The Great Cishu King and Kamisato Ayaka, who were sitting on the bed, were also inexplicably cooperating at this time, and looked at the end with a cold face.

Seeing this, he moved his steps and left her in Yoimiya's somewhat puzzled eyes.

Su Cheng: "OKOK, it's done." "

Hearing Su Cheng's words, he finally stopped and relaxed his expression.

Yoimiya also patted his chest and showed a very energetic smile.

Yoimiya: "Hehe, I just did a good job!"

Su Cheng: "Senior sister, do you want to practice with me?"

Su Cheng's somewhat frivolous tone reminded Yoimiya of his actions when he finally said this line to himself just now.

So, Yoimiya's mind couldn't help but fantasize about it.

If Su Cheng stood beside him and whispered this sentence in his ear.

Then I'm afraid that my legs will be weak.

Shaking her head to throw these strange fantasies out of her mind, Yoimiya also turned her head to look at Ayaka.

After all, she can basically see Ayahua's feelings for Su Cheng.

With this, the audience in the live broadcast room is also quite satisfied with the film arranged by Su Cheng.

"I love to watch beautiful girls sticking to the pinch, and when I finally get close to Yoimiya, I'm already going to die. "

"If it's convenient, can you finally share what it feels like to touch Sister Yoimiya's shoulder......"

"Brother Su Cheng, I want to practice with you from the dry wood and fire palm to the eyebrow sword, and then to the affectionate sword!" (70 yuan paid message)"

In the end, the Great Cishu King and Ayaka tacitly understood that their faces were cold, and it was really a bit of the atmosphere of the Shura field. "

"In the end, the posture of moving the steps at the end, tsk, this performance tension is also quite sufficient. "

"My mother-in-law and my mother-in-law are sticky, so I'm not sour at all, when to let Yingmei come once will really have a sense of substitution. "

Glancing at the barely normal barrage, Su Cheng also cleaned up the table and read a few notes to Yoimiya.

It's just that Yoimiya's mind is now completely focused on his wish that is about to be fulfilled by Su Cheng.

Fireworks display in another world......

I don't know which one is more gorgeous compared to Narukami Island?

With the several fireworks festivals he had experienced on Narukami Island in his mind, Yoimiya's heart was also looking forward to the fireworks display on Su Cheng's side.

And Su Cheng also saw that there was some impatience in Yoimiya's amber eyes.

Divide five by two and quickly clean up the desktop.

Then he said: "The film has been filmed, so let's realize Yoimiya's wish~~." "

Yoimiya nodded again and again, and even couldn't help but urge:

"Hurry up, Su Cheng!"

Hearing such eager words, Su Cheng also moved his mouse and touched Yoimiya's head, and said:

"Sister Yoimiya, don't worry, I'll show you some of the biggest fireworks displays on my side right away. "

While saying this, Su Cheng also asked the system in his mind.

Can you provide a fully immersive experience for Yoimiya when you set off the fireworks display video?

Naturally, the system also means that there is no problem at all.

After receiving this response, Su Cheng silently praised the system in his heart.

It is worthy of the table pet system, and there is really nothing to say about serving the table pet and the host.

Subsequently, Su Cheng also opened the browser and first searched for "Nagaoka Fireworks Festival".

This fireworks festival is known as a god-like being.

Su Cheng: "Yoimiya, this is the first fireworks I have prepared for you, enjoy it." "

While speaking, Su Cheng also found a video and clicked to play it.

At this time, Yoimiya suddenly felt as if she had been dragged into the video.

The noisy chatter and laughter of passers-by accompanied by the breeze of the summer night hit the face.

When the laughter and laughter around her reached its climax, brilliant fireworks instantly burst in front of her.

Each firework presents the posture of a phoenix, and countless beautiful scenes are conjured.

Such an intoxicating and shocking scene released 20,000 fireworks. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yoimiya looked up at the brilliant streamer rising into the sky, and her pink lips opened slightly, shocking and unusual.

"Is this the fireworks festival that Su Cheng prepared to fulfill my wish......

With such a thought in my heart, Yoimiya's face, under the glow of the night and fireworks, was dyed with a faint pink halo.

As the sound of noisy laughter in his ears gradually faded away, Yoimiya slowly came back to his senses.

Just as he was about to say thanks, he heard Su Cheng speak again:

"Yoimiya, since it's your favorite fireworks, how can you just watch one. "

"Come, take it. "

"This is, the second one. "

Su Cheng's words fell, and he also clicked on the video of the Miyajima Water Fireworks Festival.

Yoimiya's amber eyes burst out with a color of surprise.

Subsequently, the whole person's consciousness was completely immersed in the second fireworks display.

Standing on the beach at night, looking at the sparkling sea and the torii gate of Itsukushima Shrine standing on the sea.

Yoimiya felt a different peace from the first fireworks display.

There seemed to be a faint sound of cicadas chirping in the distance, making Yoimiya realize that it was a summer night.

The night breeze blows her hair, and Yoimiya raises her hand to brush the strands of hair that are scattered around her ears.

Just in the moment when I was ready to put my hand down.

Behind the torii gate on the sea, with a "boom", a huge light golden flower blooms into the sky.

Then, as if in response to this firework, countless brilliant golden flowers continued to flicker on the sea level.

Yoimiya's eyes reflected this reassuring scene, and the corners of her mouth unconsciously raised a charming smile.

This beautiful fireworks blooming in the sea and torii gate completely tugged at Yoimiya's heartstrings.

Until the fireworks stopped blooming, Yoimiya still didn't come back to his senses.

It wasn't until Su Cheng moved the mouse to pick her up that Yoimiya came back to her senses.

"How's that, do you like it?"


Yoimiya didn't hide his intentions at all (Qian Zhao), showed the sweetest smile to Su Cheng, and responded loudly.

It's just that Su Cheng didn't think much about it, but simply thought that Yoimiya was very satisfied with the two fireworks he arranged.

After putting Yoimiya on the table, Su Cheng also looked at Ayaka who frowned inexplicably, and said:

"Ayaka, since you don't plan to say your wish to me right now, then I can't help you make it happen for the time being. "

"So I can only give you some milk tea recipes and a few cups of milk tea first. "

Kamisato Ayaka suppressed the inexplicable sense of threat in her heart, nodded and said:

"These milk tea prescriptions and milk tea can be regarded as cash to fulfill my brother's wish. "

Su Cheng: "Okay, it's such a happy decision." "

Seeing this, the one on the side stomped his feet twice in annoyance, and raised his hand to point at himself.

Xiang Su Cheng asked:

"Su Cheng, what about me?"

ps: Please order!Order!Ask for flowers!Thank you, Yanzu!.

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