According to common sense.

Such a direction that has no possibility will only be cut off with a click!

Shouldn't exist.

Resources are limited, and there is no longer a need to maintain such a world. even though

【The people in Lostbelt are desperately trying to survive.

But it’s no use!

Very cruel.

The one just now was the First Lostbelt——【Permafrost Empire].

The Second Lost Belt is the Nordic mythology. It was supposed to usher in the twilight of the gods, and then the new world appeared and human civilization came.

But it happened to be in this Lost Belt.

Fire Giant Surut, as anyone who has watched Marvel will know, is the one who destroyed Asgard with the sword of fire.

By the way, Thor's elder sister Hela was also terminated.

Asgard played gg. in this story.

It swallowed the demon wolf Fenrir, seized the other party's power, and further enhanced its strength. It wanted to bring the end to the entire planet, and was no longer satisfied with destroying Norse mythology.

As a result, it was sealed by the great god [Odin] and the gods desperately trying! to this end.

Only one goddess survived


At that time, Odin fused her with another related person [Scathach], and they became [Scathach, Skadi].

Come and avoid the Twilight of the Gods.

This goddess is not so much Scathach as Skadi who possesses some of Scathach's qualities.

Maybe Odin summoned the projection or something.

It is precisely because of this that the subsequent world has become a situation where one pillar god, many giants, and the three Valkyries survived.

The Age of Gods barely survived.

As a result, the world became ruled by the goddess [Skahaskardi], and a bunch of [Godly Envoys] were mass-produced as Valkyrie individuals to protect human villages.

But even so, the world is broken.

Resources are too scarce.

There is no other way, the goddess can only let humans be divided into 100 villages. Once the humans in them live to 25 years old, they have to go out and be trampled to death by giants outside.

This is not the cruelty of the goddess.

Just an act of helplessness and pain.

There are no resources.

Either all of humanity dies, or only part of it can be given up.

The steady stream of water is maintained.

In order to protect the world, she has used her power to protect the entire earth, suppressing the flames brought by the flame giants with ice and snow.

It's such a dilapidated environment.

Only such painful decisions can be made.

It is precisely because of this that this world has lasted for three thousand years.

It's nothing short of miraculous.

A miracle that the goddess worked hard to create.

How can this not be valued and cherished by her?

So when faced with the fact that Fujimaru Ritsuka and the others are coming to destroy this Lost Belt in the original work, the goddess [Scathachkadi] can only scream and cry in pain.

"I can barely maintain a hundred villages, such a powerless world and me!"

"My hands can only carry only a hundred villages and only ten thousand humans!"

"I can't even keep them alive until grandpa and grandma!"


In the end, the Lostbelt was destroyed.

Utopia was ushered in.

Everything was gone.

That's what the Lostbelt is. There is no future world.

And the history of pan-humanity and the Lostbelt.

It must be Faced with the fact that only one of the two can survive. The third Lost Belt is [The Unification of Human Intelligence and True Kingdom]. It is also the Lost Belt of Great Qin.

What is different from the original history is that the First Emperor explored the immortal ruins and found where Zha's remains, and then continued to analyze the technology in it, and found the immortal world and entered it, but there was no immortal inside. Only the hibiscus tree remained.

So the First Emperor transplanted the hibiscus tree away, and Vigorously developing immortality, he turned himself into a mechanical creation, that is, the city of Xianyang has become a large-scale calculation center.

Then he conquered the whole world and established a defensive orbit called the [Great Wall] in space.

To prevent Foreign invasion.

But such a world, too integrated into one, has also fallen into stagnation and has no future. The people have no people's wisdom. The First Emperor thought that he alone as the sole ruler, the absolute emperor, was enough. He thought so and so , can bring happiness to the people.

There is no need to learn anything. People in the village farm every day. When they reach a certain age, someone will teach them how to create humans, and the children will be centralized and raised without the concept of parents.

Also There is no concept of the elderly.

Because birth, old age, illness and death are a painful part, it can be removed and all that is needed is happiness in the front.

Therefore, after people live to a certain age, they will die without pain.

In the original plot, Fujimaru Lixiang and his group taught the villagers a poem by Li Bai. When they found out, they were all hunted down and judged as [Confucian], because the people only needed to live like this.

This development has turned into the First Emperor. One person can fly, but the civilization has become too stable to move forward.

There is no more letting a hundred flowers bloom, and there are no new things.

Once the First Emperor is gone, the civilization itself will not have the kind of person who can open up the future and the new era, and there will be no kind of person with the ability to open up the future and the new era. Talents who shine brightly.

