"I feel like I know a lot at this moment. "

"But I feel like it's all irrelevant. "

"I suspect I've been pitted. "

After going through the knowledge of these gods.

Ying also said that she seemed to be like watching a story with no beginning and no end.

In addition to the head full of question marks, the others are also full of question marks.

"That person named Zhongli is actually the rock god. "

"Anyway, why is Iwajin's ass so warped!".

also has a question mark on his face, as well as Paimon floating next to the crumbs.

However, Paimon's focus is obviously not serious.

Hearing Paimon's words, Yingmei also glanced at Paimon.

Why do I always feel that this emergency food around me is getting more and more colorful?

It's so dangerous to be a cute girl.

Su Cheng smiled and said, "Do you still need to continue to investigate?"

"You can check out the other characters' information by the way. "

"For example, Kamisato Ayaka's. "

Ying: "No!".

While rejecting Su Cheng's "kindness" with resentful eyes.

Ying was also shaking her head so that Su Cheng's mouse couldn't rub her head.

After all, I'm not a child anymore, so why rub her head

Of course, even if Yingmei wants to dodge, she will definitely not be able to dodge, after all, Su Cheng is using a mouse here.

There was no way, Ying could only be rubbed by Su Cheng with a white mouse.

"It's like being rubbed by a handsome guy. "

"Hmph. "

Ying is also a pouting person, looking reluctant.

And Su Cheng also smiled at this, and also came from the mouse, the touch of Yingmei's golden hair.

The feel is really silky and smooth, so Su Cheng can't help but want to touch it twice.

However, this proves that Yingmei's intimacy has also broken through to 25%.

This kind of persecution can increase intimacy, and it is true that Su Cheng did not expect it.

It also proves that the increase in intimacy does not necessarily mean that the relationship between men and women is emotional or affectionate.

Friends are also friends!

Do you think Paimon and Ying lose less of each other on weekdays?

But the relationship between the two of them is also undoubted.

"It seems that sometimes persecution has to be intensified. "

Thinking of this, Su Cheng also touched his chin.

However, on the other side of the computer desktop, Paimon still seemed to suddenly think of something very important.


"By the way, Traveler, how long have we been out. "

"I remember Amber waiting for us when we were invited into this world!"

"I don't know what Amber's situation is now!".

Ying: "yes. "

Yingmei also thought of this.

When they came to this world, Amber was also next to her, but the white mouse only invited the two of them over.

Or rather, fortunately, only the two of them were invited.

After all, if other Teyvat people were invited here to shoot such a humiliating film, then they would not have to ask for face!

But all in all, it's almost time for them to go back.

Su Cheng

knew that the time on Teyvat's side was six times faster than Su Cheng's computer screen.

In other words, Amber over there has been waiting for nearly six hours.

Su Cheng also nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, it's almost time to send you back." "

"For the sake of your future exploration, I will give you another gift. "

Saying this, Su Cheng also dragged a picture file over and handed it to Ying.

"Once you're in Teyvat, you'll know what this thing is. "

Ying: "Okay, thanks. "

Ying still can't tell what this picture is, but she still says thank you.

But in the next second, Ying was picked up by Su Cheng's white mouse.

Fortunately, Yingmei reacted quickly enough to cover her skirt and didn't go away, but even so, Yingmei said with a red face.

"Hey, Su Cheng, what kind of surprise attack are you doing!".

Su Cheng: "This is also to send you back." "

"The Genshin Impact APP is in the upper left corner, so it's the fastest to pick you up and throw it back. "

Crumb: "Can't you put that Genshin Impact icon in the bottom right corner!".

Su Cheng: "Sorry, I can't!".

Put the Genshin Impact APP at the bottom of the computer desktop, and Su Cheng will have one less way to tease the table pet for a legitimate reason.

This is a loss for Su Cheng!

Paimon: "It's a good thing I'm small, so I can hide it in the Traveler's clothes." "

Crumb: "Paimon!

Paimon: "Alright Traveler, let's say goodbye!"

After the two of them were funny for a while.

Yingmei, who was picked up by Su Cheng, also covered her skirt with one hand, and waved her hand at Su Cheng with the other.

"Goodbye, Mr. Su Cheng. "

"Speaking of which, we should be able to come back to this place in the future. "

Su Cheng: "Of course, as long as you want to come, you can come." "

"It's only when you're called for the first time that you're limited by a thought. "

Ying: "Okay, goodbye!".

Paimon: "Goodbye, Mr. Sucheng, wow, don't drag that arrow so fast!".

After saying goodbye to Ying and Paimon on Su Cheng's side.

The two of them were thrown into the Genshin Impact APP by Su Cheng.

At the same time, on the continent of Teyvat.

Amber, the scout knight, was also very bored sitting on the grass, looking at the direction in which Ying and Paimon had disappeared before, almost looking at it.

PS: Ask for flowers, evaluation votes, reviews, monthly passes, rewards, thank you for all the ancestors!

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