No one is born to be someone else's stepping stone, neither for Mithras nor for Lugobias.

But such a thing happened around the two of them. Mithras lost his arms, parents and their due reputation. Until now, they have not been able to clear their names; Lugobias's family was involved into a conspiracy, and the common initiator of these two incidents was the organization I once worked for, Foolish People.

Why didn't I think of this earlier? The reason for Lugobias's paranoid attitude, which can be called"crazy" even if it is not an exaggeration, comes from the reality she has experienced personally.

She is the only survivor and"the first batch of Experimental Subject No. 53 in Mondstadt's strategic plan". She is also the youngest one with the most ideal experimental data.

Lugobias is always able to somehow understand what people are thinking, and I just think that is the result of her observation of words and expressions.

A few months have passed since I first met her, but her height has not grown at all. It is too abnormal for this age group, but there are not a few people who do not grow taller in their lives.

Although people born with snow-white hair are rare, they are by no means unheard of. For example, there is a legend about a white-haired goddess in Liyue.

And with her terrifyingly pale complexion, it didn't seem like Bernin was treating her badly. If that was the case, the atmosphere between the two of them wouldn't be that harmonious.

Why didn't I think about it together?

After she experienced the transfer of custody caused by the"accidental death" of all relevant guardians, being transported across countries, being injected with an overdose of experimental drugs, her only hope of survival being lost, witnessing and even being forced to let all her companions die tragically, and having their bodies dragged into the incinerator... she Can he still survive with his broken body?

At that time, my superiors said that because of my outstanding work, I had just been promoted and assigned me to work under the second position of the executive officer. What was waiting for me was not more friends, but a group of children.

They were from Mondstadt, all members of the orphanage founded by the Legenfund family, and knew each other.

Only one child among them dared to come into close contact with me. I felt very lucky that he was willing to believe and accept me as...a member of the organization that single-handedly destroyed their home.

He said it wasn't my fault, I wasn't involved and I looked miserable.

But I was already part of the organization. If I didn't stop them, I would be adding fuel to the flames and indirectly causing their current situation.

They were treated as experimental subjects, deprived of their qualifications as human beings, and not even treated as living beings.

In such an environment, what kind of kind person can trust me?

He was even the first person in this white country to ask me what my dream was.

He even held the Eye of God model in his hand, which he regarded as a turning point, as if the gaze of the god could help him escape the pain caused by the side effects of various drugs.

What a good boy, but no matter where you are, good people don't live long.

Before injecting the experimental drug for the last time in his life, he gave the Eye of God model with a small corner knocked off under the instruction of the"Doctor" to a little girl who had obvious symptoms of albinism.

Although it was just a prop used to create an emotional gap in psychological experiments, in the eyes of the child, it was the hope of life, and he gave it to another person without hesitation.

"Big brother, you can also tell that I will definitely not live long, so I might as well give it to Lulu"


"Big brother has helped me enough, I can't trouble you anymore, and if you do that... Big brother will be in trouble here, right?"


I have forgotten exactly what came out of my mouth at that time, but I still remember the child’s last words.

"Lulu is the youngest among the fifty-three of us. I have lived enough, so I can give the rest to her."

I wish so much that those who caused this could be like that kid, who was in the room but part of it got splashed on Lugobias' face and everywhere.


《Randomly Dropped Small Theater"

Traveler: Isn't this the legendary mission of Lugobias? Why are you here again?

Lingkong: I’m here to make a guest appearance and add a few things.

Traveler: Lugobias is such a miserable girl. By the way, what happened to the child you mentioned who gave Lugobias the Eye of God model?

Lingkong: Do you think there is a possibility that the child was blown to pieces?

Traveler: Hey, hey, you failed the trial before just because of this lof.

Lingkong: If you can't pass, you can only accept your fate. And you asked me to finish, that child exploded in front of Lugobias's eyes and splashed all over her face.

Traveler: Shut up!

—— ps: If you don’t care about some spoilers and want to know more details, please go to lofter Lugobias’ entry!

Readers who have not finished [The Enemy Is Like Flooding Waters] and are not interested in comedy, please selectively read my remarks below!

The last paragraph is about the death of Frodlock, one of the leaders of the experiment (yes, the professor who was torn to pieces by Jade in the cave). In a sense, our protagonist is a prophet.

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