So the Valkyries are all stupid

"Are these the strong men in Liyue? All of them are monsters. It’s too exaggerated."

"The battle of myths is not an exaggeration"

"Even considering the current destruction, the myths circulated on our earth in the past were not so outrageous. They are all beyond the pale."

After all.

There are many myths that were created because of Kevin and the others from the previous civilization.

For example, Kevin once used the Great Sword of Destruction to destroy those Honkai Beasts and protect some people in the shelter. Such scenes It was later recorded in myths and legends.

That is, in the Bible.

The flaming sword (the Great Sword of Destruction) that protected the Garden of Eden and the sinful city-Sodom that was destroyed by the terrible fire from heaven.

There are many more.

Even the legend of King Arthur in their world is related to them.

But it is obvious. It is even more exaggerated now.

Because here, there are stronger ones than those fusion warriors.

Soon, there will be a terrible big explosion. Next, the moon was crumbling.

The end seemed to be wiped out.

But the next moment, a terrifying figure formed outside the moon, and the exaggerated figure of the end finally appeared. In front of her, the moon was like a ball the size of a face.

The final form appears!

The initial posture just now was defeated by Kiana and the others.

And at this moment.

Whether it was the many destiny Valkyrie or a series of scientific researchers who observed this scene in"667" , or maybe those anti-entropy scholars and scientists who returned were all confused one by one.

The bone-chilling coldness swept through their bodies, causing everyone to tremble with fear.

"this? Is it possible that what just happened was not the full strength of the Herrscher of the End? Is this the complete body?"

"It has far exceeded our expectations, right?"

"Bigger than the stars we live in? Why do enemies of this level appear? Once they fight, not only the moon, but also the earth will probably be destroyed. It's over."

There was also an irritable old lady who yelled angrily.

"Hey, what kind of Herrscher is this? Abnormality must also have its limits! I asked about the eighteen generations of her family. Why did they come to our place when they had nothing to eat?"

"Her head was caught in a black hole, right?"

Then a rather calm voice of dissuasion sounded.

"Dr. Tesla, please calm down. It's not you who is going to fight. How can you be more anxious than others? This matter is beyond our control and decision. The future is in their hands."

"Chicken coop! You are very calm! Did you see such a big enemy?"

"Just give her mother a few shots?"

Just when Tesla proposed to fire, Kiana's voice came over.

"This enemy will be taken away by us. He is no longer suitable to fight here. As for the moon, please leave it to you, Su Bai, hehe, I'm sorry."

"Anyway, it’s up to us next, I will open the way forward here."

The next moment, a series of Herrschers and the huge End disappeared here. They were teleported by Kiana.

Everyone here, They received a strong shock again.

Are they so outrageous?

Su Bai, who was sitting at the deck table, shook his head and chuckled.

"Forget it, let me help you repair the moon."

Then, under Xi'er's horrified eyes, he stretched out a finger towards the moon, and saw that the devastated and miserable planet began to heal rapidly and return to integrity.

Xi'er was dumbfounded.


"This Su Bai, are you really from Teyvat?"

Is this still how Teyvat should behave? Isn't it too exaggerated?

Have you started to build a planet?

This is not a Liyue template at all, and it is definitely not just a rock god, right?

Did you take the template of the original throne ? ?

Too fierce.

Everyone in the group is more ruthless than the last.

Another star field.

Kiana, Fubuki, Esdeath, Nezuko, Tendou Kisara and Zhenyan all came here, and they were all very surprised.

"As expected of you, Kiana, you have traveled such a long distance on the road of space?"

"Even the end has moved here together."

"I thought I would use other methods, such as attacking and then shooting her out with one shot."

In response, Kiana wiped the sweat from her forehead

"No, I just changed the spatial position where I am, and I have set this place before, which can save a lot of effort."

"Come on, even if this guy has such an attitude, he still has to kill her!"

No matter what, it was agreed upon.

We must overcome Honkai!

Even the black hole in Tendo Kisara's hand was about to move, she snorted.

"Logically speaking, no matter where the ending of the previous life is, it does not show the power of the explosion star at all, whether it is the plot, the main line, or the comics."

"But now, this guy is absolutely fine."

Esdeath smiled slightly.

"Yes, after all, she finally came here in the solar system and destroyed many civilizations just with trials and hugs. In essence, did she really try her best?"

Because in the comics, there are no scenes of anyone taking action.

They are all glimpses.

So it is not impossible to be like this now.

The person in front of her is the Herrscher of the End, which is much larger than the planet. She is still It was so aloof, too divine, without human wisdom and humanity.

And she waved a hand and hit her.

