At this time, Luo Hao also appeared here.

With a smile on her face, she glanced at everyone and sat down.

Joined the topic.

Be the first to speak out

"And I want to say a very important thing, is it necessarily good to become a Star God? Those things were highly condensed philosophical incarnations, some of which looked anthropomorphic, but they were no longer human."

They are far less free than normal people.

Just like what Jizi said at the beginning.

The pioneering star god [Akivili] is very special. The other star gods are all bound by [the driving force], but [Akivili] is the one who Kivili] can be like a mortal.

Live, laugh, and take risks with everyone on the train.

It’s too free.

It’s too different and conspicuous.

In fact, even the hunting star god [Lan], since he became a star The Queen of Gods has never spoken to the Immortal Boat people again.

Really not.

For details, just look at the hunting and observation record book compiled by Taibo Si, that is——【Records of the Emperor's Gong hanging down].

It’s said inside.

Emperor Gong never speaks to flesh and blood mortals, he usually shoots arrows.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

And if you shoot arrows, you will also shoot signal arrows to guide the fairy boat according to different situations.

It's not all random shots and high power.

Sometimes they will often give directions and tell Xianzhou where there are enemies.

Just drive the fairy boat over there and fight.

If it is really difficult to hit, he will shoot a powerful hunting light arrow!

The Star Hunting God was also a member of the Immortal Boat in the past. Under normal circumstances, wouldn't he want to come down to the Immortal Boat and talk to these people?

This is human nature.

It can only mean that he can't do it.

He can only keep moving forward along the path of revenge, and then move forward.

While gaining something, he also lost something.

Only certain Star Gods are comfortable.

For example, that fun star god


Or [Intellect] Bo Shizun, the Black Tower talked to it.

There are also records of conversations with other C'tans.

But there are also [Preservation] Creepers, who are silent and silent. They only know how to keep building protective walls, such as sub-space crystal walls and sky comet bridges.

Later, a group of people said that we would help the Star God build it.

So they began to transport ores and resources in various ways, and spaceships continued to fly everywhere. Gradually, the scale became larger and larger, and it became a familiar force.

Interplanetary Peace Corporation.

Their philosophy is to dedicate everything to the Amber King.

Even if they send them piles of materials from various planets, the Star God does not want them and is still building silently.

Otherwise, why would it be called the Silent Colossus?

These people are all trying to figure out God's will. Who knows whether there are any oracles they claim to have?

But I don’t know if this company has a [preservation] order. if so.

That is a positive teaching material, licking everything until the end.

Even if this force is very successful.

But Star God, it's best not to associate him with humans. These are two completely different things.

They have opened up a destiny, and even if the Star God dies, this destiny will still exist.

But it was also because he became a star god.

So we need to keep walking along this path.

Can't stop, can't change.

Can't give up either.

Like the [Reproduction] Star God - Taizyuros, its path is to continuously reproduce itself and reproduce like crazy. This cannot be stopped, so it will continue to spread to all parts of the galaxy.

It became a terrible natural disaster.

To put it bluntly, it’s the Zerg.

Don't tell me yet.

Other civilizations indeed call the descendants of this star god, those products of chaos,"worms".

The harm caused by the Zerg should go without saying.

If this continues, the universe will come to an end, not to mention that its behavior will destroy other civilizations and affect the fate of a series of star gods, so this guy is beaten by the star gods. then.

It only has two options.

One is that he was surrounded and beaten to death and fell completely.

The second is to give up on your destiny.

It's obvious that this [Breeding] Star God wants to live, it doesn't want to die.

So it chose the second option.

As long as he doesn't do this again, doesn't spread the insect swarm, and doesn't cause so much harm to the universe, then other star gods will let it go.

But who knows.

As soon as Taizyuros gave up its destiny, it was struck back by its destiny and died.

From this point, it shows that the destiny actually has constraints for some Star Gods.

The destiny is good, comfortable and ordinary.

After all, once you make a decision, there is no regret, and you can't look back.

It means that you have to keep doing this thing. If the nature is relatively good, you can keep doing it, but there are some things that you can't keep doing, and then you are finished.

For people.

You are very fond of and addicted to one thing.

But it’s difficult for you to keep doing it. You need to rest or do other things. This is the freedom of mortals.

But it is difficult for Star Gods to have this kind of freedom.

That's what Jizi said.

Therefore, it is very useful to open up this life path. Rest, adventure, vacation, and entertainment are all things within the scope of opening up.

This destiny is very broad

"So, I think it’s better to do whatever you want and do whatever you want."

