But Su Bai smiled

"It does make sense. In the future, I can also try to use this power as inspiration and create a big killer weapon based on it, which can be used by Xianzhou to deal with evil and terrifying world bubbles, worlds and so on."

As for whether to call it the Wrath of God?

It doesn't matter.

No one believes this.

Or is it Heaven's Punishment? Emperor's Wrath? Heaven's Order to Punish Evil? Heaven's Punishment?

After all, Liyue is the terminal of Heaven.

These names are reasonable.

Riveria was shocked

"ah? But you didn’t... Bah!"

She came to her senses in a moment and raised a contemptuous middle finger.

Isn't it great to be able to share?

But Su Bai talked about another aspect.

"As for [Pandora's Box] and [Star Core], there is a big difference. Although they seem to be related, now they are both cores, but the star core is life."

"life? Is the star core alive?"

Rivelia was surprised at first, and then became suspicious.

"How do you know that? Why don't I remember telling you?"

"Heita said."

Su Bai was noncommittal.

It was mentioned in the conversation with Black Tower.

After all, in the space station of Black Tower, didn't she specially build a star core and put it there for research?

According to her series of research, Black Tower discovered that this thing actually It is a living body.

It will continue to confuse the desires and desires of people in the world and civilization where it lives.

Send prayers, or requests, to the [Star Core].

Then you will get a response.

This wave, please answer me. , Star Core!


The reason why this thing is 27 Cancer, the object of disgust and disgust by many civilizations in the universe, is because after the [Star Core] responds, it will inevitably bring disaster. If you can't use it, it's best not to touch it.

Levi Leah suddenly had a strange idea

"The Holy Grail, right?"

"So based on this, the universe believes that the mechanism of the [Star Core] may be related to the destruction of the Star God Nanook."

But at this time Su Bai put forward a hypothesis

"There are also other possibilities, such as other star gods can also influence, transform, or create star cores"

"Of course, I just said it casually."

Riveria rolled her eyes at him.

It doesn't have anything to do with you anyway, right ? Let's make a bold assumption.

But Luo Hao is so miserable. She has been teased by everyone, and she feels sorry for her.

Su Bai shook his head.

She obviously got the lottery recently. I have several abilities, okay, they are all very good types.

"However, I do plan to visit Luo Hao some time later. After all, we Su Bai should be more considerate and give her a lot of good things."


The person Luo Hao is most angry with is you.

Although they are indeed friendly to each other.

But Riveria's eyes lit up as she looked at the exquisite marble ball on the table.

"Hey, this is pretty good-looking. The cost must be high, right?"

"Do you want it? If you want it, I’ll give it to you. This is a gift from the Yun family. Some of their family are also good at handicrafts."

This made Riveria confused.

The Yun family? Which Yun family? The one that can be accepted by Su Bai must not be a small family. Otherwise, if everyone gives it away, it won't be a big deal, and the house won't be able to fit in it!

"Yun Jin's family. Their family used to be very good at forging."


Are you the Yun Jin family in Teyvat?

Why do I remember that they are singers?

"You remember correctly, but is there a possibility that the ancestors of the Yun family specialized in forging weapons, and [Trial Cutting Rock] is their work."

That was when the Yun family encountered a bottleneck. The Yun family's head shopkeeper [Yun Hui] worked with the famous craftsman Hanwu to study and created a series of trial blueprints.

This thing has a big sword, a long bow, and the long spear is a trial star sickle. The weapon is even more familiar, and it is made of gold amber.

It can be said to be the weapon sheath that wrote the legend of Liyue generation.

The famous craftsman Hanwu is also not simple, and the black rock weapon series is related to him.

He wanted to use black rock to crystallize this rare ore, To build better weapons.

And now, people in Liyue are also using new rare ores to continue forging.

Generation after generation.

Of course.

The big shopkeeper of the Yun family, named [Yun Hui], is even more complicated.

Didn’t their Yun family come up with a trial series, which is famous in Liyue? For weapon innovation, technology, and money, it can be said that they are pouring in, and they are famous.

So [Yunhui] is one of the seven stars in Liyue in the past.

He I was successfully admitted.

The Yun family is a forging family with a long history of producing Qixing. But later they changed careers and found it boring, so they went to sing opera.

There were also some who did other things.

Anyway, they were good at many fields..And

Su Bai smiled

"Did you know that the Liyue Qixing [Yunhui] had no son and only one daughter? Normally, he could only marry someone into his wife. However, his daughter did her job and chose to be the head of the family."

