No shortage of walls

Chapter Chapter

From the sheep at Hezhou Pass and Xixia, Xia Feiying, the second-rank commander, only collected 12,113 sheep; he would not collect any more, which was still far short of the 20,000 sheep; because the Xia people refused to tie horses and cattle. , he took out his certificate of credence to explain the matter. The one signed on the certificate of credence was a fat sheep, which was generally between seventy and eighty pounds. Therefore, if the big sellers are unwilling, and the small and thin ones are not qualified, they don’t want it.

Xia Guo's Ministry of Rites blamed him!

Xia Feiying replied: The last general will still be the official minister of His Majesty the Emperor. Since the credentials have been clearly stated, what should we do if we put away the unqualified ones in case someone nukes them? Will the second-grade military general, Mojiang, still be able to do it?

Xia Guoqing knew the truth and the credentials were written in black and white, so there was nothing he could do.

Xia Feiying secretly cursed:"Fuck you! Even the cows and horses are not willing to take one of the cows, so why are you talking nonsense! This has caused many of my brothers in the Song Dynasty to have insufficient meat!" The other party is not even willing to take one of the cows, which makes him very angry, Ying Ming His majesty, the mighty emperor, used this trick to buy cattle and horses from the barbarians. Although there were not many, you didn't even give them one. Why do you want me to lose weight? no way!

The news spread to the court, and the Zhengtong newspaper in October published the story of Xia Huqi's sheep and pigs, but it never mentioned the cattle and horses. It said that next year the Master of the Ministry of Rites would first go to Donghu and return to Qi Chen, and then go to Xia Kingdom, and still do business as usual. This year Soldiers and political officials who eat less meat will have priority in picking up sheep and pigs next year. This year they will eat fifteen kilograms, and next year they will eat last, which is considered fair; for details, pay attention to next year's newspaper.

The newspaper's statement was very fair, and everyone cheered; there would still be food to eat next year.

It's October and the potatoes are harvested. More than 6,000 jins were harvested, from four to 80 jins, from 80 jins to more than 6,000 jins.

The corn was harvested. From two jins, we received 500 jins, and from 500 jins, we received more than 12,000 jins. Soybeans were only 1,000 jins. The most regrettable thing is that there was no harvest in the second season of rice, and Qian Pingying, the old man, lost his life. gained confidence.

All the things were piled back into the palace. Even the Queen Mother was frightened. She had never seen anything so productive. The sweet potatoes had not been dug yet and they were covered with straw in preparation for the snow.

The emperor decreed that these things should be used as seeds to issue surnames to the people of the Song Dynasty, and they should be divided into the thirteen prefectures and counties of the Song Dynasty. When spring comes, the south comes first, and the north comes later. The next year's harvest can only be sold, not eaten. Buyers can only plant it, not eat it. They can eat it the year after next. Anyone who violates it will be punished.

Next year, we will plant it on official land in the early season and sell it in the late season. Some places in the north can only plant it for one season. Add another year to the no-eating rule.

At this time, only the imperial edict is preached. No newspaper is allowed. As for the sweet potatoes, the emperor will take care of himself next year.

The ministers knew that they were afraid that other countries would be jealous and cause war.

It was the end of the year, and he who had previously promised to win was asked to stay for one more year. At this time, General Pingjing County was asked to send a deputy general, Zheng Guiwen, to exchange for Chang Sheng. Recently, during the honeymoon period with the Xia Kingdom, he only exchanged 15,000 soldiers for Chang Sheng's 20,000 soldiers. There was also Shengzhou for Liu He to defend.. The border gate of Shengzhou is the two small states of Chen State and Sui State, with more than 10,000 people.

Qingzhou Pass was under the control of Army Commander Liu Jingyun. He sent a deputy general, a second-grade deputy commander, to guard it. Song Xingdu approved the arrangements and ordered the defenders to plant green cane while guarding the pass. That is a priceless treasure; if there is a race for the common people, the common people must be given first. When the time comes, the court will buy it, and ten pounds will be exchanged for one pound of grain.