"Naturally, what I, Luo Hao, pursue is not only powerful power, but also the domineering power to do whatever I want!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

This is very Luo Hao.

As arrogant as she is, she would definitely disdain to be a Star God.

Because her talent and talent are here, she not only doesn't care about the Star God, she even wants to surpass the Star God.

She can do anything she wants. Okay.

When the war breaks out, just go find a few unlucky disobedient gods and beat them up.

If you don’t want to think about it anymore, go back to Lushan Mountain to drink tea and enjoy the scenery.

From time to time, she also travels around.

Shopping and tasting delicious food.

After all, she is Luo Hao. She is also a female Su Bai. She does not have the original problem of hating the development of civilization and thinking that steam development is bad. Now she does not have these thoughts.

Her behavior is constantly changing according to her own ideas.

She will not be chasing something all her life. The God who cannot be killed cannot stop. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

That is too outrageous.

Therefore, in the chat group, besides Su Bai, Luo Hao is also the kind who has no interest in leaving. For those who are destined to die, it's okay to hang up for a while, but to become a Star God?

Leave it alone.

Obviously as long as she keeps getting stronger, she will have such power sooner or later.

Why bother to create something with side effects?

What is the purpose?

The Star God is more like a universe The incarnation of the rules in the world is constantly operating according to the rules.

Not to mention the situation of destiny, there is still the problem of wide and narrow.

Narrow, or similar destiny, will be swallowed up by stronger destiny.

Like order , is it a standard path to becoming famous, right?

As a result, in the world of Star Railway, the Order Star God [Taiyi] was swallowed up by the [Tonghe] Star God Xipei and was directly assimilated.


Scathach He also nodded and said something with a nostalgic expression.

"To be honest, Star God and Destiny reminded me of the ancient divine sect in my previous life a long, long time ago."

The gods continue to perform their duties according to their respective priesthoods.

With them as the center, a group of believers gather.

Among them, the one who gains the strongest power is the agent of their will.

Then they keep moving forward. Once there is a similar priesthood , just find a way to kill the opponent to avoid affecting your own strength.

Or an ancient god is beaten and killed.

His series of priesthoods will be divided and torn off by the gods, and they will use them to strengthen themselves.

For example, the earth The Mother Goddess has a series of divine functions such as life, fertility, spring, reproduction, animal husbandry, pregnancy, withering, etc.

Gods with similar functions to these can be absorbed and assimilated.

Then they are probably divided into many realms.

It seems.

Star Gods also have realms.

For example, hunting.

In the first 10,000 years, they nock arrows for survival!

In the second 10,000 years, they draw their bows for anger!

In the third 10,000 years, hunting becomes the purpose itself!

Obviously, hunting seems to be still In the second stage, there are different realms and scopes of priesthood (destiny).

That’s why there is a very interesting sense of déjà vu.

Regarding Luo Hao’s words,

Su Bai clapped his hands and whispered softly.

".Indeed, Luo Haonai has an infinite mind that encompasses thousands of people, so he naturally becomes a star god by his destiny and doesn't care much about it."

In response,

Luo Hao just rolled his eyes at him.


Just praise me.

But why does it sound more like you are praising yourself?

This guy is also a person who encompasses thousands of things.

It's even more outrageous. What a dog.

And Su Bai also looked at the others.

"As for you, there is no need to worry about the Star God. You can also try (Zhao Zhao) in your destiny. Anyway, let’s have a small goal first. It’s not bad to have the command’s combat power."

"Nowadays, many of us have explosive stars. If they continue to increase their level, then they will be the commanders."

"After all, the gap is quite big."

In the starry railway world, there are quite a lot of battles involving stars, even commonplace, and there are also upgraded versions. In the past, the death squads led by Emperor Gong sent weapons into the starry sky formed by Suiyang..

Make it decay and collapse.

Planets and stars, guess how many times the sun is bigger than the earth?

The gap between the two is ridiculously large.

And the Order of Destruction, causing the galaxy to continue to be destroyed, using their own violent aesthetics, some like slow Those who watch the destruction of the world slowly, some like the beauty of a series of explosions.

Others like to swallow stars, extinguishing many stars along the way.

They are called sun-eating beasts.

And the strength gap between the envoys is also very big. After all, this is watching How much power is given by the Star God?

There are so many messengers in the universe.

There are Star Gods above them.

In this case, the group members can try to get closer to the level of the messenger first.

Only with this kind of power can they do whatever they want in the universe. Soaring.

Although there have been cases where the assassination of the envoy was successful in the past.

But there are many people here.

The superposition of a series of powers is now equivalent to another destiny. The future is promising...

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