Civilization instantly collapsed and fell apart.

So I said before.

Sometimes people like [Keqing] are necessary in the development of history and civilization.

They are at the forefront of the times. , to create a new path with your own hands! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Liyue actually has a lot of people like her.

Otherwise, there will be no people like her, and the emperor will die. , Liyue collapsed and disintegrated in an instant, and it came to an era where warlords were fighting and the people were in dire straits.

So Keqing's reaction would be very quick.

The first reaction was to seize power first!

Liyue Qixing took over all those who were originally managed by the emperor. Contain it in your hands. In this way, the chaos will not go anywhere.

To achieve stability.

The turmoil can be reduced to the smallest controllable range.

Look at the chaos in the deserts of Xumi in the past. They were all killing. It's a mess of tyrants and slaves.

This highlights how important excellent management talents are.

So the Lost Belt is almost a world that has stagnated, a world that has lost the possibility of continuing to move forward.

Luo Hao:"So, this is the possibility that the First Emperor chose to witness Fujimaru Ritsuka and the others. I believe there can be a better future.

Nezuko:"Well, the emperor and the first emperor are both very good people." However, I still think Afang Palace and Wang Fu Ship are too crazy, what kind of mechanical ascension of weak flesh and blood!"

Tsuchima Mi:"Wise materialist alliance +100."

Kushiname Anna:"Now something is wrong with King Qin's circumambulation."

Jing Ke said that she must think about whether this is the only opportunity in this life to regain the glory of the crown and kill the rank. It is our duty to ask for flowers and

Chuixue:"From now on, it will be the fourth and fifth strange belts, right? Morgan:"


Further back is the Lost Belt of Indian mythology and the Lost Belt of Greek mythology.

These two pasts are the Lost Belt where Morgan is located.——【Fairy Round Table Realm], a fairy tale mainly in Britain, is also the theme of group member Morgan.

Morgan:"Um, you should know about the Yusei Pioneers, right?"

Nezuko:"Even me with a poor memory can remember this. It was the white giant who bloodbathed many myths and gods on the earth, and was eventually killed by the Saint of the Stars in the Inland Sea of ​​the Stars. The swordsman was defeated"

"The Holy Sword of the Star, the thing that protects the planet! The ultimate expression of mystery! Weapons made by the stars! A miracle created by fairies! Representative of the power of the earth!"

Others also nodded. That's right.

Morgan:"That's simple. The history here is that in order to fight against this upcoming crisis, the Star Inland Sea sent six fairies to build the [Holy Sword of the Stars].


This is their mission.

Then these guys holding the hair in their mouths said,"Oh, come out, let's go play?"


That's what everyone thinks.

So I tried to fish for death and played like crazy until I calmed down.

Only then did I realize, damn! Why is there no earth outside the planet?

What happened?!!

Can anyone tell them?

Where are people?

Damn it!

Why are all the people gone? Civilization is gone?

It turned out that a white meteor came and swept across the earth and the planet, leaving the earth gone and only the sea water left.

They can only drift on the sea water.

Only then did the six goblins remember, oh yes! We should forge the Holy Sword!

Completely forgot about it!

Just because the Holy Sword was not forged, the Holy Sword user was gone, and thus the Yusei Pioneer could not be defeated, and the story became like this.

Then [Star Inner Sea] sent a god, the Celtic beast god [Cornunos] to urge them.

That is [Horned God].

Logically speaking, this shouldn't be used to reprimand and punish a bunch of sluts?

If you touch a fish, you will touch the whole world.

What a bastard!

Even execution is not an exaggeration!

But this god was so kind. He gently forgave the goblins and became friends with them, letting them stay on his body. Waves and other things would also be resisted by this god.

Just live in the sea and the ocean.

The days were pretty happy.

But after a long period of time, there was still no land. There was always this ocean, and there was no end to it. So these six people became dissatisfied and thought it was because the gods were not strong enough.

What about land?

You are creating the land!

Without land, it would be too boring and absurd, right?

Useless guy!

Fortunately, you are still a god!

And this god would occasionally urge them to forge holy swords.

But when they heard it, they were so annoyed!

Say what you say!

So annoying!

So the six goblins became dissatisfied and chose to kill this divine poison with a glass of poisonous wine!

Then the corpses of gods were used to build land, and even after the fairies died, the corpses would still be there and could be turned into land, and a new world appeared.

The descendants of the original six goblins survived like this..

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