"It caused a lot of discussion and shock in Liyue at that time."

After all, in Liyue at that time, a woman was the head of the family.

It was so shocking.

It was very impactful.

Later, women began to serve as the head of the Yun family.

It was a precedent.

This family is very interesting.

Riveria was surprised

"So Yun Jin could also be the head of the family?"

"No, she is the head of Yunhan Society. Her mother is a famous actress and her father is a playwright."

"Who knows about the future?"

"How do you know this person so well? Could it be that you are eyeing Yun Jin again?"

Looking at Riveria's suspicious eyes, Su Bai shook his head.

"Don't make trouble, there is such a goddess among goddesses in front of you. If I don't stare at this, why should I stare outside?"

Riveria's face turned red visibly, and she was filled with embarrassment and anger.

"screw you! You just don't make trouble. You promised that you won't take the initiative to attack us?" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"But this time it was you who broke the rules."

She was silent.


Dog Su Bai.

He had taken advantage of her before.

So she threw a pillow at it with her backhand. Although it was of no use to Su Bai, she was also reassured that Su Bai would not pounce on her. So after calming down for a while, she snorted and sneered.

"You guy, don't worry anyway, you felt so good when touched before, right?"

"None in the future"

"No matter how much you bully me, it's useless, Gou Su Bai, you big pervert."

"I advise you to speak better. I obviously mean that I think you are more beautiful. It’s okay to stare at you. I just mean to compliment you."

"I believe you, I'll just tell you anyway, how about it? You can't hit a weak woman like me. Riveria smiled proudly. It was normal for her and Su Bai to fight and fight like this.

And why did she take advantage of the quarrel?

He had touched her back like that before, so many times that it even made her feel uncomfortable..So she wanted to continue saying,"What's wrong with your dog?


But the next moment, Riveria screamed, she covered her body in disbelief, and looked at Su Bai in horror

"You, what did you just do?"

"You should be able to guess that I am the God of Space."

Riveria was blinded and her underwear was gone. This bastard bullied her, the Elf God, like this because he was the God of Space!

She screamed in shame, her eyes aggrieved. She could only turn her back to Su Bai.

"return! Hurry! I just said it casually!"

Su Bai is still thinking about it.

"Riveria, obviously you also know that our relationship is very strange now and we can attack each other. But you still take the initiative to provoke me. Don't even think about running away, otherwise what will disappear next time?"

"I can't guarantee it."

Riveria whimpered. She was really stupid now. Originally, there were still clothes in the ring. She just went out and changed it.

But this time, she was so scared that she didn't dare to move.

She quickly folded her legs.

"Stop using the power of space, I surrender! Sorry, dear friend, I shouldn’t have called you a dog, even though you are indeed a dog..."


"No, no, no, I didn’t say anything. Can I change back?"

"Okay, as long as you touch my back one more time, 010 it will be the same as before, can you treat it as punishment?"


She nodded tearfully.

I agreed decisively.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have talked about this guy.

As a result, the next moment, her upper body felt better again and her underwear was back, but she lowered her head in shame.



If this continues, she will really fall.

What were you thinking just now?

So for Tendou Kisara, Esdeath and the others who were sitting outside at the desk, they saw Riveria suddenly running out of the room, with tears in their eyes, and said something hatefully.


"It took so long!"

"Go to hell!"

The two were shocked, with weird expressions on their faces.

Could it be that Riveria has finally become a member of the sisters?

If she knew what they were thinking, Riveria would be furious.

It was just a touch on the back.

Can you please stop being so dirty!

Bisexual women!

It’s almost done.

After a while.

Liyue Port

"Your place is really amazing. No matter which time I come here, I am always amazed."

At this time, the general looked at the many [Qianshu Civilian Ships] flying in the distant sky, and the small spaceships coming and going. It looked like they had arrived in the future. It was amazing.

Exquisite design, streamlined The tree ships give people a sense of vitality and unlimited potential.

The prosperity and vitality are even more overwhelming.

Compared with last time, there are obviously more of these Qian Shu small airships.

There are some fortunes on them. The goods landed at Liyue Port, and then people were unloaded continuously and flowed to the market.

There were also fleets landing on the sea.

Materials were being transported. The division of labor was orderly, and there would be no random flying and flying. Matters affecting other areas.

The general asked a question...

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