The court meeting at the end of the first year of Zhengtong in the Song Dynasty was scheduled on the tenth day of the twelfth lunar month. Ministers of civil and military affairs of the second rank and above returned to the court to hold a court meeting.

After a year, the imperial court, which had been wiped out for most of the year, has been almost replenished, and all the subordinate officials have been promoted from below. Only the minister of the Ministry of War has not yet been in place. All the civil and military ministers guessed that the Ministry of War is not worthy of the minister, and the three provinces have been cancelled. The emperor is wise and wise, and the ministers discuss and decide on small matters. The emperor himself came to do important things, although he often approved memorials. But if the ministers do their own thing well, the emperor will be very relaxed, and the ministers will also be relaxed. It is like the previous dynasty, where they went to court every day at midnight and came back without energy. They could only do some things in the morning and had to sleep in the afternoon.

Although there is no tax this year. But the corrupt officials were caught, and the treasury was overflowing. It turns out that the support from the northern border is enough for five years, and the support from the southern border for two years does not matter. It is only exempted for one year. Corrupt officials are investigated and the extra workshop is profitable. The pencils sold now are snatched by the neighbors, and the paper is also sold. Salt, toothpaste and toothbrush. Of course, the printing technology is strictly controlled by the state. The toothbrush is made of bamboo slices and pig hair, which is just a manual cost. There is no packaging technology that can keep up with the toothpaste. They all use small bamboo tubes, one set of upper and lower parts, and they are very beautifully made..

In addition, the paper in the Song Dynasty was also made into books, some were large and some were small, some were thick and some were thin; both sides were made of thick coarse paper, which was very convenient to use.

They were all new gadgets, and they were sold at extremely high prices. Money came in like water for a while.

The propaganda department also makes money. The postal route was built by Shen Yi to make it convenient throughout the country. The entire Propaganda Department is self-sufficient and makes a lot of money. Next year's newspapers will be sold to neighboring countries except Liaoning.

The security department is purely spending money. Moreover, with more personnel, more money will be spent, but the Ministry of Security protects the country and investigates corrupt officials! Must spend.

But overall, I spent more than I earned.

The court meeting is not held in the court hall, but in the side hall. The eunuchs were guarding and leading the troops before dawn.

So, everyone saw that the side hall was full of things they had never seen before, including potatoes, corn kernels, and familiar soybeans.

The emperor hasn't arrived yet, and Jin Chuan is introducing him. He himself read it from beginning to end, but later he was not allowed to see the newspaper.

Jin Chuan started with four potatoes, then turned them into twenty-five and harvested eighty kilograms and seven taels, and then more than six thousand kilograms. He took a piece of paper and remembered it very carefully, and then he talked about corn and soybeans. The yield of soybeans has more than doubled than the original yield per mu, and the sweet potatoes have not been dug yet. The emperor has said that we will wait until next spring. I know, and he made it very clear.

Has the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs ever seen something with this kind of output? Those generals, facing the enemy without fear of life or death, turned pale in their ecstasy at this moment.

It took Jin Chuan an hour to finish.

All the ministers were in deathly silence.

After a while, the eunuch's sharp voice broke the silence:"The emperor has arrived!"

Emperor Song Xing came out wearing only a light white dress. It's very thick, so it shouldn't be cold.

All the civil and military personnel hurriedly knelt down and shouted long live!

Song Xing sat down on the ground. He said:"I'm here to tell you something good today. Just be polite and sit down like me."

All the ministers also sat down as instructed.

Song Xingdao:"Today, I invite you to eat potatoes. The simplest way is to steam them and eat them. As for how many ways to eat them, I will write them down later to let everyone know. I once said that my things are not allowed to be eaten now. Now The ones who have already eaten are the Empress Dowager and the Queen Mother, and I haven’t eaten either. What we eat today are all first-class dishes, from the first-class to the second-class officials. The ones I treat everyone to eat are round and not easy to cut. Come on. People!"

Following the four eunuchs, they came in carrying baskets of potatoes, placed them in front of the emperor, and then left, still steaming.

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