But among the stars in the sky, she thought Liyue was the prettiest.

The main design is the shape designed by Daci Shuwang, which is handsome and gorgeous, and full of good looks. Those commercial airships are decorated with rhombus crystal leaves.

It is clear.

This time because Luofu Immortal Boat still has this ancient style.

Therefore, the Qianshu battleship is even more outstanding.

Moreover, the Golden Wind's [Fluttering Light Surveyor] is even more Liyue-style and can easily become Liyue's iconic feature.

And now that we have come to Luofu Xianzhou, how can we miss the special snacks here? soon.

They came to the food stall here.

I saw a series of varieties, the most famous of which are [Qiongshi Bird Skewers] [Tapir Steamed Rolls] [Hot Floating Goat Milk] [Ming Lotus-Cake] and so on.

This last one made Lisa look weird.

Has the little cutie been here before?

This Singing Lotus Root Cake is also available here in Liyue. If I remember correctly, the little cutie even used this to scare the shadow, because it will make you scream when you eat it.

Of course, you can also see a series of unique creatures such as the Luofu Immortal Boat.

Hot goat milk is produced by a kind of sheep called [Qingrou], and tapir steamed bun rolls are made from the meat of [Meng tapir], making it a kind of cake roll?

In terms of biological breeding, Luofu Xianzhou also has a special cave to raise these animals.

And I also heard that there is a large plain called Nagakarihara. Can you go there and visit?

It's quite similar to Liyue Sky Harbor.

Many caves have also been created over there to breed dangerous species and magical beasts.

And at this time, the store owner here was still recommending it to Su Bai and the others with excitement.

"Hey, guest, how about three cups of hot floating goat milk? Let me tell you, even our General Jingyuan from Luofu has a big bowl of fresh hot goat milk every morning!"

"You can imagine how good this is!"

"Strengthening the body and rich in nutrients, it can be said to be a treasure on our fairy boat! As the saying goes, when you come to Xianzhou, how can you not drink hot goat milk?"

This is a specialty of Xianzhou!

As a result, two children came next to them, and their children's voices rang out here.

"you're lying! Obviously Shence Mansion has already said this, this is a rumor!"

"The general has never drunk like this."

The boss immediately turned green.

Go, go, disturb my business.

Whose child is so annoying?

Wait, it seems to be my child.

Damn, naughty child!

Everyone laughed without saying a word.

After all, this kind of popularity-based marketing method It's quite common. On the way here, they also saw some shops selling products to remove athlete's foot, indicating that General Jingyuan had agreed to use them. They were approached by Yun Qijun with a dark face.

Are you here? Are you slandering our general? That’s unreasonable!

After visiting for a whole morning, they went to the Night Marquis to listen to books. During this period, they could also order Jade Dew Wine, Willow Forest Wine, or a series of teas, Lisa noticed during this period.

This is an ancient method of making tea.

It has a very Liyue flavor.

After Mr. [Xiyan] finished speaking, it was already noon, and many people had gone home. He couldn't help but wipe it after watching. Sweat for a while

"Alas, it’s getting harder and harder to tell stories these days."

"Too competitive"

"I feel like my brain cells are almost exhausted. It’s getting more and more difficult to deal with the guests nowadays."

As a result, he looked at the empty seat next to him and saw three guests sitting here. He was startled and quickly opened his hands to bow.

"Guests, I'm sorry, please just pretend you didn't hear anything."

"It's just a small worry. I'll tell you a wonderful story in the afternoon!"

As a result, Su Bai smiled.

"Mr. Xiyan, how about I give you an inspiration?"


His eyes suddenly lit up.

After all, if they are aliens, they come from the sea of ​​​​stars and everywhere.

Maybe they can bring some unheard of scenes. Then when he heard it, his thoughts suddenly surged, and he could immediately make up something. There were quite a few stories.

So he immediately expressed his thanks.

"Appreciate further details."

So after that,

I touched the green bird here and decided not to play [Emperor Yuan Qiongyu] this time. It is good to listen to the opera, drink tea and take a rest occasionally. Anyway, listen to it for a while, then Are you listening to it?

It is impossible to work at work.

Touch it first and then talk!

So she found a remote location and asked the service staff to serve a pot of green Xiaoya tea, and then listened slowly.

It tasted like that.

I remember that Zhongli in Genshin Impact often does this.

But the tea I drink is better than the tea they drink, hum.

Who makes Liyue just an ancient country, very backward.

The Immortal Boat Alliance has already developed for a long time Time, the two are not of the same dimension and level at all, and there is no need to even compare.

The life that I enjoy casually is far beyond the life in Liyue.

The kind of modern life that even the ancient nobles and emperors could not see After listening to it for a few times, it seems that what Mr. [Xi Yan] is talking about this time is about the Xu Ling Immortal Boat and a certain planet.


He is quite smart.

Most storytellers make up nonsense. Yes, but in order to increase the sense of immersion, a mold is usually used, and then the story inside may be completely different.

