That is, when Su Cheng reminded the Kamisato brothers and sisters to prepare to make a film, the little N master (the voice of Kamisato Ayaka) who was diving in Su Cheng's live broadcast room was a little unsettled in an instant.

Vaguely, she seemed to feel that she was about to become the target of Su Cheng's persecution.

These viewers in the live broadcast room are also crazy with barrage.

"Squat, the brothers and sisters in the gods are about to take the next step according to Brother Su Cheng's script. "

"This film still has a familiar taste. "

"Sit back and wait for Brother Su Cheng to give the script and lines, and look forward to a new second creation. "

"I'm dripping turtle turtle (Kamisato Ayaka version) .JPG. "

"Little N, don't dive, come out and bubble. (30 yuan paid message)"

"The onset record of Xiao N's crooked card a few days ago is a good second creation material. "

"There is no place for you in this family!"

"You guys talk first, I'm going to buy milk tea for Ayato's husband. "

"Brother Su Cheng's script, hehe...... The second creation video taken by the brother and sister of Kamisato, hehe...... (50 yuan paid message)"

"Brother Su Cheng, I beg you to quickly remove the barrage from hiding! I want to say a word to Ayahua!"

"You're Kamisato Ayaka's dog, so who am I?"

Teacher N, who keeps diving, looked at these coaxing barrages in Su Cheng's live broadcast room, and he was also a little annoyed.

Why did I go crazy during the live broadcast when I drew a crooked card a few days ago!

It's okay now, I'm afraid it's not really going to become Su Cheng's second creation material.

Su Cheng's side.

In his heart, he has also decided what video he wants his brother and sister to shoot.

"This is the script of the lines, Ayaka, you and Ayato should memorize the lines first. "

Su Cheng said, also moving the mouse, and sent the document prepared in advance to Ayaka's white and tender little hand.

After the document fell into Ayaka's hands, it became a script for the lines.

Ayaka's face also had a very curious look, flicked her fingers, and opened the script.

Ayato thought that when Su Cheng reminded him just now, he said that when filming this film, he also needed to make a contribution.

So I came to Ayaka's side and watched the lines with my sister.

In the live broadcast room, the curiosity of the audience was also seduced by the script in Ayaka's hand.

barrage was sent out one after another, and they all asked Su Cheng impatiently what script had been arranged for the Kamisato brothers and sisters.

"Brother, Brother Su Cheng, you are really my brother, please stop fishing my appetite. (1000 yuan paid message)"

"Hurry, what lines did my master have arranged by Brother Su Cheng, why did her expression look a little confused. (50 yuan paid message)"

"Now that we have a script, let's first exclude my second creation of the turtle turtle. "

"I guess Brother Su Cheng should have made the script of what Little N said when he was ill. "

"Ayato's husband, I have already ordered two cups of milk tea, and the takeaway will be delivered immediately. "

The little N master who is still diving is also madly silently chanting in his heart:

"No, no, no......"

"Su Cheng won't really make that paragraph into a script, and I'm going to let Ayahua's table pet do the second creation!"

At this time, Su Cheng also took advantage of the fact that the Kamisato brothers and sisters were reading the script of the lines, so he put his mind on the barrage a little.

He looked at the barrage full of screens and many paid messages, and also smiled evilly:

"Little N, I didn't mean to, but there is really your place in this live broadcast room. "

The moment Su Cheng said this sentence with a wicked smile, the audience in the live broadcast room immediately understood.

The line script that Su Cheng gave to Ayaka turned out to be really the crazy words of Xiao N after the card was crooked.

Brother Su Cheng has always had a hand in persecution. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Little N, everyone knows that you are secretly watching Brother Su Cheng's live broadcast, don't dive. (30 yuan paid message)"

"Little N Master Aite, what do you want to say about the next film that the brothers and sisters of the Kamisato family are going to shoot next?"

"Woo woo, my poor Ayato husband, come and hug me. "

"Ayaka seems to be down now, eh......"

"Brother Su Cheng's Ayaka table pet should have been frightened by the words in the script. "

At this point, inside the computer screen.

Kamisato Ayaka's little brain melon is indeed a little buzzy.

In the script of the lines that Su Cheng gave her, those words were indeed quite unspeakable for a noble lady like her.

Even she wondered if it was because she made a wish for divination and love fortune that Su Cheng deliberately used this script to tease her.

Ayaka's slender white fingers hovered over the script, and she didn't turn to the next page for a long time.

After a while, until the mood of the confused circle was almost sorted out, Ayaka continued to flip through the script and read the lines backwards.

As for Kamisato Ayato, he is now in a state of extreme confusion.

Why didn't Mr. Su Cheng even have a single line in the script arranged by Mr. Su Cheng for his sister!

What made him care more was that the lines in this script inexplicably made him feel a sense of resentment.

This resentment is not aimed at anyone else, it is none other than his Kamisato Ayato!

Ayato couldn't help it at this time, so he asked Su Cheng in a low voice:

"Mr. Su Cheng, where are my lines?"

Su Cheng looked at the somewhat sleepy expression on Ayato's face, and also smiled evilly again:

"Ayato, this is a script arranged to fulfill Ayaka's wishes. "

"Of course you don't have lines to say. "

"But when the film starts filming later, you need to talk to Ayaka while letting Ayaka say her lines. "

Kamisato Ayato: "?"

Rao is Ayato's upbringing is very good, and he couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth at this time.

Co-authored him, he is a supporting role.

It's still the kind that doesn't even have a single line.

The audience in the live broadcast room also enjoyed seeing the interaction between Ayato and Su Cheng:

"Hey, Ayato, after reading the script, I'm a little scared or what's wrong?"

"Brother, brother, you can't think of it, my resentment towards you is beyond your imagination. (Dog's Head)"

"Brother Su Cheng has not disappeared from the evil smile on his face since just now. "

It's hard to imagine Ayaka and Xiao Nshi's state of mind at this time. "

"When Xiao N Shi broadcast the explosion live, I was afraid that I didn't expect to be spoiled by the Ayaka table to watch the table book. "

"Master Ayaka, after filming this film, remember to take me out for a walk~ (30 yuan paid message)"

Xiao N, who is still diving, is now about to cover his face for a while when he looks at the barrage, and he doesn't know whether he should cry or laugh.

At this time, Ayaka, who had read the script of the lines and memorized all the lines, raised her head with a cute face.

ps: Please order!Order!Ask for flowers!Thank you, Yanzu!.

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