After all, read"The Message Board of the Assembly Hall".

In fact, it is the message board area of ​​the [Ground Fire] organization.

It mentioned that many people moved here from other towns, or from several neighboring towns.

There are quite a few towns in the past underground.

Just now.

The most prosperous one is only [Panyan Town]. After all, it is the underground fire that maintains and builds this place spontaneously.

There is a wide range of divisions of labor.

There are people who use pickaxes to expand mining areas and dig out the marrow of the earth.

There are also assistance teams responsible for medical treatment and treatment. and a series of squads that maintain order and patrol the streets.

There are also many people who master various life skills.

Of course, there is also a backbone force among them, as warriors who fight against world-splitting creatures and expel evil-doing wanderers. Such gathering together is the whole of Earth Fire today.

Xi'er also sighed.

As long as there is no earth fire, the plan of the Great Guardian Cocolia is really successful. If the underground area is abandoned and allowed to be eroded by the rift, no one will be mining by then.

Without the [Earth Essence] transported from the area below, the people above would be waiting to die.

Moreover, these underground areas obviously have the lifeblood of maintaining the entire city of Belloberg. Instead of sending troops to garrison, the upper and lower areas have been sealed off for more than ten years. This operation is simply stupid.

It's just a matter of letting it go and let it fend for itself.

As for exchanging earth marrow for supplies? at best.

Just take what you need.

I can't get angry down there either.

Fortunately, there is still such a group of people in the underground who have organized themselves. Otherwise, are they just these wanderers?

It will only make things more chaotic everywhere.

Die quickly.

Soon, Xi'er appeared on a mountain rock. There were some yellow-orange, amber-like golden ore everywhere on the ground and mineral veins.

Even some minecarts are filled with this ore.

This is exactly the [Earth Essence].

But what she was looking at was some people in the distance dragging a hand trailer and leaving here quickly. There were many guys around with long-handled weapons and wearing hats and dust masks.

They are all wanderers.

The sharp iron weapons in their hands were actually ancient weapons dug out from the cracked world and assembled by these people.

The only thing that breaks apart the creation of the world is the weak.

On the contrary, he bullied the miners and became very arrogant.

And Xier heard their triumphant voices from a distance.

"Hurry, walk quickly, through this trail, with all its twists and turns, the miners won't be able to find us."

"Hahahaha, these resources are all cheaper for us"

"Really, it is still so comfortable. Why fight with those wandering monsters? Digging out the marrow is exhausted. It was not done by humans at all. We are the smartest. Those people are simply idiots."

"It’s great. The things we grabbed are enough for us to eat for a while. Grandma’s, their food has been good recently, how dare they look down on us? Why do dogs look down on people? A bunch of little trash!"

"Now you're at a disadvantage! Ha ha."

Immediately, these people laughed.

Xi'er shook his head.

They must have escaped from the rift somewhere. There will always be some displaced guys who gather together and do nothing.

Some will go deep into the rift. She was looking for resources that could still be used in the world.

Most of the wanderers were quite honest.

Occasionally, there would be these.

But when she was about to go over and take back the supplies.

It seemed that the movement of the wanderers attracted some world-splitting monsters. Pay attention.

This caused the monsters to come towards them.

But this road extended in all directions, and the wanderers hadn't noticed it yet. As soon as they turned a corner, they bumped into it.

Soon, there was a miserable cry and wailing. The sounds, the sounds of fear, and the roars of monsters kept coming, and soon the wanderer's voice disappeared.

Xier couldn't laugh or cry.

Sometimes, this would be a common situation in the mining area.

She also turned into an afterimage, Appeared here in an instant.

I saw a series of ice-blue bird monsters flying here, which were frost crystal creations.

As well as several outer universe flames and outer universe ice.

This kind of strange suspended humanoid monster, with a body like It is made of black and red metal and can summon a large number of flames (ice cones). It is placed in the cracked world and is definitely not a mob.

Most people can't deal with it.

There are many other types behind this group of monsters.

There are a lot of them.

Once they wander around, it is easy to cause harm.

Not far from them, there are the corpses of the wanderers who were killed by flames and ice picks. It is very miserable.

The weapons also fell to the ground, many of them were broken. Cracked

"It seems that a certain mining area was eroded by the rift again. Many wanderers fled, and as the rift expanded, these monsters also ran out."

"Well, since I'm here, let's clear them all out."

After Xi'er approached here, a green centaur-shaped monster standing on the rock roared. Like drawing a bow and shooting an arrow, a large amount of wind power began to condense and turned into wind arrows to kill. It was instantly transformed by Xi'er. escape as afterimage

【The one who splits the world and creates the wind].

