The basketball hall at this time.

The crowd was full of voices, and the exclamations seemed to penetrate the arena.

This time, Ye Chen's wonderful performance was too dazzling, which shocked and surprised the audience.

You know, this is a one-on-one, direct steal of Fukatsu Issei, ~ absolutely unexpected.

"Oh my God, how the hell did he do that?"

"A steal is luck, then now a one-on-one confrontation steals again!"

"Could it be that you have already seen through Fukatsu Issei?

They all know that Kazunari Fukatsu is a master of ball handling on the basketball court, and no one can steal his ball in front of him.

This has never happened before.

But now, this myth has been broken by Ye Chen, which is amazing.

Mu Shenyi was also very shocked. He knew that Fukatsu Issei's strength might not be as versatile as Zebei.

But in terms of possession? Definitely number one.

Even he was ashamed of himself.

He is convinced of this, and has always been aiming to surpass Fukatsuichi.

Moreover, it has always been presented with the picture of Fukatsu Issei stealing others.

Now, Fukatsu Issei was actually snatched by Ye Chen, or was it broken head-on?

Although he knew Ye Chen's strength very well, he never thought that Ye Chen would surpass Fukatsu Issei in pure ball control.

This kind of ball breaking requires the concept of ball control and a very high degree of mastery to do it.

That's why point guards are so hard to get the ball off.

Especially the big and tall people, because of the center of gravity, it is more difficult to keep up with the small people who change at a very fast pace.

But Ye Chen is obviously so much taller than Fukatsu Yicheng, but he still did it.

This surprised and amazed him.

"Ye Chen, is there anything you can't do?"

At this moment, what Mu Shenyi's heart wants to know most is the answer to this question.

Because his performance was just too good, far beyond expectations.

Even if he already knew what kind of skills he could come up with, he was broken again and again.

It's as if on the court, this man in the red shirt has no limits, no ends.

Just the word demon is indescribable.

Not only was he able to cross the three-point line with ease, but he was also able to pull off some amazing tricks and moves that were completely unreasonable.

His performance made it feel like he couldn't see through him at all, as if his quality had surpassed the professional level and reached a whole new level.

At the same time, Mu Shenyi also felt that Ye Chen's strength was getting stronger and stronger, and the gap between him and himself was getting bigger and bigger.

The sense of disparity made him feel extremely distant and hopeless.

I could only shake my head helplessly in the stands.

The area where Lingnan is located.

Xiandao was equally surprised by this.

When Ye Chen stepped forward to defend, he realized that things were not so simple.

"Mountain King, do you still need to fight?"

In the heart of the immortal dao, such a question began to be raised.

Judging from the current situation on the field, it seems that the Mountain King has been completely defeated.

What if you get the strongest lineup?

Zebei couldn't suppress Ye Chen, and Fukatsu Issei was also completely teased and applauded.

Ye Chen was like a giant mountain suppressed and completely smashed the mountain king.

On the other side, Jun Tsuchiya, who had already felt the incredulity.

At this time, the whole person was stunned, unable to believe what he was seeing.

He began to wonder if he had a high opinion of Fukatsu Iksei before.

"How do you feel, Fukatsu has no power to fight back at all?"

"Is this still the No. 1 point guard in the country I knew?"

Jun Tsuchiya shook his head repeatedly, not sure about this.

But at the same time, when his eyes fell on Ye Chen, he had a clear feeling.

"No, it's not that Kazunari Fukatsu has weakened. "

"It's the guy named Ye Chen in Xiangbei, it's too strong!"

He muttered silently in his heart, thinking that Ye Chen's one-on-one strength might not be able to be stopped.

He began to think about tactics against Ye Chen, thinking that this was something that had to be done.

Judging from the current situation, it seems that the Mountain King is already at a disadvantage, and defeat seems to be a matter of time.

Unless there is a miracle, it will be difficult for them to turn things around.

And if they continue to advance next, then Xiangbei has a high probability that they will meet them in the next game.

The other side.

The players of Aihe were also stunned, and they also felt Ye Chen's strength.

They began to reassess their own strength, and at the same time, they also reassessed the strength of Ye Chen and Xiangbei.

Originally, in their thoughts, today's final winner would inevitably be the King of the Mountain.

All along, they also regarded the Mountain King as a real opponent.

For Xiangbei, I still don't pay attention to it.

After all, Xiangbei is just entering the national competition for the first time.

The experience of the tournament and the mental quality of the players are all top priorities.


But now, everything is completely different.

"It's scary. "

"This Ye Chen's strength gives me the feeling that it is not in the same dimension at all. "

"Yes, it's like an adult beating a child, he can't stop what he wants to do. "


The strength shown by Xiangbei even their top four teams felt a chill down their backs and palpitations!