But take the fairy boat as an example.

It’s okay to tell it casually. (If you read Baoshuan novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After all, for the Immortal Boat Alliance, the fairy boat is very mysterious. There is very little information in the resonance record of the Huang Zhong system. Occasionally, it says"It's okay, everything is fine. That

's it."

To be honest.

Without saying a word, you even thought that this fairy boat was gone.

On the contrary, [Yuque】,【Yao Qing】,【Zhu Ming】,【Luofu] The exchanges between these ships are very frequent. Did you find that one is missing, and the vitality of the fairy boat [Fang Hu] is seriously damaged.

Now I am hiding in a secluded place to recuperate.

There are six fairy boats in the alliance. In fact, when you look at them this way, it becomes clear at once.

Moreover, some of the fairy boats are very far apart. As far as Qingque knows, the [Fang Hu] fairy boat should be at least tens of millions of light years away from Luofu. It is so capable of running.

"It is said that before, the Xuling Immortal Boat once observed anomalies on a planet and sent the Cloud Cavalry Army to investigate, but ended up being involved in an earth-shattering conspiracy."

The so-called Yunqi is the name of the army of the Immortal Boat Alliance itself.

Just like the Gongzao Division and the Alchemy Division, every immortal boat has one.

The Yunqi army can be traced back to the Emperor Gong period, and he is going to deal with it. [Seeing Flesh] and [Wing Maker and Qiong Sang] chose to raid. It was a desperate act to die, and it was the sacrifice of a hero.

Many people on the fairy boats responded to him and joined Suiyang in the battle..At that time, the clouds blocked the sky and the guards covered the immortal boat.

They were the first cloud cavalry army.

"On that planet, a terrible war is taking place. A fertile people called the Absolut tribe are destroying the place and assimilating a series of life forms into their biological weapons!"

"Constantly expanding their combat power, legions appeared one after another!"


Originally she was thinking about something else, but her eyes widened when she heard this.

Mr. Xiyan, what on earth are you talking about?!

Who told you?

Because Qingque is not stupid, After such a long time, can she still not know who Mr. Xi Yan is?

Then suddenly a piece of content like this popped up.

It must have been obtained from somewhere else.


There are actually time travelers?

And Xi Yan He didn't know how alarmed she was, so he continued naturally.

"They are a clan of Jin people, and there is also a big Jin person who leads the team."

"And every time he appears, he has to drink, Hey, who do you think I am? I am a fruitful life form! A warrior of the Absolute clan! Tartarus!"

"I once listened to the sermon on Rahu, saw many miracles, and destroyed many civilizations!"

At this time, everyone became excited.

How big is the super conspiracy?

It seems very interesting!


This one seems to be much more exciting than the one in the morning!

And this one is called the Golden Man. Every time he appears, he has to introduce himself. It also made everyone complain, what kind of quirks are there?

It's so narcissistic!

But Luo Hu?

That's really incredible.

After all, as long as the history of Xianzhou people is not like Li Sushang and Yanqing, as long as they have a little experience and age, they can You know, that is a terrifying activated planet! It once destroyed an immortal boat in the Immortal Boat Alliance!


There is even a legend that the terrifying longevity plague ancestor once preached on it. certainly.

This is a folk legend and cannot be taken as true, and no one knows whether it is true or false.

And to be able to claim such a title, it seems that the terrifying and fertile enemy Tartarus is indeed powerful!

The Yunqi army sent by Xuling Immortal Boat is probably in danger!

As a result, Mr. Xi Yan did not say what the Dajin man's conspiracy was for a long time. Everyone just heard that the terrifying Fengsheng clan was constantly changing their combat power and strengthening their strength.Legion.

Obviously, it was just preparations before the storm.

Could it be that he wants to defeat Xu Ling Immortal Boat?

After all, after the Star God was established in the Immortal Boat Alliance, many fertile people united before launching an attack on the Immortal Boat.

A single fertile people does not have enough fighting power!

They are no longer the fairy boats they once were, and they will no longer allow their enemies to become arrogant!

Oh, it's true, it made everyone anxious.

However, more and more people gathered. After seeing more and more rewards and guests, and the momentum getting louder and louder, Mr. Xi Yan's eyes showed satisfaction and excitement.

That Mr. Su Bai is a great talent!

So popular? so amazing!

So after seeing how anxious everyone was, he repeated his old tricks again, and after a full circle of appetites, everyone was red-eyed, with murderous intent in their eyes.

It means that if you don't say anything, you will be responsible for the consequences.

Mr. Xi Yan was finally able to speak out

"The Absolut clan, the people of abundance, actually do you think their goal is the [Xu Ling Immortal Boat]? No, no, no, wrong, totally wrong!"

"Later, even the warriors sent by Xuling Xianzhou and other civilizations fought against them, they finally learned the terrible truth on the battlefield!"

"Their real goal is [Luofu Immortal Boat]】!"

"The Absolute clan wants to attack Luofu and use it as their race's second home planet! Second Home loses!".

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