But here is Sambo.

After he turned his attention away, he took out something from his pocket, which was a piece of paper.

Looking at the information above, Sangbo couldn't help but smile smugly.

"Hahaha, I discovered this warehouse address, right?"

"This is one of the raw materials of that gourmet dish that can only be enjoyed by the noble and upper class of Belloberg. It doesn’t matter if I take a little, it’s all money."

"I can guarantee it with my own reputation, just a few hundred million points"

"Decided to dig some mouse holes."

With irrepressible joy, he set off towards his destination. He was so happy.

The black-hearted boss would definitely be so angry that he would go to the silver-maned iron guard to arrest the wanted thief.

But, so what?

If you have the ability, Come chase me, and I’ll let you do whatever you want if you catch me.

Hahaha, today is another happy day for Sambo.

And Natasha and Su Bai kept walking in the upper area. During this period, if you look carefully, you can find that Liyue Among the series of research and technical personnel who came to support, there were several Valkyries from Tianming.

They also came as researchers.

After all, with the development, Tianming and Liyue gradually became one, and many female Valkyries were working in Liyue. Yue worked here.

Of course, Natasha didn't know him.

She was surprised that some Qianyan Army also came. They left Panyan Town and went back. They were missed by countless people in the town.

I didn't expect to see them again so soon.

Some Qianyan Army went to clean up the restricted area with the Silver Mane Iron Guards. Some Qianyan Army put their weapons on the ground, and many Silver Mane Iron Guards She was eager to try, but then she couldn't lift it even with all her strength.

Natasha laughed when she saw it.

This may be because of what happened in Panyan Town before.

A series of rumors gradually spread, causing Belloberg's side to I am very curious about the mystery of Liyue and Qian Yanjun.


There are many people there, asking for autographs and taking photos with Qian Yanjun. It is very lively.

After all, they are from a civilization outside the world, and they are all dressed in complicated clothes. And the mysterious golden armor looks both imposing and majestic, much more powerful than the Silver Mane Iron Guard.

Many people have imagined that if a large number of these Qianyan Army soldiers gathered together.

How spectacular that is.

It will definitely shock them beyond measure.

Not to mention that even just this will shock the Beloberg people.

The complete set of standard equipment Qianyan Army is really eye-catching. , that sense of formality comes to mind.

There is another very strange point.

As you can tell from the name, the Silver Mane Iron Guards have silver characteristics on their bodies.

And the Qianyan Army from Liyue is golden.

Now gold and silver All.

Then soon,

Natasha met her mother and the housekeeper next to her, and had a brief reminiscing about the past.

This was a meeting that spanned more than ten years.

There was joy and sadness in it.

Of course, at least this When the adoptive mother saw her daughter, she burst into tears of joy. As for the gift, Natasha took out the flowers she bought from the flower shop, and also some medicine that Su Bai had given in advance.

It kept the old man healthy.

In Natasha Under Sha's supervision, after they took it on the spot, their minds and bodies suddenly became much clearer.

Even their bent backs were healed.

The old man was shocked.

"this? Is this the magical thing owned by Liyue, the extraterrestrial civilization that saved our Beloberg? What an amazing drug. Is their medical system called elixirs?"


And she also looked at Su Bai, who was talking to Qian Yanjun not far away.

Su Bai kept a distance during this kind of family reunion and conversation.

I believe Natasha must have a lot to say to her family. Yes.

So seeing this scene, Natasha's mother held her hand

"Daughter, you are now this old. Your father has passed away long ago. It is almost time to consider your own happiness."

"Is there any suitable partner?"


Natasha was stunned, why did this topic come up all of a sudden.

She didn't know how to answer, and subconsciously glanced at Su Bai.

The elderly mother naturally noticed her daughter's little movements, and felt relieved.

"That’s it, my daughter has really good eyesight, she looks like a big shot at first glance"

"Of course, what I care about is not this, but I hope you can get happiness and happiness. You must observe it carefully. If it is good, get it as soon as possible."

This made Natasha panic.

"Mom, you, what are you talking about? It’s not what you think."

"do not do that."

The housekeeper and her mother both burst into laughter like those who have come before. The people here are all old, and they are all too young.

How could you not see her reaction?


In a trial space somewhere.

Sui A purple thunder light raged, and the scenery in the distance instantly cracked. Strong impacts collided here, and a flowing figure continued to erupt with powerful energy.

Fighting with Su Bai.

Compared with the past, today's power I don’t know how much stronger I am.

Even Raiden Meiyi, who was resting beside the rockery, gasped and smiled bitterly.

"General, she's getting stronger too fast. I could catch up with her soon, but I didn't expect it."

