But now it's all empty, without any manpower.

After reaching the deepest point.

Many side-by-side reincarnation stages appear here.

The previous six-path reincarnation disk has been divided into many reincarnation platforms, and one is definitely not enough.

Then Su Bai's voice sounded here

"Xiaoshi, Hutao, you will be responsible for the management of this place from now on. Of course, you don’t need to do most of the things. There are a series of ghosts and subordinates."

"There is life in Liyue, and naturally there is death. There is natural old age and death, there are also deaths due to unexpected circumstances, and then one enters reincarnation. This is all an ecological cycle."

After all, the prevalence of the immortal way does not mean becoming an immortal easily.

Look at the Qianyan Army.

They have endured so much hardship, constant fighting and training, and experienced a lot. They either have amazing qualifications or are rich in resources. , practice hard, and wait for a series of combinations to become immortals one after another.

If it were possible all at once, what would the first immortal in Liyue think?

Is it possible?

Especially the ancient method requires a lot of qualifications, and becoming an immortal in martial arts can be even more Be more popular and comprehensive.

Of course, practicing martial arts requires more fighting and training.

There are many immortals in Liyue, but it is destined that with this huge population base, there will be many ordinary people.

After all, Liyue is everywhere There are many urban agglomerations in the Mystic Realm of China.

There are also world bubbles surrounding Teyvat.

The massive population is already much larger than that of the other countries in Teyvat combined.

This is layer by layer. When it comes down, Liyue is complete.

And in mythology, immortals also have to undergo hard training.

This is normal.

Of course, with development, the life span of Liyue people will slowly increase.

But it is still Reincarnation is needed.

Only in this way can such an important gap be properly completed. In the ancient fairyland, there is no reincarnation, which is too shameful.

Like the Luofu Immortal Boat, there is also a Ten Kings Division.

Guess this place is What does it do?

That is the place where life and death are monitored and the demon body is dealt with.

The name sounds a bit strange at first, but if you recall the Ten Palaces of Yama King, the abbreviation is Ten Kings.

Plus everyone likes it. It’s called [Si].

Isn’t that just such a name?

It’s obvious how it works.

And at this time, a large number of white light spots appeared in Su Bai’s hands.

"In the past, I basically collected the souls of the Liyue people who died here. Today, they will all turn into ghosts to assist the operation of this huge underworld system."

"In the future, there is the possibility of becoming a ghost fairy. It can be regarded as their contribution and reward for working here in the future."

So all these light spots flew out and scattered all over the world.

They turned into ghost servants wearing underworld-style uniforms.

And they also got a series of information and next responsibilities in their minds. , and all bowed respectfully towards here.

Accept the emperor's decree!

As a member of the underworld! Run the reincarnation of Liyue!

Then finally a blue light group appeared in Su Bai's hand, which was much larger than the souls of the previous mortals. surprise walnut

"Hey, why is this soul so big?"

"Because she is Fengdan's previous water goddess, she will be reincarnated and become a member of Liyue."

Hu Tao:???


This is the god of another country, and you use it to reincarnate and become one of our own?

It's a bit uncomfortable.

Of course, she also noticed the title"Previous Generation".

But it was still outrageous. Ah!

We in Liyue are really amazing. Wait, it seems to have always been like this, standing in the most dazzling country in the world.

So with shocked eyes, Hutao watched Su Bai throw this into the reincarnation platform.

The first generation water god officially entered the Liyue system.

And Su Bai also looked at Hu Tao with a smile on his face.

"Xiao Hu, I saw you were almost beaten by a chicken. You'd better practice well and stop promoting your business every day."

"you! I'm not Xiao Hu!"

"Don't mention that matter, it will affect the reputation of this hall master, okay?

Hu Tao jumped up and down in anger, his face turning black. When he thought about talking to Su Bai in the future, no matter what he said, he would always say,"You were beaten by a chicken.

That scene was too terrifying.

Now Hu Tao was going crazy." Stop it! You bastard!

Why did you also see that scene? How could my hall master lose his reputation like this? I’m so angry!

Damn it, I’m in a bad mood. I’ll ask Zhongli to be your guest later when I get back. Go to work!

There is still a lot to do!

Zhongli: ???

As for after hearing the name Xiao Hu,

Shibao thought deeply.

This scene seems familiar.

And Su Bai also took out some pens and books and suspended them here.

"Work hard. Anyway, as the leader of the Rebirth Hall, you are responsible for this aspect. Now it can be regarded as transforming your Rebirth Hall into a more official department, connected to the underworld."

The surface and outer Purity Hall are responsible for Liyue's burial and etiquette.

The deep Purity Hall is involved in the affairs of the underworld.

