Hidden Yao Era

Chapter 122

Lieutenant General Rao didn't seem to find much comfort when he heard this, and he continued to smile bitterly: "Heh, I hope so. But the people above don't like me, what can I do? I'm tired of it, and before I die, at least I have to prove to God that I am religious, powerful, and focused. Once I've taken this place, I'll be in the central control chamber, and I'm confident that my willpower will be enough to withstand the pain of controlling all the weapons on this planet. "

Lieutenant General Rao's lieutenant dissuaded, "No! "

"Would you like to go in with me?"

Without hesitation, the adjutant replied: "I do!".

The other staff officers also replied in unison, "I do!" Lieutenant General Rao looked them in the eye and nodded.

At this time, Colonel Senguda, who had just commanded the attack, walked into the command room, his armor was full of dust and smoke marks, and he said with great guilt: "Report to the temporary commander-in-chief, this attack has failed. "

Lieutenant General Rao angrily rebuked: "Do you know how many people have died in vain by your lame commands! They instinctively kill and wound more enemy soldiers to make their own deaths more valuable! Do you still think that my previous accusations against you are vexatious? I know all the black material you have reported to the brotherhood and the church! If you had used your mind to fabricate false news in command, you would not have killed so many people this time!"

Senguda bowed his head and remained silent.

Lieutenant General Rao then raised his voice and ordered his subordinates loudly: "The 75th and 61st Divisions are preparing for the next wave of offensive, be careful, this wave of offensive must have the heavy mechs in front." The light infantry should pay attention to coordination, and the heavy infantry must protect the heavy equipment, and don't be as stupid as the group of recruits just now!".


On the other side, Brigadier Sonia and Brigadier General Aziz were preparing for a new attack by the enemy. Brigadier General Aziz suggested to Sonya: "The first round of the attack should be tentative, although it seems to be a large number of people, but apart from the Newt tanks, there are not many heavy and sophisticated equipment involved in the attack. From what I know of Lieutenant General Rao, he should be using a lot of heavy anti-infantry mechs against us. "

"And then the step tan coordinated advance?".

"Yes, he was very careful about the coordination of infantry and heavy equipment, and this man was very careful in his command. Your armor is still functioning, right? We don't have any spare equipment for you. "

"No problem, I just asked the mechanics in the logistics department to take care of it, and the acceleration function and stealth function are not damaged. "

"Well, their attack will be more fierce next, and Lieutenant General Rao has raised a group of dead soldiers, and his elite hoplites have not yet been played. We must be careful. "

"Well, I've heard of the 'Dead Soldiers' Battalion of the 61st Division, and they are very capable of protecting heavy equipment. As soon as Sonia finished speaking, she heard a loud noise in the distance. She and Brigadier Aziz looked in the direction of the sound, and a bunker was surrounded by firelight.

Brigadier General Aziz said: "Their special forces are on the move. "

Sonia picked up the rifle next to him and said, "I'll take someone to clean them up." She then went to the front with 150 infantry to support.

Near the front fort, a unit of the 75th Rover Division was engaged in sabotage. They turned on their stealth and stalked cautiously. They touched the vents of the fort, and the chief told all the team members to plant bombs in encrypted communication.

The Scout looks around and turns on the radar to make sure no one is there. Five hoplites remove their stealth, plant bombs, and set up activation procedures. Seeing that there was no one around, a heavily armed soldier took off his helmet, sighed and said, "Oops, suffocate me!".

"Don't take off your helmet!" his commander retorted, and as soon as he finished speaking, the soldier was shot in the head. Dozens of flashes of light swept across the bodies of his hoplites, and their blood flowed in an instant. Sonia led forty hoplites and killed all the hoplites in their squad.


leader of the squad pretended to be calm, and he quickly distanced the light infantry from Sonya's hoplites. Fight and retreat backwards. But when they retreated to the intersection, they were met with heavy gunfire on both sides of the road. In a few moments, the army was completely annihilated.

The squad leader was shot multiple times, his thigh was bleeding profusely, and his shoulder was pierced, but his torso and head were not mortally wounded under the protection of the hard armor.

Sonia walked up to him and asked, "What are your numbers and which division do you belong to?"

"Kill me! We're going to die here anyway, and so are you!".

Sonia crouched down and asked him, "Why are you asking to die? You weren't mortally wounded, you could have lived." "

"If there is hope in life, of course there is no need to die. But how can this world survive!?".

"You must have known something lately, right?" asked Sonya.

"Oh, I don't need to say anything more to you! traitor!".

"Oh, there are people who are not traitors, but who have been betrayed by the people they have always admired. To die in vain on this cold planet. Is there any value in serving that kind of person, and why should you be loyal to him?".

"I'm staying true to my faith!".

"You believe in the order of the world, and when the order collapses, why can your faith still exist?".

