhou and only assists the officials of his own department. The retained officials of the original Jizhou can ignore them.

After the officials are arranged according to the imperial decree. Li Huawei, a fourth-grade official from the Ministry of National Security, came with the real estate documents Liu Jingyun gave to Qiu Yingda. Liu Jingyun handed over the seal and felt relaxed immediately. The next task is to defend the city and help arrest the anti-Song elements. The investigation of the corruption and anti-Song affairs of the original officials will be left to the government and the Ministry of National Security until the personnel and positions are determined. It's much easier to just send someone to catch him. Arrange two subordinates, one to follow the prefect and the other to follow the Ministry of National Security. They will arrest people when notified. There is no pressure at all and they can concentrate on doing what they are skilled at.

Li Gongshan, the prefect of Jizhou, received the seal of money, food and grass. Immediately announce to the whole city that the Jizhou of the Song Dynasty will be exempted from taxes for five years. The officials of the previous dynasty and all military and political personnel will be used according to their talents. If there is corruption and illegal things, they will be dealt with according to the laws of the Song Dynasty. The affairs of the previous dynasty will be forgiven. All personnel will be exempted from taxes for five years. surrendered before. Only the proceeds of corruption will be taken away, no punishment in prison. The emperor of the Song Dynasty was orthodox and forgave all people from the old dynasty. If you really don't want to be in Jizhou, don't care about the people or officials. Everyone can leave the city. From the day they see the government notice, they can come to the government office to register immediately; everyone will arrange to leave the city. If there are properties and fields, everything can be sold to the Jizhou government at the market price. Then leave the city safely, but you only have one chance. If you leave, you can come back, but there will be no preferential treatment after you come back; all merits and demerits will still be according to Song law, and no mercy will be given lightly.

On November 13, the newspaper arrived.

First, the Emperor of the Song Dynasty was still the chosen one, and Jizhou was also a Song country. I treat him as a Song Dynasty person.

Secondly, in a close-up of Jin Chuan, Emperor Li Goujun of the Liao Kingdom was blatantly shameless and colluded with Song Ru to massacre the Qingzhou Pass sergeants of the Song Dynasty. He pitied the 10,000 sergeants. Five thousand sergeants were trained for less than half a year; five thousand veterans died in their sleep. The sergeant protects the people, pledges his life to the country, and does not care about life or death. However, as a soldier, Emperor Li of the Liao Kingdom did not even give the Song soldier a clear way to die, which is really abominable.

Thirdly, His Majesty, the wise and mighty orthodox emperor, came to the throne for the first time; he devoted himself to doing business with his neighbors; he hoped that the business would benefit the people of the world, so that the people of all countries in the world could live a good life; Li Di Goujun hooked up with Song Ru, and in front of the world He slapped the wise and mighty orthodox emperor in the face; challenged the dignity of the Song Dynasty's monarch and father, challenged the dignity of the Song Dynasty's soldiers, and insulted the people of the Song Dynasty.

Song soldiers have always preferred death to surrender. How could you let your father suffer such humiliation? The Song Dynasty only had soldiers who died in battle, but no soldiers who were humiliated.

Fourth, the Liao emperor was mediocre and only cared about pleasure and ignored the suffering of the people.

Below is a list of dozens of evidence of the Liao Emperor's crimes, saying that he allowed officials to commit corruption, allowed soldiers to insult the people, etc. It is difficult to go into details. They were all obtained by the Ministry of National Security, and they are all true.

There were no corrupt officials in that dynasty? They were all exaggerated and written with added embarrassment by Mr. Jin.

Emperor Li was immoral, so he replaced him with orthodoxy and spoke countless words.

That Jin Chuan's writing was brilliant and well-founded, which made the people of the Song Dynasty feel proud and the people of the Liao Dynasty felt ashamed.

Chang Sheng arranged for his subordinates to distribute the newspaper everywhere. This time the newspaper was only distributed in Song and Liao Dynasties. For those newly returned from the Liao Kingdom, three issues were given free of charge. Then the newspaper was posted in four cities, and the sergeants were sent to many places in the countryside and cities to read it to the illiterate people. There were more than a thousand copies left, tied with straw ropes, and shot out of the city for others to pick up and read for themselves.