In response, the green wind on Fubuki's body kept surging, and she appeared in front of her instantly. In the starry sky, the Ideal Fluid Divine Spear was waved and it made a violent roar. Two terrifying forces clashed! The extremely sharp wind cut off her hand!

This powerful Feng Lv bloomed with her own amazing power. light, and her laughter echoing here

"Today, we have already grown tremendously."

Just when she was about to launch a counterattack, a ray of light was thrown from the distance at an extremely fast speed. It hit the Herrscher of the End in one fell swoop, triggering a terrible explosion that blew her entire body to the point of collapse. It was overwhelming.

Very quickly.

Scathach, holding the magic gun, tiptoed and quickly arrived here. She smiled at everyone.

"Just add me"

"A little itchy."

So the Death Law Scathach also joined the battlefield. Except for Kiana, everyone here basically has the powerful combat power of the Broken Star. Each one of them can deal with the Herrscher of the End.

But now, a group of people gathered together Together. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This terrible battle started.

Stirring up the galaxy!

In the process, a large amount of ice and snow froze the starry sky, and continued to wreak havoc and spread. came and froze most of the Herrscher of the End's body. Although she was using her power, she kept retreating and disappearing. She also launched an attack from the other side.

She captured a planet in the distance with her power, and then smashed it with a bang. Come over!

In response,

Tendo Mugen rushed forward. The red and black light in her hand flowed violently, forming a black ball.

And she swung it directly

"Hum, finally, let’s see how the stars shatter!"

Now, she finally used this trick.

A huge and terrifying gravitational force and a huge black-red hole began to form, sweeping here, right next to the planet, and suddenly it lost its power and was sucked in. Among them, fragmentation ushered in!

And Flame Law Nezuko also used her long sword to make another planet explode in flames, and also killed the Herrscher of the End!

Faced with such a situation...

Fubuki also shouted

"Come out, God of Winds and Laws!"

Behind her, the gigantic shadow reappeared, holding the Ideal Fluid Gun. It erupted with terrifying air waves and energy impacts, waving the weapon and slashing at the opponent.

Esdeath smiled.

"It's really fancy, Fubuki."

The magic gun in her hand gradually began to tremble violently, and a terrifying whiteness covered it. This was a power that could freeze the stars.

Then a huge power burst out in an instant, and was She threw it out at once.

A torrent of white light shot out!

Scathach's face twitched when he saw it.

My move!

You used my ability again!

Faced with such an offensive, even the Herrscher of the End seemed Feeling the fatal threat, she also burst out with all her strength, trying to make all these attacks go backwards and disappear.

But Scathach also began to make throwing movements again.

Even Kiana in the distance was staring at Finally drank loudly

"it's useless."

A large number of golden haloes continued to emerge under the power of Kiana, the Herrscher of the Sky, and countless energy torrents blasted out, gathering together with everyone's attacks! It didn't take long.

ThisIt all went dark.

Then a terrifying big explosion spread crazily here, producing an extremely violent light that shone in the galaxy.

There were constant ripples of energy spreading out.

Causing waves of vibrations.

Then, amid the explosive light waves of energy, several figures floated unscathed in the Milky Way, staring there.

Soon, the explosion dissipated.

What appears in front is such a ball of energy.

Finally, it was officially crossed.

Looking at this thing, Fubuki immediately said something.

"Kiana, please absorb this power. This is the power that is most suitable for you. After all, you look very similar to her. Have you not noticed that she has been chasing you?"

This made Kiana's face darken.

Something was wrong after all!

But she still scratched her head, feeling very embarrassed.

"Come on, everyone is fighting here together, how can you let me have it all to myself?"

Tendongmu 5.9 stands taller and more confident."

"But now here, the weakest one is you, Kiana."


All right. indeed

"Not to mention that this is your world, so naturally it is up to you. Once the source of power is absorbed, there is no way to take it out again. If you suck it in, it is sucked, which is equivalent to using it up."

"Anyway, we can still smoke in the group in the future."


Now, it is better to strengthen Kiana.

This is the best.

If it is dismantled to pieces, this power will be weakened too much invisibly.

"Well, thank you all."

After looking at everyone gratefully, Kiana also stepped forward and stretched out her hand to absorb this power. This is of the same origin, and in every sense, it is the most suitable for her.

Feeling the increased power in her body, Kiya Na smiled

"This time, it is a formal leap, and I take power as one of my powers. Hmm, why don’t I want to assimilate? I don’t have to go to jail on the moon."

Furthermore, many other powers of the Herrscher have allowed everyone in the group to benefit and grow. They have created so many strong men.

This is much more powerful than the original ones.

After all, everyone is constantly cultivating and strengthening their own abilities. The power in the body is rapidly improving and getting stronger!

The power of the Herrscher is also a big boost...

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