The information obtained from the previous inventory video was obtained by the three foreigners, Partridge Xian Hua Ling.

To get in touch with the curse on Taoist Banshan.

In addition to the Muchen Bead, the Ghost Mother's Crystal Demonic Eyes are also very important.

Only this thing can balance the power of the ancient gods on the Muchen Bead.

Not to mention, the Muchen Bead is very likely to be on the snow-capped mountain plateau.

They approached the first group of human tribes who arrived at the ghost cave that year. After taking away the Muchen Bead from the ghost cave, they came to the Tibetan Plateau.

And Partridge Whistle thought about it carefully.

The Banshan Taoist tradition has been passed down for thousands of years.

Since migrating to the Central Plains, they have robbed ancient tombs all over the country.

I don’t know how many ancient tombs I have entered to look for the Muchen Bead.

But relatively speaking, some surrounding border areas have been ignored.

Not enough attention is paid to ancient tombs in many places in the Western Regions, Tibet, and southern Xinjiang.

There has been some improvement in recent times.

At least Partridge Shao himself has begun to excavate ancient tombs in southern Xinjiang and the southwest, looking for clues to the Muchen Bead.

But I haven’t been to Tibet yet.

There is still a possibility that Muchen Bead is in Tibet.

Although the current inventory is the video of the top ten monsters.

But Partridge Xianhualing and the old foreigner still looked at it very seriously.

Because none of the three people wanted to miss any information about the Muchen Bead and the Ghost Mother's Crystal Demon Eyes.

This video is related to Tibet, and it is most likely related to the search for the Muchen Bead or the Ghost Mother's Crystal Eyes.

But when those Qilian juniper trees appeared on the screen, Partridge Whistle was a little surprised.

"The tombs in these hiding places... have all been stolen. What treasures can be found in this place? What kind of monster is there?"

Partridge Whistle frowned.

But what 477 didn't expect was that the video picture did not stay on these Qilian junipers for long.

Almost in an instant, the family began to move forward very quickly.

The picture continued to advance.

Obviously, the tombs under these Qilian junipers are not the content to be judged by the video.

After a while, at the end of the wasteland in front, the setting sun is like blood, and the red sun sets in the west.

Except for the deep sky on the east side, the sky on the east side is as blue as the abyss. , all plunged into a faint blood-red color.

In this blood-red wasteland, an isolated peak actually appeared.

The height of this isolated peak is estimated to be only two to three hundred meters.

But because everything around it is very flat Wasteland.

This solitary peak almost rises from the flat ground.

So it appears to be extraordinarily tall. Even the majestic, huge and silent snow-capped mountains that can be seen in the distance on the plateau are not as steep as this solitary peak. At the same time, this solitary peak looks very tall.

The shape of the peak is also very interesting.

It feels like a right triangle.

The ground is a straight edge.

On the top side of the highest point of the mountain is an almost vertical steep cliff, almost three hundred meters high.

This The cliff is another straight edge.

At the same time, there is a gentle slope on the other side of the top of the mountain.

This is a long sloping edge.

Under the setting sun, the solitary peak that appears on the camera screen is particularly conspicuous and shocking.

"This... is an ancient city?"

Partridge Whistle looked at the video and couldn't eat the dry food in his hand.

His eyes were also rounded.

As the video continued to move forward.

Partridge Whistle could clearly see that there seemed to be something on the lonely peak in this video. An ancient city.

The ancient city was built along this side of the slope.

On this side of the hillside, there are densely packed buildings of all kinds.

Although it is a little dilapidated, it shines magnificently under the last orange-red light of the setting sun..At the foot of the solitary peak is a circle of city walls.

There are also Tibetan-specific defensive building towers.

There are only small shooting holes on the tall square watchtowers, and they are all made of stones piled up piece by piece.

Of course, the entire solitary peak The most conspicuous building above is not the houses, city walls and towers.

It is the palace on the top of the lonely peak. The palace is not particularly large.

Compared with other ancient kingdoms, it is relatively small.

But the building is extremely precipitous.

Behind the palace is a cliff.

The building height of the palace itself is quite high.

It is at least ten meters high.

It seems very steep.

