At the time, many people thought that only SKT could turn the game around, and only the LCK team had the power to turn decay into magic...

What are the conditions for a turnaround?

First, your own strength is greater than that of your opponent.

Two.. It's the lineup!

Your lineup must have the ability to make a final decision, have room to operate, and have the ability to directly turn the game around in a wave of team battles in the case of a big disadvantage!

How is G2 playing?

Prince E flashed into the field, and Luo Kaida followed in seconds, and he was charmed!

One might ask

What is FNC doing?

FNC Total-Human Machine?Stand and Eat Your Skills?

Of course they didn't stand ...

They're like a lot of pros do, and they do ineffective moves!

Why can the prince E flash easily open them?

Why is Luo Neng perfectly connected to the ultimate?

There's just one reason...

Their attention is all on the Stone Man!

The sudden brightness of the stone man caught them off guard...

They thought that G2's spearhead would be this stone man, but they completely forgot about the prince hiding in the shadows...

The prince's E provoked two people, Yasuo didn't pick up...

Lowe's W was lifted to the rock sparrow, but Yasuo still didn't answer...

Until the stone man trick to the wheel mom.. Yasuo is flying!

Remember the one SKT hit the bunny?

Almost the same position, the same angle ... Welcome to the same script!

The same is in front of the highland tower on the red side, the same 0 for 5 regiment annihilation...

The same double C takes the head, and a wave of fat is so fat that it flows oil...

FNC seems to be about to be overturned by a headwind...

"Hey.. It's a pity!"

"It's a pity this wave... FNC ran a whole good game, and all of them were sent back...."

"This wave of Oucheng is really a bit undeserved... There is E and flash, how can it be opened.."

"Isn't it that the Wind Girl is slow to react? To be reasonable, this kind of all-rushing lineup, the Wind Girl is the best to restrain herself, but his ultimate move is slow..."

"If you want me to say it's the top of the troll pillar... Why are you stuck in a small cannon? He should go to Cayasuo on the pillar. "

LPL fans will not admit G2 cattle criticism until now...

In their minds, G2 is still the same Muggle team...

Even though they played very well in this wave of team battles, all the members performed quite well...

But they just turn a deaf ear, only looking for shortcomings, and can't see the advantages of others....

Of course, the same goes for kimchi...

After getting used to benchmarking their efforts against their grades, they never looked at G2.

Even if they won the MSI championship on the head of SKT, they still looked down on G2 from the bottom of their hearts...

"Is FNC working on it? Is that the result of their efforts?"

"I was abused with one hand... What a shame! If we were to change to SKT, we would have killed G2 indiscriminately!"

"FNC has made too many mistakes... They don't have a good relationship with the strong teams."

"After all, it's only a team from the EU region, how high do you expect from him?

EU fans are just optimistic by nature, but that doesn't mean they don't have a temper...

Seeing their home team being ridiculed like this, how could they stand it?

"You're right! But if I send our garrison soldiers to your place, drink two taels of white wine in the evening, and walk down the street in the middle of the night with your pickles, dare to ask you how to deal with your pickles?"

"Hahahaha! (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"It's really giving you face? Playing a game and kicking your nose in the face, rising to the area to attack?"

"I'm sun, you're on the beach... What's wrong with you SKT? You SKT is different in MSI and was killed by my G2? It's as if this year's MSI champion is SKT..."

"Say a few more words, and I won't be your father!


Kimchi may be tough on the people in the LPL, but for these EU fans, they really can't be tough...

In their minds, white... It's the color that belongs to my father...

I'm scared..

Eyes back to the game...

G2's wave of annihilation completely wiped out FNC's offensive momentum.

Next, it's all G2's performance moments...

Wheel mom no E?

Then take a defense tower on the other side!

Dare to come out to pick up the group on the other side?

The prince, Luo, the stone man, can be opened at any time, and any person can open it in seconds!

Yasuo didn't care how many lines would appear, as long as the lines appeared on the rock sparrow and the wheel mother, he would take it!

When the game enters the late stage, the more ways to open the lineup, the more it can occupy the initiative on the field.

When the economic gap between the two sides was chased by G2 to almost parity, the two sides fought a wave of life-and-death battles in the Ancient Dragon Regiment...

"What do you say, the summoner skills on both sides are there, and the ultimate is also there!"

"The trolls don't dare to continue on the wing... At this time, FNC does not have a front row, and the trolls must appear on the frontal battlefield, otherwise the teammates will be wiped out in a wave!"

"It's coming!G2 is the first to start moving the dragon! With the output of Yasuo and the small cannon, G2 is very fast in fighting dragons!"

"Pay attention to the position of the stone man!The stone man is in the yin!But this position is seen by the vision!But it's useless!FNC's double C must (Li Hao) lean forward, otherwise this dragon will be taken by G2!What to do!"

At the same time, a figure suddenly flashed out of the dragon pit...

And this displacement directly forced out all the skills of FNC double C!

"Oh my God! Mistake! Mother Wheel handed over her E skill! Rock Sparrow used up her flash! Is this wave of FNC going to get the Ancient Dragon?"

Fighting? non-existent...

The stone man suddenly reversed with a big move and smashed directly at the unsuspecting wind girl!


A big move, Nosuke both stand up!

And Yasuo, who has been holding back for a long time, also picked up his own big move at this moment!

Who said that the incense burner should only be used by AD?

Yasuo with an incense burner, the same can C!

Even if you don't bring an incense burner, you can C!

This wave, is Ah P crazy!.

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