In the car!

After Zhou Yiting ended the call, her face was full of surprise and despair:

"Highgarden, my uncle said so.

The pond where Longteng Aluminum Company stores red mud was indeed built by my father's engineering team.

Your guess is probably true.

The murderer might really be the victim of the red mud leak. They believed that my father was also responsible and came to seek revenge from him!"

"Mr. Zhou, this is just my guess, not necessarily the truth.-……"

The High Court reluctantly offered a few words of comfort and directly extracted the information of the victims of the red mud leak and their relatives.

The time when the red mud storage tank collapsed was very unfortunate, as the employees were getting off work in the evening.

Although the storage pool must be built in a remote location, far away from the living area.

But many workers go home and happen to pass by the storage pool.

After the red mud leaked, many employees were directly crushed to death by the red mud.

Others died of suffocation.

In the end, a total of forty-three people died in the accident.

There were hundreds of injured people.

The murderer of the case may be among the survivors of the accident or the relatives of the casualties.

Di Renjie:"Although we have a general scope, there are still a lot of suspects!

If we add them up, there are hundreds of people!"

Feng Yuxiu:"The investigation is too troublesome!

Only by finding more clues can we further locate them. Murderer!"

There seems to be no more clues now!"


Everyone was discussing, and almost two hours later, the car came to the abandoned factory area again.

After getting off the car, Gao Ting saw a badly rusted arched gate not far away.

There is also a Tamron Aluminum logo hanging on the door!

Team Wang divided the investigators into groups and divided their respective areas of responsibility so that they could search separately.

Gao Ting looked at the aluminum factory and shared the view with everyone:

"I'll take a look around this factory, and you guys should take a look. Do you feel suspicious? Maybe it's the hiding place of the murderer or the place where Zhou Renbiao's body was dumped?"

"Hehe, why do you still need to look at this?"

Gin's cold and mocking voice sounded:

"If I were the murderer and I caught Zhou Renbiao for revenge, then of course I would sink him into the red mud!

The storage tank he built back then had quality problems, which caused red mud to leak and killed my family members.

Of course I want him to enjoy the same death!

Therefore, I will not only sink him into the red mud, but I will also sink him into the red mud alive.

Let him experience for himself the pain of being submerged bit by bit in red mud and then suffocating to death.

This is revenge!

Only then can I feel the pleasure of revenge!"

It seems... makes sense!

Gin, you really know how to take revenge!

Gao Ting took Zhou Yiting directly to the storage pool where the red mud leaked.

It was said to be a pool, but the volume was actually very large.

The walls of the storage pool They are several meters high!

On the wall facing the road from the storage pool, there is obviously a refilled area.

This is obviously the location where the wall collapsed.

From the collapsed location to the road where the High Court stands, there is still a large area of ​​​​remaining The red color.

This red color extends for several kilometers and looks very amazing.

Gao Ting looked directly at Zhou Yiting next to him:

"Mr. Zhou, please find someone to come over!

There is a high probability that your father's body was sunk into this storage pool."

Zhou Yiting was not in a high mood to begin with. When she heard Gao Ting's words, her whole body trembled slightly:

"High Court, are you saying that the murderer deliberately sank my father into the red mud of the storage pond in order to take revenge?"

Gao Ting nodded.

He only solved the case, and he didn't really want to care about the past.

But when the case progressed to the current level, he could only sigh.

Zhou Yiting's execution ability is still very strong. After more than two hours, A few hundred people were found.

Finding a body in red mud is obviously much more difficult than finding a car in a lake. The only better thing is that although the pool storing red mud is large, the murderer is also Zhou Renbiao can only be sunk at the edge. So you only need to search the location of the pool against the wall!

Almost two hours later, Xiong Leilei, Lin Xiaoxiao and others also came over.

"Do you have any results there? Gao

Ting asked directly.

Xiong Leilei nodded:

"Just now, the search team led by Sister Lin found clues in the No. 3 employee accommodation building behind the factory.

Several of the rooms had been burned with oil.

The kidnappers back then may have been hiding there.

Technicians are there collecting physical evidence!"

Xiong Leilei finished talking about the investigation, and then asked:

"Highgarden, what about you?

You have found so many people, what are you doing in that storage pool? Lin

Xiaoxiao's expression suddenly changed and he said in surprise:

"Could it be that you are looking for Zhou Renbiao’s body?"

Gao Ting nodded and informed the two of them that this case was a revenge case, that the murderer was the victim of the red mud leak, and that Zhou Renbiao was the builder of the storage pool.

"Um? Do you also think this case is a revenge case? Lin

Xiaoxiao looked even more surprised and glanced between Gao Ting and Xiong Leilei:

"Unexpectedly, you two guys have similar opinions!"

Gao Ting was stunned.

Xiong Leilei and I have similar opinions?

Didn't this speculation happen to be something that Xiong Leilei overheard when I informed Zhou Yiting before identifying the physical evidence?

Xiong Leilei hurriedly yelled:

"Revenge or not is not yet certain, so we won’t discuss this anymore.

