Hidden Yao Era

Chapter 134

"At first, I was sent by some high-ranking firefighters. They tried to seduce Kasto and snatch him out of your hands. "

Sonia was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "Ahh

"Don't be afraid, I've been with you for a long time and know that you're not this kind of person. "

"Thank you for trusting me so much. "

"Feeling better, aren't you? tell me your secret. "

"I broke up with Castor. "


"This ...... Why. "

"Well, the reasons are complicated. "

"Well, understand, the relationship between these nobles and the various forces in the firefighters is complicated. I feel comfortable here because it makes me feel that the environment is simple and not so troublesome. "

"Don't give you a headache? The gang fought back and forth last month. "

"Hahaha, it's much better than the battle of the nobles in the Earth Sphere, and the people here often say it clearly. In my opinion, many people are like fools, and they have no heart. But there's nothing to worry about getting along like this. "

"There are also those who have hearts. "

"You say Aziz, he's a lot of thoughts, but he doesn't have a bad heart, you can see it. Much better than the people in the firefighters. "

"Well, yes? Then we really fell into the miso vat. "

"Hahaha, people will fight each other when they are idle, and their natural competitiveness will want to overwhelm each other. It's like changing or distorting the other person, and I guess it's a kind of nature. "

"Huh, you actually thought of this?".

"Well, I've been thinking about it lately, and I've been thinking about a lot of things about staying with you and Chief Cavendish for so long. I found that I was not suitable for floating in the sky, with big people, it was too tiring, and I didn't even know myself in such a tense state. You didn't think my real personality was like this before, did you?".

"yes, I used to think you were a very rigid person. Now it seems that you are really better suited to be a mech pilot. You learn faster than the average person when you first get started, and it doesn't take long for you to become like a veteran. "

"Haha, Commander, aren't you considering making me a mech captain?".

"Well, I thought about it. You haven't been through much of the drills, though, and while your rank is high enough, your prestige isn't enough to convince them. "

"Haha, it's good to think about it. Actually, I don't have much pursuit. I used to think it was good to be a civilian officer in the army, but then I realized that no matter how good I worked, I would be commanded. I turned to the ship, and later found that there were some intrigues on the front line. A boss felt that I was useful, so he took me to meet a few aristocratic generals at the level of major generals. They arranged for me to enter Castor's fleet and make him his lieutenant. Tell me side-by-side that I want to seduce him with a cold flower attitude, tell me how to pretend to be high-end, how to play with a man's mind. I also learned from the people of the Savanna family. "

"Ah, they sent you to the training class?".

"Hehe, no, but according to my former boss, they had the idea. Originally, they wanted to wait and see, and if I opened my mind, they wouldn't sign me up for classes, but if I didn't open my mind, they would have to pay to send me to some 'celebrity cram school'. "

"They won't pay this money until they have to, right?"

"Well, they want to find an amateur like me, and they don't want to forcibly find a celebrity to insert it, that's too obvious. "

"Poof! These people don't know if they're smart or stupid. Sonia was much more relieved after chatting with Livlou for a while.

"When I came back for surgery, they all said that this girl was now a modified person and had been ruined, and I was a little sad at the time. But now it seems that I am very happy, and there are no such annoying people to limit me. I feel relaxed, I feel that my previous goals were so stupid, and now I don't seem to have any baggage. "

"Well, here you don't have to worry about anyone playing with you. "

"That said, there are a lot of people under your command who are constantly staring at me, so you have to take care of it. Livlou squinted at Sonya. Sonia looked into her large, watery eyes under her naturally curly brown bangs. Livre's gaze didn't dodge, she turned her head to look at Sonya. But her eyes were not sharp at this time, the sun shone on her wheat-colored skin, and her round face did not make Sonya feel any threat, but made Sonia want to get close to her.

Sonia cupped her face and said, "Hehe, they can't help but look at you if you're so beautiful, and I want to look at you twice." You have a lot of people chasing you at school, right?".

"Well, yes, how else would you be sent to seduce Casto?".

"Hahaha, have you ever been in a relationship before?".

"Nope. "


"I'm 24 years old. "

"Huh, you're older than me!"


"I'm only 23. "

"Huh, but you look older than me. "

"What's the big deal, you're older than me in terms of age, height, and weight. "

When Livlou heard this, she immediately retorted, "Phew, how can I be heavier than you when I'm so thin?

"Hahaha, you are so concerned about your weight?".

"Why don't you mind?

"Then have you ever wondered why girls have to be thin so that no one will say it?".

"It's not good-looking to be fat, and it's not healthy. "

"Then someone who is thin and looks good like a virtual singer and transforms into a human partner, are they healthy? So thin is already malnourished, right?"