Especially the members after death, if they are very outstanding, have accumulated a lot of achievements. Then besides After reincarnation, there is a new option, which is to work in the underworld.

Although it sounds a bit like the underworld.

You have to work even after death.

But it is indeed a benefit. After reincarnation, you will forget your previous life, but living and working in the underworld, It’s a brand new ghost life

"As for the things I took out, just treat them as rewards for your future work. It depends on how long it takes you to get them. They are a series of treasures such as the Judge's Pen, the Book of Life and Death, etc."

"There will be more alchemy equipment from the underworld system in the future."

Instead of constantly running around to sell, it is better to use it on the right path.

After the collapse of the crisis, the time period before the creation of reincarnation.

Su Bai's home in Liyue

"Woo hoo, please, my dear, let me go."

At this time, the Daci Tree King's face turned red, and he escaped from the room with difficulty, holding on to the wall. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And she noticed Lisa sitting at the desk in the distance, speak out hastily

"Lisa, save me, come and help me."

Then Lisa just glanced at her, then covered her face with the book and hid behind the book, saying that she didn't see anything.

King Daci Tree was numb and dumbfounded.

Lisa, you!!!

As a result, the next second, the Daci Tree King was pulled back by Su Bai again.

There was only a whine left.

After that, the Daci Tree King looked like his whole body had been drained of strength, and he just sat on the chair outside, with his head It seemed that she needed a lot of time to recover.

During this period, she didn't want to do anything.

Logically speaking, at this time on weekdays, she would have been flipping through books.

After a while, King Daci Shu looked helplessly. Asked Lisa next to her for flowers.

Lisa seemed to know what she wanted to say. She smiled with beautiful eyes and then shook her head.

"You can’t blame me, Buyer is so cute. In fact, this is what every sister in the family has to experience, just get used to it."

It's just like her before.

She was also bullied by the little cutie and panicked. She was really scared.

"Not to mention that I was caught by the little cutie just yesterday. I really can't help you. To use a proverb I learned recently, it is impossible to protect yourself when a clay Buddha crosses the sea."

Lisa wants to have a good rest during this period of time.

She will not participate anymore."

"And who made you, King Daci Shu, be so good at research? You helped Liyue build a series of Qianshu battleships. The recently developed [Fluctuating Light Surveyor] is even more outstanding in performance."

"Attack power, full of lethality"

"In the war with the [Antimatter Legion], it performed extremely dazzlingly. None of the five ships were shot down, and a large amount of data was collected."

Lisa was amazed.

Once upon a time, how could she have imagined that there would be scenes like these? She saw them step by step with the little cutie.

Of course.

Among the first people to study the airship, she also went there, and it was Su Bai. Yelled it.

Lisa highly praised the contribution of the Great Ci Tree King and being the core of this technology. It’s amazing.

"So it’s natural that the little cutie can’t put it down for you."

King Daci Shu:......

She didn't even know what to say.

It's okay to hug me and chat together and discuss knowledge. Even if you want to do that, don't keep it.

And Lisa also added at this time

"It's okay, you should be happy too. Anyway, you know the love this little cutie has for you. He is like this to each of us"


The Daci Tree King whispered, lowering his head.

That's right.

I love him deeply with all my heart and soul.

It's just that it's too shameful for you to say this!

It doesn't matter.

For his lover, lover, and husband, the Daci Tree King can only It can be said that if you are bullied, you should be bullied.


Anyway, this is the life that ordinary female scholars need to accept. After all, they are husband and wife.

Just thinking that this time is eternal.

She couldn't help but blush.

And this At that moment, Su Bai came out of another room, but Esdeath, who went in with him, was nowhere to be seen. Everyone knew that.

And when Su Bai sat over, the Daci Tree King couldn't help but tremble.

He was very funny

"Okay, okay, this time it’s serious business"

"I'll give you two something new. Esdeath doesn't need it, but she still wants it as a souvenir."

Su Bai took out two God's Eyes.

However, this has a completely different style from the ordinary God's Eyes. Not only is the shape more beautiful, but there is an extra purple track in the gem, which does not destroy the original beauty. , but it plays an embellishment role.

Just like the starlight in the universe. Of these two, one is green and the other is purple.

Brand new Eye of God!

"On the basis of the Eye of God, I updated it, so the [Imaginary Eye of God] was born. Both of them are built according to your respective attributes."

That is, the eyes of the imaginary grass god and the imaginary thunder

"Wear it for a while, and you are undergoing an essential upgrade in power. From now on, you will be demon gods with imaginary elements as their basis."

"It won't take long. After that, you won't need to wear this kind of God's Eye."

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