Highgarden, how's your search going?

Has Zhou Renbiao's body been found?"

Lin Xiaoxiao knew that he had been deceived by Xiong Leilei as soon as he saw the two people. On the way to this abandoned factory from Chaoyang District, Xiong Leilei suddenly sat upright and seriously analyzed the suspicions of the kidnapping case.

He also said that the kidnappers did not take the money in the end. A ransom of 300 million is very acceptable, and there may be three possibilities.

After the analysis, he said that the last possibility was that this case was actually a vendetta, but was disguised as a kidnapping case by the murderer, which had the highest probability.

When Team Wang heard this, they were all worried about Xiong Leilei. He praised him repeatedly and said that his analysis was reasonable.

He also praised him that his brain, which was filled with muscles, finally came to his senses.

Lin Xiaoxiao himself was also a little impressed by him!

But he did not expect that this guy turned out to be a wise man?

Lin Xiaoxiao was a little angry at himself. Being deceived by this idiot, without saying a word, he whipped Xiong Leilei on the buttocks:

"You guys are cheating on me, right?!"

Xiong Leilei was kicked forward several steps, but after he stood still, nothing happened. He patted his butt and said happily:

"Hehe, Sister Lin, didn’t I just repeat what my brother said and show off in front of Team Wang?

What's the point?

I don’t want to take credit from my brother!"

Xiong Leilei was very proud and seemed to feel that he was very smart.

Lin Xiaoxiao was too lazy to pay attention to him and looked at Gao Ting:

"Based on the information you mentioned, it is indeed possible that the murderer sank Zhou Renbiao's body into the red mud in order to take revenge!

However, it must be troublesome to find corpses in red mud, right?!

Gao Ting nodded:"It's been two hours and nothing has been discovered yet!""

Next, several people discussed the case while waiting for the results.

During this period, Team Wang also came over.

Lin Xiaoxiao was quite loyal and did not reveal the truth about Xiong Leilei's pretense.

After hearing Gao Ting's analysis, Team Wang nodded again and again. It was agreed that the body might be in the red mud.

More than three hours later, when light was about to appear on the distant horizon, a salvage worker on the storage tank suddenly shouted below:

"It seems... found!"

Soon, more shouts came:

"It seems to be a real corpse!"

"Pull it up quickly!"

"A corpse indeed!"


Ten minutes later, a black body bag was lowered from above the storage pool.

Looking at the body bag, although Zhou Yiting was strong, she could not help but have tears in her eyes and her body could not help shaking.

High Court patted her shoulder:

"Mr. Zhou, you'd better take the car first!

Whether that body is your father or not, the forensic doctor will identify it later!"

The current situation is actually a bit complicated.

Zhou Yiting's father has been missing for a year and a half. As a daughter, she definitely wants to see his father's face.

But red mud is very corrosive!

After being diluted in the lake, it can poison fish. And frogs, etc.

In the accident that year, the death of people covered by red mud was also very miserable.

Some scalps and even fingers were corroded!

And Zhou Renbiao’s body was sunk in the red mud for a year and a half. The corrosion will only get worse.

After reading it, Zhou Yiting probably felt even more uncomfortable. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xiong Leilei next to him also said:

"Mr. Zhou, I also suggest not to read it.

Mainly, it’s pointless to watch, and it will leave a shadow on many people!"

Lin Xiaoxiao didn't say anything, but just hugged Zhou Yiting.

It's actually difficult to choose this kind of thing. If your loved ones take one last look, they will most likely be disappointed or even scared.

But if you don't look, you will definitely regret it.

She has also faced this choice before, So she understands this feeling!

After a moment of silence, Zhou Yiting's face returned to determination:

"It doesn’t matter, I want to watch it!"

Soon, everyone came to the body bag.

A staff member opened the zipper!

A mutilated body was quickly revealed in front of everyone.

The face... was unrecognizable.

Gao Ting quickly confirmed through the broken clothes, The clothes on the corpse were exactly the same as what Zhou Renbiao was wearing when he disappeared.

Zhou Yiting couldn't help but shed tears, leaning on Lin Xiaoxiao's arms:

"It's my dad, it's my dad's body!"


Soon, technicians arrived, treated the body briefly and brought it back to the investigation bureau.

After Gao Ting visited the hiding place of the kidnappers, he found nothing obvious and returned to Chaoyang District.

Forensic autopsies take a certain amount of time, and the bodies are wrapped in red mud, making handling them cumbersome.

Therefore, Gao Ting went home to rest first. After all, he had not slept all night.

However, before falling asleep completely, he went to the personality hall and discussed the situation of finding Zhou Renbiao's body.

The final conclusion is also very simple!

Since the body was indeed found in the red mud, it further proves that High Court's previous speculation was correct.

Zhou Renbiao's case is not essentially a kidnapping case, but a vendetta!

The murderer is most likely among the victims and relatives of the red mud accident that he extracted before.

"I hope that forensic doctors and technicians can find further evidence pointing to the murderer on Zhou Renbiao!

