What Su Cheng released was an abstract version of the MMD risk party of a certain Go cupping king and a 2-16 strength rider.

Accompanied by the lyrics, the two models are not exquisite, and it can even be said that they are a little uninhibited, and they danced for a while.

A long minute and twenty-six seconds passed.

Keqing and Ganyu, who were not light, turned their heads to look at Su Cheng in unison.

There was an indescribably complicated look in his eyes.

And the King of the Great Mercy Tree, who was watching the excitement next to him, also twitched the corners of their mouths slightly at this time, and remained silent.

The eerie silence lingered in the room for a few moments.

Until Ganyu spoke.

Ganyu: "Su Cheng, are you serious......?"

"Do you want me and Keqing to do this dance?"

Ganyu's gentle voice seemed to bring a hint of surprise.

Su Cheng: "That's right, that's it, that's why I asked Ganyu to change into men's clothes" 813." "

Hearing Su Cheng's admission, Ganyu's eyes suddenly darkened.

In the video just now, there is a ground action, and the model, which can barely be seen to be a man, will lie on the ground and push his hips upwards.

If you want her Ganyu to make this action, it's definitely Daba!

Keqing, who was standing aside, also interjected at this time:

"Can you change the dance......?"

"This dangerous party jumps, indeed, um......"

It's really a bit shy, and it's hard to say.

Although Ke Qing's words were not finished, Su Cheng obviously understood what she meant.

And the audience in the live broadcast room watched the excitement one by one:

"Just jump, the cupping king and the rider can be ghosted, so the Genshin Impact table pet can too!"

"Woo woo, why isn't it a female jumper, I really want to be Gan Yuding!!(30 yuan paid message)"

"I know what you mean, perverted female fan. But Brother Su Cheng's table pet doesn't seem to be willing to jump. "

"The intelligence machine is in crisis, and the intelligence of the table pet is too high, and even the consciousness of resistance is generated. "

"Directly pick up Ganyu and Keqing, and use the mouse to manipulate them fiercely, how can the table pet resist Brother Orange who is the master. "

"No, brothers, just imagining two table pets dancing this dance makes me angry. "

"I hope you're on the top head, OK?"

Looking at the lively barrage, Su Cheng also relayed a few articles.

After listening to Su Cheng's relay, Ganyu and Keqing glanced at each other.

Then he nodded tacitly at the same time, and said to Su Cheng:

"Su Cheng, is there any other version? The song is this, but the choreography is different. "

Su Cheng thought for a moment and said, "There really is, then let the two of you take a look at the other version." "

Then choose one of the two editions. "

While talking, Su Cheng also searched for "posting after the rain".

Click in, and the background music is still a dangerous party.

And the modeling in the video is Ganyu and Keqing.

At the first glance of this video, the two table pets instantly denied the idea of choosing this choreography.

After all, as soon as it came up, it was Keqing's way of raising his legs high and Ganyu coming from behind.

This is somewhat out of order.

At the end of the video, Su Cheng moved the mouse and poked Ganyu.

Su Cheng: "What's the matter, should you choose the first one, or this one?"

Ganyu took a deep breath and stroked his chest, but did not reply for the time being.

Su Cheng was not in a hurry, but moved the mouse and touched Keqing's head.

also asked: "Keqing, do you think which of these two choreographers is better?"

Keqing's eyes dodged, and she blushed and snorted: (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I don't think these two are good ......"

"But Su Cheng, if you have to let me choose, I will still choose...... The first one......"

After all, the second choreography will have several leg lifts.

And she and Ganyu's movements are basically the same, so isn't it a waste of the tuxedo that Ganyu wears.

Hearing Keqing's choice, the audience also echoed it: []

"Master Carving chose it very well, after all, I have slipped through the second video many times. "

"Master Ke, private Marseille, this choice you have made is worthy of my apologies for my careful thinking. "

"It's a dangerous party that should be ruthless and can't let men's Ganyu lose her due charm. "

"When I thought of Keqing blushing and picking Ganyu's chin, I couldn't help pinching it. "

"Ganyu, you're gone, Keqing has helped you choose, quickly show your charm!"

If there are friends who miss this live broadcast, then in the future, we will already be separated by a barrier in Brother Su Cheng's live broadcast room. "

"Sprint sprint, rush, sprint, s

Su Cheng: "Ganyu, many of the viewers in the live broadcast room now support Keqing's choice, what about you?"

Ganyu bit her lower lip lightly, took a breath, and finally stopped hesitating and said:

"Then choose the first version of the cupping king and the rider's... 0"

After all, there were only a few embarrassing actions in the first version.

If it is sunny after the rain, when Keqing raises his legs, I am afraid that he will not go back to the bottom.

After coming up with several similar reasons in his mind, Ganyu finally had to pay some small reward for the breakfast he wished to eat.

Su Cheng: "Do you want to stop watching it again and remember the action?"

Keqing frowned slightly, then nodded slightly.

I really have to watch it again, after all, I was a little ruthless just now, and I didn't have much imprint in my brain about the movements or anything.

Seeing this, Ganyu nodded to Su Cheng with the mentality that it was already like this anyway.

Seeing that both of them agreed, Su Cheng naturally re-played the dangerous party of Jaguar X.

This time, Ganyu and Keqing were carefully remembering their actions.

And the end and the Great Mercy Tree King next to him had a feeling of being tortured.

Another long one minute and twenty-six seconds later.

Ganyu: "I've memorized all the movements, and I'm ready to start filming." "

Keqing: "I'm also ready, hurry up and finish the shooting." "

After the two finished speaking, they consciously leaned together face to face.

Waiting for Su Cheng to play background music.

Seeing this, Su 5.0 Orange did not delay, and quickly arranged the scene.

It is the Jade Pavilion.

Then, without waiting for Ganyu and Keqing to say anything, he moved his mouse and carried the two people who had been close together to the scene of the Jade Pavilion.

Ganyu: "Fortunately, it's just a scene......"

Ke Qing glanced back at the real Jade Pavilion and couldn't see any different scenes at all, and also echoed:

"Luckily, it's just a scene, otherwise neither of us would know how to face Ningguang. "

Just, although it is said so on the lips.

In Ganyu and Keqing's hearts, there was a slight subtle pleasure.

After all, dancing a very amorous "Dangerous Party" on the Jade Pavilion may be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

PS: Please order all the customization, thank you Yanzu!.

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