But this palace building is more dilapidated than other buildings in the ancient city. Obviously this place was destroyed at some point in ancient times. After the war, it was preserved by the severe cold and dryness of the plateau.

Time seemed to be frozen here.

The video screen advanced rapidly.

Soon, we rushed to the foot of Gufeng Mountain where this ancient city is located.

Partridge Whistle's mood was also excited. The

Partridge Whistle vaguely felt that there must be something very important in this ancient city on the lonely peak.

Of course, there must be huge dangers.

After all, this video is about counting the top ten monsters. Video.

At this moment, the video screen began to slowly advance into the city wall.

…… parallel world. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After Aning saw this ancient city appear on the screen, he immediately started research work.

This time something was beyond Aning's expectation.

I quickly found relevant information.

In fact, there are not many ancient city ruins in Tibet.

Especially in this desolate plateau landform, the ancient city built on a solitary peak[]

It is actually not difficult to investigate and find out the information.

Guge Royal City!

It only took less than (agah) ten minutes to print out a simple document and handed it into the hands of Aning and Jude Kao.

When Aning saw the information in front of him, he couldn't help but be stunned.

The Guge Royal City itself has existed for a long time.

But the process of death is more mysterious.

It was wiped out almost overnight.

There are several theories about the demise of Guge Royal City.

Some say it was because of a plague.

There is another theory that the royal city was captured by the enemy.

The demise of this place was not particularly long ago.

Probably just a few hundred years.

And this place can be considered to have been discovered by people very early.

It is not an ancient city like Angkor Wat that has been completely buried in the rainforest for hundreds of thousands of years and forgotten by people.

Western missionaries had already arrived in this place a hundred or two hundred years ago.

Therefore, many people still know where the Guge Royal City ruins are located.

However, very few people have been to this place.

Even tomb robbers rarely visit.

What protects the ruins of Gugewangcheng is the vast uninhabited land of hundreds of kilometers and the harsh environment at a high altitude of more than 4,000 meters.

The place where Guge Royal City is located is quite outrageous.

This place actually built such a huge ancient city in ancient times.

Most people simply cannot imagine it.

Because the environment in this place is too desolate and harsh.

Most people can't stand it at just one altitude.

The key is to reach the Guge Royal City ruins from the nearest inhabited place. Even with a high-quality off-road vehicle, it will take many days to arrive.

The road is no man's land.

Once something goes wrong, it's over.

If it were placed in ancient times.

There are even fewer people here.

The roads are also more difficult to walk.

At the same time, there is no means of transportation.

Basically a yak.

Not even horses can stand the long trek at such high altitudes.

Tomb robbers also seek wealth, not death.

So very few people really bother to check this place out.

So after seeing the ruins of Guge King City appearing on the inventory video, Aning and Judekao both had doubtful looks on their faces.

"In this place, the costs and risks are completely out of proportion to the benefits."

A Ning thought for a moment, but still couldn't figure out what would be here. He quickly realized that this video was about counting the top ten monsters. After thinking of this, An Ning became even more confused.

This place is simply better than the red one. The ancient tomb where Jian is located is more beautiful.

Whoever goes to such a place is simply unlucky.

Aning can only shake his head slightly.

At this time, the video screen has advanced to the ancient city.

All the houses in the ancient city have been reduced to ruins.

The red sun setting in the west made the light begin to slowly climb along the foot of the mountain.

The camera also followed the last ray of sunlight and continued to advance to the top of the solitary peak.

After Aning saw these houses in the video, he was even more sure of himself Previous thoughts.

There cannot be any treasures in this place.

It was obviously destroyed by the war.

All the houses were ransacked. It was basically empty inside.

There were only some tattered wood.

At the same time, it disappeared in the daylight. place.

There was a rustling sound coming from the gaps between the stones and wood.

It seemed that something strange was crawling in the gaps between the ruins of the ancient city.

This made Aning very uneasy.

Then, Aning saw the video camera advance to the position where it was about to reach the top of the lonely peak.

But what surprised Aning very much.

The video footage did not continue to advance toward the ruins of the palace.

Instead, he turned to the side and came to the door of a tall building that looked like a temple.


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