After all, it still feels very feasible.

Honkai energy is much more corrosive than elemental power, which means the latter is a safer energy source.

Although the concentration of elemental power is high, it is also very dangerous for ordinary people.

But Honkai energy is still more dangerous.

It is particularly easy to corrode the human body and make people die.

Once close to the Honkai energy area, the human body will react.

As a result, ordinary people here in Teyvat can use props or other elements to use elemental power.

Get up close and personal with this power.

It won't be affected too much.

If you switch to Honkai Impact III, you need Honkai Energy resistance.

Even the Taixu sword energy essentially transforms the human body to adapt to and accommodate Honkai energy.

Therefore, if you breed a variety that is highly resistant to Honkai energy, is not easily corroded, and can digest anything.

To deal with the waste elixir of elemental power.

That's relatively simple.

After all, even Honkai energy can be eaten, so eating some elemental power is a small problem.

Then other uses can be developed.

Can you continuously absorb waste elixirs to become stronger and become a battle sequence medicine chicken?

As a guard of Dandingsi?

If you are smart, you can teach them some martial arts.

Martial arts chicken!

Kung Fu Chicken!

Or maybe it is raised to the end and the meat is tender and fragrant, suitable for cooking? oops.

Inspiration came to me all at once.

Anyway, if it can succeed.

In this way, will my contribution increase a lot?

Hey hey hey.

It felt like I was one step closer to my own chains.

This means that you can use stones from other mountains to attack jade.

Use the collision of one world with another to produce something brand new!

Proud to recognize treasures.

By the way, I'm going back to Liyue today to learn how to breed and mutate monsters there.

After all, the chickens here really haven’t changed much.


There is only a little 020 bloodline change.

Going one step further will cause trouble.

After all, it’s just a bunch of ordinary chickens, and I have to go to Liyue to buy some.

Get some special chicken.

It should be more feasible to carry out feeding and research on bloodline variation on this basis.

Fu Hua:...

You are living a fulfilling life day by day.

Either cultivating herbs or cultivating animals.

Occasionally I would go and make some pills.

Fu Hua was impressed. It seemed that after Xiaoshi came into contact with Liyue and the new world, he developed endless fun.

Different from yourself.

She is really serious and living her life.

A new life.

Don’t be bound and move toward the future on your own will.

It made Fu Hua sigh and feel complicated.

But this time she came for something else.

After talking with Shibao, Fu Hua went to look for the place where he used to place the Book of Cangxuan. After many changes by himself, it should be in several places, it is possible.

She wasn't sure.

Look for it first.

After searching for a long time, Fu Hua was stunned.

Why not?

And some places have been dug up.

This made Fu Hua look suspicious, could it be?

She chose to go back to the old house here, and within two steps of entering, she paused and focused her eyes on a spot on the desk.

There, a familiar sphere was placed.

Mainly black and white.

It's like a Tai Chi ball.

This thing is the Book of Cangxuan!

Fu Hua became excited. She quickly stepped forward and picked up the ball.

Just about to turn around and leave.

Zhibao who followed was dumbfounded and she became anxious.

"Alas, what are you doing, old antique! I dug that out!"(chei) You don't remember Xiao Xuan, but I remembered it. I plan to take her to Su Bai to see if she can activate it."

"Xiaoxuan and I will definitely get along very happily."

"Why did you just take it and leave? That's too much!"

Obviously it was her who was right first!

Damn it.

If I hadn't followed him, Fu Hua had been taken away, and I wouldn't have known it!

She still wanted to talk to Xiao Xuan about it. She also complained about Fu Hua.

They say she is cold and ruthless, has a stubborn personality, can't reason with reason, is difficult to be flexible, only knows how to deny others, and doesn't know how to praise herself! She is really a top-notch old antique!

Why did Fu Hua come over in the end?

He broke himself The original plan.

Ah, it’s so annoying!!!

Why don’t you act according to common sense? You are so careless!

It makes everyone who knows that the treasure is real feel numb.

If I had known it, I would not have studied anything else and brought the Book of Cangxuan first Let’s talk about it in the past.

Tears flowed.

This time, I missed a great opportunity. I regretted it.

So when Su Bai saw Fu Hua and Shi Bao again, Shi Bao had a look of regret and cold snort on his face, which made Su Bai happy.

It's late.

Hanhan recognizes treasures.

After this, the Book of Cangxuan, which originally looked like a black and white ball, has now been unfolded.

A familiar and cute girl is sitting on the ball with her eyes closed. She still has the memory of Fuhua from before. The set of ancient clothes and the familiar style of copper coins are also very nostalgic.

After all, this comes from the hobby of Cang Xuan, the money-lover.