0Flowers requested.

Otherwise, we can only carry out investigation!"

With this thought, Gao Ting fell asleep.

He was speechless for a whole night!

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, Gao Ting was awakened by the ringing of his cell phone.

After the call was connected, the excited voice of the bear Leilei immediately rang:

"Highgarden, are you awake?

The forensic doctor confirmed that it was Zhou Renbiao's body and found important clues on the body.

Technicians also recovered the clues!

Come here quickly!"

When Gao Ting heard the important clues, he immediately woke up:

"Okay, I'll be there right away!"

He quickly finished washing up and when he came to the living room, he found Zhou Yiting already waiting there.

She must have not rested and seemed to be in a bad state. After the two said hello, they immediately rushed to the investigation bureau. On the way, Gao Ting came directly to the investigation bureau.

Thoughts in mind:

"System, extract the investigation bureau’s identification report on Zhou Renbiao’s body!"

【This extraction was successful! 】

After Gao Ting shared the information with everyone, check the conclusion immediately!

Zhou Renbiao’s cause of death was suffocation!

Forensic doctors found red mud in his respiratory tract and esophagus, indicating that he was indeed sunk into the red mud storage pool while he was still alive.

This is completely consistent with Gin’s statement about revenge against the avenger!

The so-called important clue is that the forensic doctor found two words and a symbol in Zhou Renbiao's lower abdomen.

They are very shallow and not from knives or sharp fragments.

The forensic doctor found that Zhou Renbiao's ten fingernails were all very irregular, with parts missing.

It is speculated that Zhou Renbiao sharpened his nails without tools and scratched his abdomen repeatedly, leaving those characters and symbols.

Moreover, when Zhou Renbiao died, his hands and body were protecting his abdomen.

So this must be an important clue he left on purpose!

However, the characters and symbols were too shallow. After processing them, the Image Investigation Section of the Technical Brigade found that the first handwriting on the first line was positive, followed by a circular symbol.

That is"right"!

The text on the second line is"stolen"! just?


What's the meaning?

Gao Ting entered the Hall of Personalities and found that all the personalities were also frowning.

Psychological profiler Fang Mu lamented:

"This Zhou Renbiao is really cruel!

In order to leave clues, he used his nails to carve characters and symbols on his abdomen.

This seems like something he can do."

White Night Detective Guan Hongfeng was confused:

"Spirit" means stolen goods? Does it refer to ransom or something?

What's even more strange is, why does a circle-like symbol appear for no reason?

What does Zhou Renbiao want to express?"

"Hey, how stupid!"

Feng Yuxiu still looked fierce and wanted to fight with everyone:

"Zhou Renbiao originally wanted to write, but found that the word was too difficult to write and it hurt too much to write on his stomach.

Moreover, if there happens to be a symbol that can be replaced, just use a simpler symbol!

Di Renjie nodded:"That makes sense!"

Moreover, Zhou Renbiao's goal is to leave clues, not for us to decipher.

Therefore, the meaning of is certainly not too difficult to guess and should be a very common meaning.

Is it a simple way of writing the literal zero, positive zero?

It doesn't seem right! Tang

Detective Qin Feng thought:" oracle bone inscriptions, ⊙ represents the day."

Later it developed into bronze inscriptions, which also represented the day.

When children draw, they also use a circle to represent the sun.

So, is it possible that it means day or sun?

Right day?

It doesn't seem right!

The sun is shining?

Well...that doesn't seem right either!"

As soon as Qin Feng finished speaking, Gao Ting was suddenly startled:

"Wait, this seems to be it!

It should represent the sun!

However, when combined, it is not Zhengyang, but Zhengyang, which should represent Zhengyang Tower, one of the eight buildings in Beijing!

Do you still remember that according to the information provided by Zhou Yiting, Zhou Renbiao had dinner with friends at Zhengyang Building three days before he disappeared."

Hannibal also has the ability of the Memory Palace. Because it is a castrated version, it is several beats slower than Highgarden.

However, his memory of the information is also very clear.

After Highgarden reminded him, he suddenly understood:

"I remembered, this is what happened!

The people who had dinner with Zhou Renbiao at that time seemed to be his friends from the business world."

Psychological profiler Fang Mu also nodded heavily:

"This should be it!

The words and symbols left by Zhou Renbiao before his death must be some clues that are easy to associate.

During the month when he was kidnapped, he must have thought deeply about why he was kidnapped and what doubts there were about him.

This Zhengyang Tower should be the result of his thinking, pointing to his answers to the doubts in the case!"

As for the doubtful points of this case, everyone discussed three at the beginning - where is the kidnapping place, where the kidnappers are hiding, and where the car and the body were sunk?

Why didn't the kidnappers take away 300 million in the end?

These two clues, The answer is basically there.

Moreover, they all happened after Zhou Renbiao's death, and they are definitely not within the scope of his thinking.

There is only one last doubt left. How did the kidnappers know about the news that Zhou Renbiao took a car to a poverty-stricken town that day?

The answer is Zhengyang Tower? Again!.

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