after all.

Such an advanced civilization.

If they were invited to join by other members of the company in Galaxy, then they would have no money and no benefit at all.

Blood loss!

Let others get a big deal.

Anyone else would have been so heartbroken that they couldn't breathe.

You can only invite them, so that you can get the company's rewards.

Such a good opportunity cannot be missed!

As for the civilization of Yaliluo VI, everyone is a little bit disdainful. After all, it was okay in the past. Now that it has been ravaged by the star core disaster for so long, the overall value has been greatly reduced.

But seeing as they are the benchmark that the company will use to brag about.

The company will still support and help them.

This kind of thing is a given and does not require anyone to think about it.

On the contrary, it is the civilized affairs of [Liyue] that need to be paid attention to and fought for immediately.

So these second group of people from outside the world, led by the silver-maned iron guards, went to the place where the great guardian was.

Clipper Castle

At this time, Bronya was watching them from above, and the visitors were all below. after all.

Regardless, Bronya is the leader of the planet's Builder forces.

The Fortress Builders faction likes to build a series of barriers, protective walls, shelters, etc. on various planets. They are distributed on various planets and other civilizations.

It is a decentralized faction.

Star Core Peace Company is a whole.

In fact, the City Builders are more like the forces that practice the"Preservation" of the Star God. The company, which conducts trade everywhere and travels to various worlds, is also one of the preservation forces, so it has a sense of humor 063.

Facing their purpose, Bronya also pondered.

"It turns out that the company has also noticed our situation here. Do you want to support us? Then I would like to say thank you on behalf of everyone here. Now Beloberg is overwhelmed and really needs resources."

"As for the representative of Liyue that you want to meet?"

"It's a pity that they are all gone."

In an instant, the eyes of the company staff dimmed.

"But don't worry, I will tell them this next time they come back. As for the outcome, I'm not sure."

They could only smile bitterly.

I hope that the civilization of Liyue will appear again.

After all, if this great guardian can really be contacted, she can rely on this to manipulate them and gain more for Yaliluo No. 6. After all, whether or not they can meet and when they can meet all depends on their words.

The key is that they can only agree.

And when Bronya discussed resources and help with them next, she did exactly that. After all, if a big fat sheep comes to your door, is it still a human being?

As long as you are a qualified guardian, you will know what to do.

After all, after chatting with Su Bai for so long, she certainly knows that the company is very fat.

In the universe, Big Mac.

Since it can be clearly seen that the company wants to use Beloberg and Yaliluo No. 6 as publicity, it is natural to give benefits.

So these personnel discussed some matters with Bronya , after the results came out, they also said goodbye.

The Silver Mane Iron Guards hosted them to live in the hotel.

Now more people are coming for inspection and collection. In the future, further development, trade, cooperation, etc. will have specific The commissioner came over to make a more detailed and comprehensive plan and case.

They also had to go to the library to collect the history of Belloberg and then upload it to the company.

However, everyone was not optimistic about the Earth Marrow transaction.

It seems that here Our civilization has long established trade cooperation with Liyue, but we don’t know when Liyue will send a spaceship to transport away batches of excavated resources.

Therefore, the economic value of Yaliluo 6 will be more reflected in tourism in the future. Well, that's very common.

Looking at the Milky Way, there aren't too many planetary civilizations targeted for tourism.

But this wave of Yaliluo 6 has become attached to Liyue, and with the help of the company, it may not be impossible to develop into a very outstanding one. The civilization of civilization depends on what the future holds.

So after staying in the library for a long time, they also stretched out tiredly. Let's go back to the [Goethe Hotel] and have something to eat.

Some people planned to pay their respects and wait for a while. In the corridor, they saw a row of tall blue balls. The clerk stuffed the clothes directly into them and pressed them. The clothes inside began to rotate and rinse.

It was really surprising.

How could this image look like this? It looks like a large slime.

After asking the clerk, he nodded.

"Yes, this is a water slime magic washing machine. Even though it looks like this, it is actually very powerful. It can remove almost all stains on clothes. It has great cleaning effect and will not harm the clothes."

So something that is different from Belloberg's painting style, the company's staff also learned that it is indeed something from the Liyue civilization.