Two days later, the man who sent the broken weapons to Cui Zheng came back. Cui Zheng heard that General Chang Sheng's sword was missing, so he sent another one and two large clay jars of sugar. It looks like fine salt. Two hundred pounds in total, one bag of brown sugar. They were all made of green cane that could not be bitten, so the two commanders Chang Sheng and Liu Jingyun shared them equally.

The two army commanders looked at it for a long time, but they didn't know. The green cane was so hard that it couldn't be cut with an ordinary knife. It could be used as a stick for fighting. How could it be made in vain?

Liu Jingyun said:"The general always feels like fine salt. You just said that Cui Shangshu said that it is best to eat with tofu? That is fine salt." His subordinates said:"Cui Shangshu said it was the Holy One who said it."

Chang Sheng He said,"You'll know after you eat it. Could it be that Cui Shangshu wants to poison us?" After saying that, he stretched out his hand, but not much stuck to it. He had no choice but to reach out and take some and pour it into his mouth:"Sweet! It's as sweet as honey, but not as fragrant as honey. But it's a thousand times better than caramel."

Liu Jingyun also hurriedly took some and put it into his mouth. He screamed:"Our Holy One! He can do everything! It turns out that green cane is a treasure! I still don't believe it! Come on, you can try it too!" All the generals, big and small, tried it, and they were all happy, and their own orthodoxy Your Majesty, your Majesty is truly invincible.

White sugar is really sweet. Although it doesn't have the fragrance of honey, it is more convenient than honey. Anyone who has eaten honey knows that you have to stir it for a long time when it is mixed with water.

Chang Sheng said:"In two days, Mr. Chang will go to attack Xuzhou. Why don't we make tofu nao and see if it tastes better, sugar or salt?"

Liu Jingyun had no objection and immediately sent an order to make tofu nao.

There are only 400 kilograms of white and brown sugar in total, and only some of the tens of thousands of people can eat it.

A few days later, the court newspaper came again, saying only one thing...two things, in fact, they were just one thing.

It's the spy caught by Chang Sheng.

First, the spies had been beheaded; the orthodox emperor Lian only wanted to avenge the death of more than 20,000 soldiers at Qingzhou Pass. Remember that there are two countries in front of you, each is its own master, so that the small family will not be blameless.

Secondly, the names of those Liao people who were heroes of the Song Dynasty and who came to the Song Dynasty are all clearly written in the newspapers. The ranking of official positions from the third rank to the eighth rank shows that without their contribution to the Liao Dynasty, the Song army would not be able to capture Qingzhou Pass and Jizhou City so quickly in revenge; including the Song army's capture of Qingzhou Pass, they were all They provided information that that day was the best time, and they helped mobilize the Shaoqingzhou Pass guard general; it was also the map they provided that made Changsheng the second-grade commander dare to chase Jizhou all at once and attack overnight. Jizhou newly returned to the Song Dynasty, and they also provided the list of spies of the Liao Kingdom in Jizhou City. Song and Liao had broken off diplomatic relations for a long time, and all information was provided by them. Even after Emperor Liao paid compensation, they still thought it was the best time to avenge the Song army. Anyway, all the credit for the information provided by the Ministry of National Security was given to the dead who were sent back to Qingzhou Pass for burial. Because of their great contribution, Emperors of the Song Dynasty used talents according to their talents. In the old years of the Song Dynasty, many unsold women among the officials who had violated laws and disciplines were also given one by each of the orthodox emperors of the Song Dynasty. There were two high-ranking ones, and the reward ranged from 300 to 30 kilograms of silver. For those of fourth rank and above, Liu Guo, the Minister of National Security, was ordered to start building a new courtyard. At that time, there was one room for each person and rewards were given according to rank. As for his original family members, if a letter from his family arrives, Commander Liu Jingyun must be sent to Songjing as a distinguished guest, and he will be responsible for safe meals along the way. If anything goes wrong, Commander Liu Jingyun will be responsible; he will never be lenient.

Everything is clear; it can be said that it is not true and cannot be written down at all.

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