That was its move just now, using the wind to draw a crossbow.

This thing is very flexible, and it can also raise its hand to create wind energy balls, which can be bombarded directly.

They are very difficult monsters for Earth Fire.

Be very careful.

But Xi'er has killed a lot before.

And this time.

She had a thought in her mind.

The shoulder armor equipment on the left summoned two black-robed figures in the shadows holding sickles.

They emit terrible waves.

Especially on the sickle, there seems to be bottomless darkness.

They waved their scythes quickly and passed through there in an instant.

There was only a flash of sword light.

The World-Splitting Creation Wind-Resister was directly cut in half, without even having time to dodge.

Mysterious, strange, and powerful.

Like a messenger demanding life.

This is also the alchemy equipment Su Bai gave her, the Shadow of God.

Can summon two messengers of death.

And facing a large number of world-splitting monsters rushing towards her, Xier did not wave her sickle. Instead, she extended her right hand, and the wrist-type alchemy equipment on it began to activate its power.

In an instant.

A deep gate appeared instantly, and a terrifying suction force was generated for it, causing the sand and rocks to roll for a while, and an astonishing swallowing process occurred here.

It was like the bloody mouth of a giant beast, sucking in all these monsters.

All destroyed! (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even the ores and roads here exploded instantly! a mess.

The entire ground was sunken.

Everything around is shattered!

Xier looked at her wrist guard in shock and murmured to herself

"It's amazing. It summons a door that destroys everything. Su Bai said that I should call this the Door of Death or the Door of the Law of Death, but why does it feel like it's a bit like Scathach's move?"

"What is it called, the door to a demonic realm overflowing with death?"

"It feels like this is borrowed from her technique."


It's endless, right?

And looking at the destruction, Xi'er sweat broke out on her forehead.

Fortunately, he deliberately appeared on the other side, attracted the attention of these monsters, and charged towards this side.

So the scattered supplies on the ground on the other side are still there.

In the past, she would have had to be careful to deal with so many monsters like elites. After all, they were all crowded together. One or two would be fine, but she didn't expect that it would be so easy to deal with them now. so amazing.

Su Bai is amazing!

So after that.

When the miners and the Earthfire members arrived, they all let out gasps of horror.

Xi'er has run away.

So it appears in front of them.

It's a terrible mass of destruction, with rubble everywhere.

"`.this? What happened?"

"Is it possible that a more terrifying monster has come out of the cracked world? How big must it be to be able to cause such damage?"

"It seems that our supplies are fine. Let's get them and leave here quickly. Hurry, hurry up!"

"I guess those wanderers must have encountered something unexpected."

"Never mind them! It's a good thing that a group of gangsters who were not interested in production but were thieves died, as long as it doesn't affect us."

Everyone was so scared that they ran back not long after.

In a building of Dihuo.

At this time, Natasha and Oleg were both here.

One was the hidden leader of Dihuo, and the other was the open face. The leader above was responsible for a series of affairs.

Then they watched in surprise as Xier took out plates of barbecued meat and vegetable soup.

Underground, both meat and soup were very luxurious.

Those lizard meat and moss soup, How can it compare with these!

This alluring fragrance spread throughout the whole room at once, making them all unable to help but take a deep breath. The uncle Oleg even wiped his saliva and was stunned.

"Xi'er, what are you doing?"

"What is that ring? Why can you produce these foods out of thin air? Have you gone to the upper area? Be careful, it will be bad if you are discovered. Besides, it doesn’t feel like the food in the upper area. ah"

"Can it be so fragrant? The style is also different."

This is the first time he has seen me.

Xi'er smiled slightly.

"No, my ring can store things, and this time I contacted a friend, uh. How should I put it? Outside of our Beloberg, flying out of the sky, there are other worlds where various civilizations live."

"That friend of mine is from an extraterrestrial civilization"

"As for this kind of ring, maybe some civilizations that have developed to a certain level will have similar space storage methods. It was a gift he gave me, hehe."

"Tianwai? What, what do you mean?"

Oleg was a little confused for a moment. Is there any other place besides Beloberg?

As for Natasha, she paid attention to another point.

She made a sound in surprise.

"he? Male or female, young?"

"He's a man, he's very young, what's wrong?"

Xie'er was confused.

As a result, she saw Natasha's face was strange.

"Young man, I gave you a ring. Xier, you are very charming."

"ah?! No, that’s not what it means!"

"Natasha, don't think too much!"

This made Xi'er panic all of a sudden and screamed.

What, what!

It's really not what you think!.

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