Su Cheng also paid attention to the barrage, and continued to arrange:

"There's another script next, and the three of you have to be mentally prepared. "

Hearing Su Cheng's words, Nahida immediately looked back at him.

Nahida: "Will the next script still make me the main target of persecution?"

Su Chengmo shook his chin and said:

"Next script, Nahida, you're the main character. "

"And the lines and everything are quite normal, don't think about it, how could I only arrest you and persecute you. "

Nahida: "You'd better be!"

Su Cheng looked at Nahida's somewhat angry little face, and also smiled.

And seeing Nahida and Su Cheng interacting so much, some of the new viewers in the live broadcast room were also amazed.

"This Nahida table pet has such a high degree of intelligence, it seems that they have developed an autonomous consciousness. "

"Is this AI technology? or is it some more bullish black technology?"

"The main package is the main bag, such a highly interactive table pet, I will bring the price, can you discuss it for me. (30 yuan paid message)"

"The three are all Lori table pets, and it seems that the anchor understands some people's careful thinking. "

Regarding the speeches of these ignorant new audiences, some old fans of Su Cheng can be regarded as looking for an opportunity to show a wave of superiority.

"Guy, newcomer, this is a table pet made by our brother Su Cheng himself. "

"Pure personal posture technology nerd, the kind that doesn't have a team behind him. "910" is such a table pet technology, Brother Su Cheng must not be able to disclose it for the time being. "

"I insist on sending a private message to the backstage of Su Cheng's Xiaopo Station every day, asking about the price of table pets. "

"Hey, let's watch the live broadcast first, I can only say this to the newcomer first, Su Cheng's Genshin Impact Table Pet Live is a unique existence. "

Those new audiences, after seeing the speeches of the old fans, also nodded silently.

As for Su Cheng's side, of course he has already chosen the script.

The reason I just said that Nahida was the protagonist was naturally not teasing her.

Moving the mouse, he poked the heads of the three little table pets in each of them, and saw that they all looked back at him.

Su Cheng continued:

"Klee, Seven-Seven, and Nahida, because you just made three wishes. "

"So there's another film that the three of you need to shoot. "

Klee: "But (bdfg) Oh, Brother Su Cheng, Klee can start remembering new lines now." "

Seventy-seven: "Seventy-seven...... No problem. "

Nahida took a closer look at Su Cheng's expression off the screen.

I saw that his face was calm and sincere.

So it was also confirmed that Su Cheng should not persecute her again this time.

Nahida: "I'm ready, too. "

Seeing that all three of them said that they were ready to shoot the next film.

Su Cheng naturally gave the script to them.

Then, the small broken station was opened.

I searched for the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

The audience in the live broadcast room began to watch the Three Kingdoms as soon as Su Cheng handed over the script.

Some people are a little puzzled.

"What are you going to do, Su Cheng?"

"I vaguely feel that Brother Su Cheng's search for the Romance of the Three Kingdoms now has an inseparable relationship with the script. (300 yuan paid message)"

"There is a wave of speculation in the river, and I think what SC said makes sense. "

"Nahida is the protagonist, and she is not persecuted, hiss...... Masaka, Nahida is going to play a wave of Zhuge Wolong?"

"You guys just leave here to talk about the script, I'll secretly take Klee's daughter home, hehehehe~ (233 yuan paid message)"

Letting the hidden barrage speculate and go crazy, Su Cheng is now the old god who is fast forward to the part of Taoyuan Jieyi.

After all, what he arranged for the three table pets was the script that Liu Guanzhang exchanged in Zhang Fei's shop.

At this time, Klee looked at the one-sentence line in her script, and raised her little head in confusion.

Klee: "Brother Su Cheng, Klee has so few lines......"

"Are there any characters with more lines? Klee wants to play roles with more lines!"

Hearing Klee's outrageous speech, Su Cheng also moved the mouse and rubbed it a few times on Klee's small hat.

Su Cheng: "Klee, your role is very important, don't look at him only has one line." (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Klee nodded as if she didn't understand.

Since Su Cheng's brother said that his role is very important, Klee has secretly made up his mind that he will definitely play this role called Zhang Fei well.

Nahida's eyes widened when she heard Klee say that she still had a line to say.

After all, the script that Su Cheng gave her had no words on it at all!

No words!

There are no lines, what kind of protagonist is this!

With a puffing little face, Nahida asked aloud:

"Su Cheng, why does Klee have lines. "

"I don't even have a word as the main character?"

Su Cheng: "If there are no lines, there will be no persecution." "

"Isn't that exactly what you mean, Nahida? "

"Do you think I'm right?"

Nahida: "Hmm......"

"Seems right......"

Thinking about it following Su Cheng's logic, Nahida also nodded silently.

Su Cheng: "It's not like, it's for sure, and your role is a big brother, isn't it quite in line with your status as the god of wisdom in Sumeru." "

Nahida nodded silently again.

Then, she also looked up with Klee and looked at the clip of Taoyuan's three knots in the video.

Only Qiqi is still trying to memorize Guan Yu's lines.

When Klee saw Zhang Fei arching her hands, she shouted "I'm the same" with full anger.

Klee was a little frightened and pushed back half a step.

Klee: "This dark, strong uncle has such a scary voice. "

Klee couldn't shout in such a loud and thick voice. "

Teacher Hua Ling, who dived in Su Cheng's live broadcast room, also nodded silently in front of the mobile phone screen.

It's just that at this time, it is in the chat group outside the world.

But there are a lot of dubbing teachers, and it's not a big deal to watch the excitement.

Aite Hualing wants her to use Klee's voice in the group to say "I'm the same" now.

In this regard, Hua Ling had no choice but not to see it, and continued to dive silently in the group chat.

At the same time, Qiqi also put down the script in his hand.

Qiqi: "Mr. Su Cheng...... Qiqi also wants to watch the video again. "

Su Cheng naturally agreed.

After watching the clip of Liu Guanzhang's affectionate exchange again.

Qiqi: "Qiqi has the most lines...... I don't have a good memory......"

"If you don't start again...... Qiqi is about to forget the lines......"

Hearing Qiqi's slow reminder, Su Cheng also slapped his thigh and said:

"Qiqi, hold it up, hold it up. "

"I built the scene right away. "

While saying this, Su Cheng also quickly arranged a scene that was no different from that in the TV series.

ps: Please order!Order!Ask for flowers!Thank you, Yanzu!.

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