Could it be that it is a magic-style civilization over there?

But it is said to be a magic washing machine. , it should be technology.

They didn’t pay much attention to it and just shook their heads. If there were a lot of such daily equipment, it would be difficult for the sales specialists behind the company to sell things. At least the washing machine would be hopeless.

Because they can see , some of these water slime magic washing machines stretched out their long blue tentacles directly after washing.

They suddenly reached the lobby on the other side.

Then they hung the clothes to the balcony to blow air.


This thing is still automatic. Integrated.

Memory alloy?

After arriving at the counter, they also chatted with the old Goethe (cicj) for a while, and the other party was cheerful.

"If you notice some strange things, don't worry about it. They were all purchased from Liyue before and are available everywhere, but their things are really useful."

And one of the company personnel also noticed a few different coins.

He was a little surprised.

"Boss Goethe, according to our information records, your Belloberg is popular for the Winterfell Shield, but what about this golden currency?"

"This is Maura from Liyue. I still have some of the currency that belongs to them."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Everyone nodded.

After the boss agreed, he picked up one and looked at it. He was lucky and came into contact with the currency of this unknown civilization.

As long as it develops A civilization over time will have its own currency.

Even after cooperating with the Interstellar Peace Company, everyone will still keep the currency in circulation. The

Black Tower Space Station has Black Tower Coins.

Beloberg is the Winter City Shield.

As for the Immortal Zhou Alliance?

There is also one.

The one over there is [Xundy].

But it has also become a digital currency, and only a few collectors will have some physical coins.

After taking the instrument to test, they were surprised when they looked at the information displayed on it. one time

"According to the display, this currency called Mora is itself a precious metal and should have more than one function. I am afraid that in the civilization over there in Liyue"

"Mora does more than just serve as currency."

But more specifically, we need to study it.

But in other words, this is actually a resource.

It can be regarded as a better understanding.

Next, regarding the afternoon tour, the Goethe boss also mentioned , you can go to the new city area to play. The construction there is very good. He specially invested in opening a branch there.

You can go there through the teleportation gate to have a look.

So soon, a group of people looked at the blue teleportation not far away. The door was lost in thought.

There were still quite a few people queuing up, and a few silver-maned iron guards were patrolling here.

To be honest, it felt really weird. How could a place like Belloberg be equipped with a space portal?

No. Come to think of it.

That Liyue is a civilization that is also good at space technology.

And from a small perspective, it can be seen that Liyue is a very incredible civilization. The average civilization uses space means to transport troops, which is already a strategic ability..

But that’s just when you use it, turn on the teleportation.

Then close it immediately.

How much energy does it cost to maintain this kind of normal teleportation door posture?

But Liyue has built more than 100 gates in Beloberg. One.

This kind of casual popularization attitude shows that for them, this kind of teleportation is nothing at all.

It can be imagined that there are probably teleportation gates everywhere in Liyue. It is too wealthy.

Advanced and wealthy.

So. They want Liyue to join the company's trade network more and more.

I don't believe Liyue won't agree.

And can Belloberg support this kind of energy supply? Or is it actually not very energy-consuming and can be maintained for a long time? Long time is a very efficient technology?

When thinking of this, someone immediately contacted his friend in the Boshi Society. The connection was quickly connected.

And after hearing this, the other party's eyes also shone.

After all, the Bosho Society likes to travel around the world, collect rare technologies, and efficient technologies to manufacture products, make money, and make profits for this.

So he is very interested and excited.

"Let’s take a closer look. It would be great if we could conduct research directly. Wait, I’ll apply to come to Yaliluo No. 6."

However, these people in the company came closer, did not line up, and behaved sneakily, which was strictly prohibited by the silver-maned iron guards. They made them smile.

It seems that with these guards, it is difficult to observe directly at close range.

But these People don't know that these alchemical creations cannot be cracked. They have special anti-peeping measures inside, and they will self-destruct if they dare to dismantle them. This kind of support for the outside world is usually encrypted in layers.

For Su Bai, It is only his duty to study others.

Others want to study in turn?

That's a good idea.

Let's go ahead...

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