"Hmm, so what?".

"So women want to be thin not because they are healthy, but because they cater to men's aesthetics. Women who are not threatening, weak, and have no vitality to take care of are the best objects for men to show their power and love. In this state, male condescending charity would be more redemstorative. and to cover their oppression of women as superiors. Sonia continued: "Moreover, the so-called thinness under social aesthetics is not at all without fat, my body fat rate is 12%, do you think I am fat?".

Livrew was stunned for a moment, then said, "Ah...... Then you are strong. "

Sonia was amused by her straightforward response: "Poof, it's not in line with the general aesthetics of society that I'm so strong, and I'll be regarded by many men as having no sexual charm." My body makes them feel threatened, and in a society where women have the power to be ignored by men instead of having a mate advantage. Oh, when I was hospitalized a few months ago, some aristocrats expressed their affection for me, and I was 6 kilograms fatter than I am now. Hmph, so beauty and ugliness have nothing to do with whether they are fat or not, and it has to do with the people who decide to be beautiful and ugly. "

"But whether you're fat or thin, Casto loves you so much, I don't think anyone can get involved in the relationship between the two of you. "

"yes...... That's why I love him too. Sonia's gaze dimmed again.

"You're heartbroken right now. Why did you break up?".

"Because, the position is different. "

Livrew panicked when she heard this, and she asked, "Ah, then I'm also fighting against the people before me here." "

Sonia shook her head: "I don't know, the relationship here is complicated. I feel like I'm changing all the time. "

"yes, I don't know at all, I've been an officer for so long, and I still can't figure out what these men are doing. "

Sonia said firmly, "We have to figure it out. Do you know why women have always been oppressed by men?".

"Because there is no money and no power?".

"No, it's because of the inability to hold money and power. Think about it, if you are given a huge amount of wealth, can you guarantee that the money will continue to increase in value if it does not depreciate in your hands for decades? If you are given great power, can you guarantee that you can exercise these rights reasonably and always maintain your power? In many cases, even people who are in high positions are easily overturned by their subordinates. They have no status and apparent power, but they are actually pitifully weak. How many rich wives and aristocratic mistresses are like this, they seem to have a lot of status, but in fact they have no ability to survive, once they have no husband, they have no family support. It won't be long before they fall to the bottom, without any ability to get up. "

"Alas, we women are too weak. "

"Yes, this weakness is innate, we don't have the physical impulses and muscle strength of men. But on the other hand, our weakness is also shaped by society, and we are taught to be obedient, to be thin, and to please men with a lovable gesture. But we also have other advantages, we have more dopamine in our body, and our spirit is more delicate and rich. It's another kind of power, it can be used to create art, to inspire scientists and designers, to care for others, to make the world more loving. It can only be said that in our current era, these advantages do not bring us a status above men. "

"Because of war, because in war only violence and physical force can prevail


"yes, but that's only one aspect. In political life, one needs to hide one's true thoughts and gain an advantage by confusing one's opponents. In this process, people's inner suffering, pain, and doubts are hidden. Over time, people's hearts become numb. Men have an advantage over women in this regard, and we have to overcome our natural sensuality and complex emotions. And men are very direct and cold a lot of the time, and many of them are born that way. Violence and brutal political and economic rivalry are the basis for male domination. "

"Ah, you're right. Thinking about it this way, if a woman wants to enter politics, she can't survive unless she becomes cold and ruthless. "

"Yes, I have known this truth for a long time, but I have always thought that with sincerity and kindness, I can influence others and let more people stand with me. Now it seems that I was really naïve. Those who wield power play the old political game, barbaric, chaotic but effective. Our spirit and material are not yet full enough to give up these primitive means. "

"These must change!".

"Change? The fact that these things are widespread means that they are justified. In other words, politics must be relied on in this way to function. Human beings cannot be connected by emotion alone, and when faced with interests, they will still fall into the primeval jungle. It's sad, but that's the reality. However, human beings cannot rely entirely on material desires to drive society forward, and in order to achieve self-transcendence, people need to open their spiritual world from the inside and achieve internal transcendence and sublimation. That's when the sensual value of women becomes apparent. "

"So what are we going to do?".

Sonia stood up and said, "Fight them, with our own means and with theirs." We must not be willing to live as a caged bird, and we must not fantasize about getting something for nothing every day. When we have the ability to control power and resources, we can stretch out our ideas, get more and more people with us, and slowly change the world. "

Just then, Aziz suddenly ran over and said to Sonya, "Captain, haven't you received my message for you?"

Sonia asked confusedly, "What news?".

"I sent it to you an hour ago!We're going to be urgently transferred to Neptune!".

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