"So faith doesn't exist, and I don't have the meaning of existence!" After saying that, he pulled out his pistol and prepared to commit suicide. Sonia grabbed his gun and said to him loudly, "Think about it! Your faith has collapsed, but you still exist." What is it that makes it collapse? Is faith tied to people, or is man tied to faith?".

Sonia then asked, "Who are you?" "

After hearing Sonya's words, his hand slowly lowered the gun and said slowly, "I am...... Commander of the 75th Company of the 3rd Regiment of the 7th Division of the 4th Army Group of the Rover, Atholl Muminov. "

Then, he took off his helmet, and Sonia could see his face, his short hair thick and thick, his eyebrows thick and angular, and his straight nose and slightly thick lips that did not match his slightly confused eyes at this time. Sonia seemed to feel a similar aura to Castor in his eyebrows.

Sonia smiled and said to him, "Your confusion, my lover also experienced it, and he came out later and became a great person. You can too. "

She turned to her subordinates and said, "Go and call the military doctor and cure him." "

"By the way, you haven't told me how you're going to attack next. "

"Well, I don't know who you are yet. "

After hearing this, Sonia took off her helmet and said to him with a smile, "I'm Colonel Sonia Romanovna, have you heard of the 'White Witch'


"Ugh...... Well...... We are ready to destroy some fortresses first, and then use this as a breakthrough to stand up to the forward positions with heavy equipment and advance gradually. When Muminov saw Sonya's face, he seemed to be enchanted, and after a moment of trance he confessed everything he knew.

"Well, I understand, you go back to recuperate, and the front line will be handed over to us. After saying that, Sonia put on her helmet and drove to the front line with her soldiers. As if sucked out of Sonya's soul, Muminov stared at her back until Sonia disappeared into the smoke in the distance.

Half an hour after the fort on the front line was bombarded by artillery fire, more than 300 Thunderbird mechs marched towards the fort area with heavy steps. Brigadier General Aziz looked at the approaching mechs on the strategic map and sighed, "Alas, Rao...... What's the point of you carefully hiding these mechs, and even if you defeat us, or die, what is your faith?".

As they approached the fort area, these Thunderbird mechs bombarded the fort with heavy ion cannons. Sonia turned on her stealth and paid attention to the anti-infantry rockets on the shoulder of the Thunderbird mech. She noticed that the magazine was constantly shifting its position, and it was clear that the mech pilot was adjusting his aim to find a suitable opportunity to fire. At this time, if the infantry showed up rashly, they could easily be torn to pieces by anti-infantry rockets.

Sonia sends a message to Brigadier General Aziz, asking him to cover these mechs with long-range artillery first. 1 minute later, the flames enveloped the Thunderbird mech cluster. The smoke cleared, and a large number of tanks suddenly charged. The Iguana Tank covered the Oxt Tank's advance, and they bombarded the fortress incessantly. The Thunderbird mech also turned on the running mode and moved forward quickly. Just as they were about to capture the first fortress, a large number of rockets and ion cannons hit the armored unit.

Brigadier General Aziz's newt tanks and baboon mechs, which had been in ambush on both flanks for a long time, rushed out and flanked the enemy armored forces. However, the enemy's mecha units did not change the goal of the attack. At this time, enemy hoplites suddenly appeared, and they launched an attack on the armored forces. At the same time, more than 200 Spinosaurus mechs covered them, constantly firing armor-piercing shells at armored units.

As the hoplites approached the armored troops, Sonia appeared with the hoplites, and at the same time, the infantry in ambush in the fortress rushed out in unison, suppressing the enemy infantry with fire.

Sonia rushed ahead and took out a leading hoplite with a single sword. The hoplites in the rear then engaged the enemy in hand-to-hand combat, fighting to the death with electromagnetic guns and ion blades. The tanks and mechs on the other side were also slaughtered. Burning flames and blinding ionic light illuminate the dark dungeons.

The fierce fighting lasted for more than one hour, and the enemy chose to retreat when he saw that he could not take advantage of it. Sonia looked at the retreating enemy troops and breathed a sigh of relief. She voiced Brigadier General Aziz and asked him, "How big are our losses?"

Aziz replied: "More than 100 tanks and mechs were lost, 1,654 people were killed and 2,123 wounded. "

"What about the enemy?".

"3,566 people were killed, at least more than 5,000 were wounded, and more than 500 tanks and mechs were destroyed. We should be able to hold it, I looked at the situation map, and it seems that not all of their troops have rushed over, and there should be about 60,000 people around here. "

Sonia said to him: "That's not going to work, 5 of the 16 fortresses in the forward position have already fallen, and this kind of battle damage will not last us long." We must have the reserves ready and the precise distribution of the defenders. When are the firefighters coming?".

Aziz said helplessly: "They said it would be five hours before they came. "

After hearing this, Sonia took off her helmet and sighed deeply and said, "I don't think they want to come." "

On the other side, Major General Anantara, who heard Sonya's conversation with Aziz, turned on the space communication device and entered: "Sonia Romanovna and Aziz are still alive, what should I do next?".

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