In the rest area of Xiangbei, Sang Tian and others cheered Ye Chen's performance.

"Great, it's so easy!"

"What kind of starting point guard on the other side, the first in the country, is just a big name!"

"It's too easy, Ye Chen completely controls the rhythm of the game!"

In their eyes, the starting point guard of the Mountain King is nothing more than that.

Compared with Ye Chen, it is completely pediatric.

Twilight explains this.

"In fact, it's not that Fukatsu Issei is too weak, even if his strength is not only accused of the position of Wei, but also the top few in the country. "

"And if it's in the point guard position, it's even more incomparable to the shepherd. "

"Maybe Ye Chen's strength is too strong, which makes Shenjin feel helpless. "

After some analysis, the situation on the field is also seen more thoroughly.

After all, he is the vice captain of Xiangbei, and although his skills are mediocre, he still has a certain eyesight.

After speaking, he pushed his glasses even more, and a smile appeared on his face.

"But for Xiangbei, this is actually a good thing. "

"The stronger Ye Chen, the higher the winning rate of Xiangbei. "

Because Ye Chen's strength can drive the morale of the entire team, so that they can face the next games more confidently.

They all undoubtedly believed that under the leadership of Ye Chen, they would be able to go further and achieve greater victories.

Ayako nodded in agreement.

"Ye Chen's strength is completely beyond the imagination of ordinary people. "

"They thought it was going to be a tough fight, but now it looks like it's a bit dramatic. "

For such a situation, Ayako, as the manager of the team, is also very happy.

Now Xiangbei, every step forward, is creating a new history.

And in such a glorious page, there will also be her figure to leave a mark.

This is an extremely beautiful time in her life.

Then, Ayako looked at the people who were in a daze and reminded, "Don't stop, continue to cheer for them!"

"Next, I will definitely be able to take down the king of the mountain in one go. "

In the rest area of the Sanno.

Domoto was shaking his legs, and he felt a lot of pressure.

It was probably the most pin-and-needle game he has played in with the team in his career.

As a coach, he knows the strength of each player, but whether it is Shenjin or Zebei, in the hands of Ye Chen, they have no ability to resist at all.

This made him feel very worried, and he began to think about how to adjust his tactics in order to be able to resist Ye Chen's strong strength.

He is well aware that if they are not able to find a solution, then there is a good chance that this match will end in defeat.

As the coach of the team, he has a lot of responsibility and has to get things done as quickly as possible.

The mountain king, who has never been defeated, will never allow such an ending in his heart.

"What went wrong?"

"Right now, I can only look forward to Masashi Kawada. "

Coach Domoto clenched his palms tightly, and his palms were sweaty at the moment.

In his eyes, I'm afraid that the one who can find a breakthrough point for the time being now is Masashi Kawada on the inside line.

Also, be able to find a breakthrough from the offense and defense under the basket.

After all, in his opinion, although Akagi has talent on the inside, it must be inferior to Masashi Kamida.

As long as one aspect is suppressed, then the king of the mountain will still have a chance to open up the situation.

on the field.

Matsumoto looked at what had happened in disbelief.

He deeply admired Fukatsu's ball control and tackling skills, and thought that he could not be easily tackled.

After all, in both aspects, Fukatsu Kazunari has always been top-notch.

Since joining the Mountain Kings and becoming the starting point guard of the Mountain Kings.

No one in the country has ever been able to take on the challenge.

However, the reality was that Ye Chen easily snatched Fukatsu, which made Minoru Matsumoto very surprised and puzzled.

He began to think about what was going on, why the Mountain King was powerless in front of Ye Chen.

"What the hell is going on?" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"One after another, they all showed up and asked. "

Masashi Kawada also frowned, he was very worried.

First Zebei, and now Shenjin, all of them were played with by Ye Chen.

This made him start to think about how to fight against Ye Chen's strength.

As the backbone of the team, he knows deep down that if there is no reasonable counterattack.

Then the team will taste defeat today.

At this moment, Masashi Kawada's gaze wandered on Ye Chen's body.

I felt that Ye Chen was clearly planning to defeat the main force of the Mountain King from the heart.

Being defeated in this way is undoubtedly the most painful, and I am afraid that it will be imprinted in my memory forever in the future.

"Ye Chen, what an arrogant guy. "

At this moment, Masashi Kawada is also very unhappy in his heart.

He wanted to find a way to fight back as much as possible, he didn't want to see Ye Chen act so recklessly against the Mountain King.

Fukatsu Kazunari was a little distracted, he didn't know how Ye Chen stole his ball.

He only knew that every time he made his next move, Ye Chen could perfectly predict it.