"Becoming stronger again"

"It seems that I have to work harder. Just like Fubuki, Kisara and the others, I, as the Herrscher of Thunder, should also have a stronger performance."

After all.

The battle scenes of everyone in the past were deeply remembered in Mei Yi's mind.

Flying rapidly in the universe, engaging in earth-shattering battles on the moon, various energies roared, causing a series of terrifying scenes.

Of course.

She can do the former.

But in terms of combat level, she is far behind.

In fact, at this time, the general also looked at Mei Yi out of the corner of his eye, and he was also amazed and admired in his heart. If it were the previous She is no longer as good as this thunder and lightning Mei Yi. As a power system called the Herrscher, her potential is higher than hers. Her growth rate is also very fast.

The general saw with his own eyes that Mei Yi quickly became stronger step by step.

And quickly Better than her past self.

Fortunately, after witnessing her own weakness, she often came to Su Bai to talk and have various discussions about how her strength, power, martial arts, and skills should be expanded and made stronger. The two of them. The relationship is getting better and better.

Lei Qian will also join in.

The three of them have a small gathering.

As a result, she is strengthened by Su Bai and avoids being caught up and thrown away by Mei Yi. At this time, the battle is over and Su Bai Giving guidance and evaluation

"Well, now that you have practiced well, let’s find you an opponent and have a suitable battle."

He looked to the other side

"Mei Yi, are you coming?"

"No, no need."

In response, Meiyi slowly supported her tired body, sorry

"I still have to go back to cook, and I don’t have the energy anymore, so I have to go back first. I’ll come back next time."

The world of Godslayers.

A new world that Luo Hao recently discovered.

At this time, she was standing with her arms crossed, looking like a classical oriental beauty, and looking at the battle in the distance. On the distant ancient land, at this time There is an ancient giant with a huge body, violent and terrifying.

What is very strange is that the giant that appears here has only one eye. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Luo Hao has fun in his eyes, And curiously said to Su Bai next to him

"What kind of strengthening method did you give to the general and the shadow?"

"You'll know right away"


Regarding his showy behavior, Luo Hao snorted.

This guy.

She turned and continued to focus on the ongoing battle.

She saw General Raiden holding a naginata, and in an instant, the earth sank. , a shocking depression appeared here, which brought terrible impact and power!

It instantly turned into a stream of light and killed the Cyclops!

In response, this terrifying giant also roared.

Because Realizing the terror and menace of the enemy, it suddenly raised its hand, and a trident exuding astonishing power appeared, setting off waves that swept across the earth! The monstrous storm and ocean emerged here, competing with the purple thunder light. There was a violent collision!

However, the thunder light transformed by the general was so powerful and overwhelming that the power brought by the trident could not stop her.

In response, the Cyclops summoned another 887 weapons!

Dazzling Thick thunderbolts burst out from its hands, sweeping across the world, triggering a horrific scene like the end of the world. Sea water and thunder and lightning were raging here!

This made General Thunder and Lightning immediately slash out many knives with his backhand.

With these The thunder and lightning battle.

This is the battle of gods! The battle between gods and ancient giants!

And at this moment, a new terrifying and majestic figure appears behind General Thunder and Lightning. Its momentum is surging, becoming one with her divine form and integrating into it.

Leading to the general The strength of his whole body skyrocketed crazily again, thus piercing the two powerful converging attacks here.

It can be found that this is a new type of divine shadow that is different from the past.

Seeing this scene, the Cyclops saw that the situation was not good.

A helmet was summoned and automatically appeared on his head.

Then it disappeared instantly.

Thus, he avoided the incoming Thunder General.

The unabated attack blasted other terrain in the distance.

Luo Hao chuckled softly.

"Cyclops, monsters in Greek mythology. In the past, the first generation of god-king Uranus was worried and afraid of their power, so he imprisoned them in Tartarus (hell) to avoid affecting his rule."

"After they were rescued, they helped Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon build the three famous artifacts."

"Because of this, it can use the power of those weapons. Just now it was the Trident of Poseidon, the thunder and lightning of Zeus, and this is the invisible helmet of Hades in the underworld."

It can hide its traces, and even the gods cannot detect it, whether it is humans or monsters.

In other words, the Cyclops is still waiting for opportunities in the dark.

It can summon the power of weapons, and the so-called gods use it. The weapon is so wonderful, even its huge body can be completely covered, and there will be no roaring sound of the earth.

Or, it also uses other weapon projections.

However, Su Bai did not care about this, his sight Going deeper, as if seeing the inner essence of this giant.

Then he shook his head

"What a confusing myth."

It means that this thing is not just a Cyclops on the surface.

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