Both sides of the long black hair are tied up in a cute flower-like hairstyle. , making her even more adorable.

There was also a big stupid hair on her head.

Su Bai clapped his hands and smiled easily

"After charging is completed, it is still very simple. You only need to pair the model and the corresponding energy required."

"But it’s also fun."

Fu Hua was dumbfounded.

This is the alchemy studio. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Just now, Su Bai modified several instruments, and then successfully charged the sphere.

It seemed that he was In his eyes, this was not a difficult problem to solve. It was amazing.

It was obviously alchemy, but could it have such an effect on technology?

Su Bai seemed to know what she was thinking, and Su Bai smiled.

"Don’t underestimate my alchemy, and it’s not just a day or two since I came into contact with the technology in your world. One of my assistant wives also used your virtual training room over there."

"Have you researched the alchemical version of Huang Liang Yimeng?"

"Well, she woke up."

The girl doll slowly opened her eyes. She seemed to hear the sound of some conversation, but the world was now chaotic and gradually became brighter.

This hazy and sleepy feeling made her wipe it with her little hands. Wiping her eyes.

It was like waking up from a dream.

However, this was a dream that spanned a thousand years, which seemed a bit long.

She yawned and stretched herself.

What came into view was.

Also a familiar figure

"Elm... Ah, no, Immortal? Long time no see. Have I turned on my phone? How long has it been since then?"

Fu Hua's face twitched.

You can't change this habit, right?

That's the first sentence.

I know what you want to shout, elm head

"Oh, by the way, is there anything delicious? I want to eat big meat buns, candied haws, and water chestnut cakes."

"In this day and age, there should be more, right?"

Her words silenced Fu Hua again.

Xiao Xuan was right.

First of all, he has a wooden head.

Second, he wants to eat.

You are a foodie!

But Fu Hua is also very happy in his heart.

But Cang Xuan's Book General He glanced around, and when he saw the Herrscher of Knowledge, he was immediately frightened.

"Wow wait! Why are there two immortals?!! Am I dazzled?"


"The Honkai detector mounted on my body shows that this is a strong Herrscher reaction? Wha, what's going on!"

"There is actually a Herrscher, Immortal help me!"

Xiao Xuan jumped up in fright and quickly flew behind Fu Hua.

This made Shi Bao's face darken.

Originally, her expression was full of expectation, but now she was furious.

"Hello! As for that? Xiaoxuan, I won’t eat you!"

"Look at my appearance, do you think I will hurt you?"

"Oh my god, Immortal, your appearance and figure have been stolen by the Herrscher! And it's still this pitiful figure, and they haven't even modified it. Still so flat"

"Shut up! x2"

At this time, Fu Hua and Shi Bao reacted involuntarily at the same time.

Both of them were angry.

Cang Xuan Zhi Shu held his head and started whimpering.

What are you doing? It's so fierce.

I'm wrong. Isn't that okay?.

Then, after everyone’s explanations, she gradually learned everything.

She was surprised.

"What, more than a thousand years have passed?"

"So long?"

"Then I'm afraid the Tang Dynasty has already passed, right?"

"Then, Immortal, will you accept a disciple in the future? If someone is by your side, he should be able to replace me."

"Ouch, why are you hitting me?"

Zhi Bao knocked her on the small head.

His eyes indicated that this topic should not be continued.

You don't want to open any pot.

Didn't you see that Fu Hua's expression changed?

Su Bai also said softly.

"There is no need for any replacement. You are so important and unique to Fu Hua. If you run out of energy or need to recharge, just come to my laboratory."

"Not to mention that I have slightly expanded your energy reserve. Well, now, it will be able to run continuously for five thousand years."

"So you can use a series of functions with confidence"


The Book of Cangxuan's eyes widened. She learned that this man named Su Bai was the person who helped her recharge and reactivate.

And after hearing this, she was also frightened. She doubled the number five times. Is this?

This is something that neither Cangxuan nor Danzhu can do.

In order to be able to accompany the immortal to a large extent, it can be said that they have spent a lot of thought.

After all, this is a long standby, based on the situation that cannot be replenished. Next.

Let her keep running for thousands of years.

This is already very powerful. It was ancient times at that time, and the previous civilization had been destroyed long ago.

As a result, this man, without blinking an eye, gave her such a sufficient supply. Energy?

So awesome!

So Xiaoxuan also smiled happily

"Thank you, Mr. Su Bai, you have been of great help."

And her surprise was just the beginning.

"So, is this Herrscher actually another Immortal?! No wonder, you look at me strangely"

"Why can the Lawyer live in harmony with us?"

"Shouldn't the Herrscher be the enemy?"

"Can you still rebel? What is this operation?".

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