This kind of prediction seems to have seen through his whole person.

He felt as if he had been nakedly in front of Ye Chen.

This made him feel very incredible, and he couldn't believe that it was true.

After all, it's too fantasy to be real.

"No, it must be an illusion. "

Kazunari took a deep breath and comforted himself inwardly.

He didn't want to believe that in the first encounter, someone would be able to see him through completely.

He didn't even dare to think about how talented such a person should be.

On the side of Xiangbei, I saw Ye Chen's strong performance.

Seeing the opposite of the Mountain King again, Fukatsu Issei, who is known as the first point guard, looked dazed.

Miyagi couldn't help but sigh as well.

"Ye Chen, this guy, has already started to exert his strength. "

"I have to say that the other side is really a little sympathetic. "

"However, since Ye Chen intends to kill the game directly, they can't hold back. "

At this time, Akagi and the others nodded.

They deeply understand this, Ye Chen is very motivated, they can't fall behind.

As teammates, it is natural to give the best support and win the game together!

At this time, Ye Chen stood there with his hands on his hips with a relaxed face.

His eyes looked at Fukatsu Issei very casually.

A sentence fluttered out of his mouth.

"Kazunari Fukatsu deserves to be the top point guard in the country, but unfortunately, it's me who is facing it!"

The implication couldn't be more obvious.

As long as Fukatsu Issei dares to dangle in front of him, then he dares to break the ball.

And, with full certainty, he can grab the ball of Fukatsu Kazunari again and again.

In the face of such Ye Chen, Fukatsu was not calm for the first time.

His brows furrowed, and at the same time, there was a little more anger in his eyes.

"What a megalomaniacal guy. "

The match continued, with Masashi Kawada serving.

Fukatsu still holds the ball and attacks the frontcourt.

However, this time Miyagi still did not choose to step forward, but Ye Chen stood up.

is still the same alignment, Ye Chen came to defend Fukatsu Yicheng and gave a sense of oppression.

At this moment, I saw Ye Chen come forward, and he looked confident.

Fukatsu gritted his teeth, obviously quite unconvinced in his heart.

"If you can still break it, try another one. "

At this time, Fukatsu Yicheng also directly chose to challenge Ye Chen.

He wants to use his strength to win back all the face he lost before.

It is also necessary to use his personal ability to help the team get out of the current slump.

As the captain of the Mountain King, Fukatsu Kazunari knew very well that he definitely couldn't be defeated by Ye Chen's hands like this.

You can't just admit defeat like this!

"Bang Bang ......"

While dribbling, Fukatsu Kazunari used his body to block Ye Chen's shot route to prevent him from stealing his ball.

He became more cautious and did not dare to make the same mistake again.

However, Ye Chen shook his head and said, "Don't believe it?"

Although I admire Fukatsu Kazunari's current attitude and resolute determination.

But since some people question his ability, it is necessary to prove it with practical actions.

He began to perform a series of feints, deliberately tentative moves, which directly disrupted the rhythm of Fukatsu Kazunari's dribbling.

After having the previous experience, although he was already very cautious, such a reflex nerve also made him more prone to subconscious fear.


At the moment of turning around, Ye Chen had already laid an ambush, reacted quickly with his left hand, and stabbed him.

Kazunari Fukatsu disconnects from the ball.

With his height and long arms, Ye Chen quickly stepped forward to get the ball.


Fukatsu's eyes were horrified.

I didn't expect Ye Chen to really be able to do this.

It was too fast.

The angle is tricky, but it's not a foul move, it's clean.

But he didn't choose to give up, but quickly chased after the shot ball.

The two ran towards the basketball almost at the same time.

Fight for the ball in the middle line.

With a higher and faster, Ye Chen successfully grabbed the ball.

The cheers of the audience exploded instantly.

"Another steal, that's cool!"


Soon, Ye Chen ran quickly and drove the ball directly to the frontcourt.

He came to the top three-point position of the Mountain King's arc, and after a sharp stop, he jumped high.

Hold your stance in the air and then shoot with ease.

Textbook shooting posture with incredibly accurate shooting routes.

The basketball left a wonderful arc in the air and hit it again, without the slightest suspense.

The audience became very lively, and everyone cheered for Ye Chen's performance.

"Good shot!!"

"Another one! He's crazy!"



This attack made the Sanno team feel very frustrated, and even almost fell into despair.

They did everything they could, only to find that it didn't work at all.

Ye Chen was like their nightmare on the court, lingering.

Seeing this, Coach Domoto could only choose to call a timeout.

He needs to get the team back in shape or the game will get out of control.

What if you let Ye Chen play like this?

According to the current situation, they are completely in the hanging factory.

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