The next day, Lin Feng was sitting by the pavilion and basking in the sun when the little girl ran over.

"Big brother, will you continue searching today?"The little girl is very motivated to have chocolate every day.

"Once you have found the information, there is no need to look for it anymore.", Lin Feng tilted his head and looked at Li Xiaowan.

The little girl was a little disappointed, but she didn't give up, otherwise there would be no chocolate left."Oh, then, there are other things I can do too."

"Then I will teach you how to practice swordsmanship. Do you like it?"

"Is there any chocolate?"

"of course"

"Then I like it"

When Lin Feng saw that the little girl agreed, he just wanted to try this sword technique to see what effect it had on others.

Lin Feng analyzed the 21 movements of Tai Chi Sword one by one, drilled them for the little girl to see, and also explained clearly to the little girl the changes in yin and yang.

The little girl was extremely intelligent and surpassed ordinary people. She could learn what Lin Feng taught her as soon as she could, which made Lin Feng's love for talents rise.

Have the urge to take on a disciple.

The little girl practiced with Lin Feng in a decent manner, and mastered the 21 moves in just half a day. Although she was not yet proficient, she was able to perform them all.

The sun shines into the pavilion, shining on the stone steps outside. The little girl is concentrating on practicing her sword. Although each sword technique is immature, it is very smooth, drawing rays of light in the air, wandering on the ground, shining brightly.

The little girl became more and more excited as she practiced, and felt that sword practice was also very fun. Gradually integrated into the swordsmanship, the sword light waved formed a circle of Tai Chi patterns.

Suddenly, red light burst out from the little girl's body, soaring straight into the sky, and a roaring sound came from the sky. The clouds were also covered in colorful light, and a huge golden phoenix seemed to show its magical power when it emerged from the flames. The picture flashes with golden feathers, interspersed with rainbow-like light. The phoenix soared into the sky, getting higher and higher, and then rushed downwards, directly towards the little girl. The little girl didn't realize it. The moment the phoenix fell, it turned into a ray of purple-gold light and disappeared into the little girl. inside the body.

Lin Feng knew that this little girl had the highest Phoenix bloodline.

【Ding, congratulations to the host for helping the little girl practice and obtain the Yin-Yang Way: Yin-Yang opposition, Yin-Yang mutual root, Yin-Yang waxing and waning, Yin-Yang transformation]

Lin Feng was overjoyed when he heard this and asked hurriedly:"System, what are these functions?"

【Yin and Yang are a contradictory unity of opposites. Yin and Yang have four major elements - the opposition of Yin and Yang, the transformation of Yin and Yang, the growth and decline of Yin and Yang, and the mutual root of Yin and Yang.】

【Yin and Yang are opposites. That is, opposite things are restricted by opposites. All things or phenomena in the world have two opposite aspects of yin and yang, such as up and down, heaven and earth, movement and stillness, rising and falling, etc. Among them, the top belongs to yang, the bottom belongs to yin, and heaven It is yang, earth is yin, movement is yang, stillness is yin, ascending belongs to yang, descending belongs to yin. The opposing sides of yin and yang are interdependent, and neither side can exist alone without the other. For example, top is yang and bottom is yin, but if there is no top, there is no bottom; heat is yang, cold is yin, and if there is no cold, there is no heat. Therefore, it can be said that Yang depends on Yin, and Yin depends on Yang. Each party takes the existence of the opposite party as the condition for its own existence. This is the mutual induction of Yin and Yang.】

【Yin and Yang have mutual roots: Yang will never cease to exist within Yin, and Yin will never be separated from Yang; Yin will not grow alone, and Yang alone will not grow; without Yang, Yin cannot be born, and without Yin, Yang cannot be transformed. Therefore, yin and yang are mutually rooted. Only the harmony of yin and yang can all things come into being. The four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter cycle back and forth, and they never exist alone at any time. Extreme cold is the opportunity for warmth, and warmth is also the sign of extreme cold. The so-called cathode is where the yang is born, and the anode is where the yin is born. For example, a person who catches a cold is afraid of the cold, but The temperature is high but the temperature is high. This is how extreme cold generates heat】

【The growth and decline of yin and yang means that the proportion of yin and yang, which are mutually opposed and mutually rooted, is not static, but is in a state of constant growth or decrease. The yin and yang should be long but not exuberant, and should be diminished but not weak. If it exceeds this limit, there will be a partial increase or decrease of yin and yang, which is an abnormal increase and decrease. For example, if there is too much fire, water will dry it up, and if there is too much water, the fire will be extinguished. For example, if there is too much yang energy in the human body, it is easy for yang to be excessive and yin to be deficient. Will appear

"Hot flashes of the body, irritability and irritability, flushing of the face, sweating more when sleeping at night, dizziness and bloating, tinnitus and deafness, weight loss, weakness in the waist and knees, fatigue and weakness, insomnia and forgetfulness, excessive dreams, upset, dry mouth, Constipation etc. The tongue is red in color with thin coating, and the pulse is mostly thin and rapid. Yang excess and yin deficiency are usually caused by the mutual opposition and mutual restriction of yin and yang.

Yin deficiency is mainly caused by the loss of essence, blood and body fluid, and Yang Qi cannot be restrained, showing a relatively overactive state. Symptoms of excess yin and deficiency of yang include aversion to cold, thin stools, low sexual desire, impotence and premature ejaculation, cold limbs, worsening when exposed to cold, irregular menstruation in women, infertility due to uterine cold, and body edema, etc.】

【The transformation of yin and yang refers to the mutually opposing yin and yang, which can each transform into their opposites under certain conditions. This kind of transformation generally refers to the change of the overall attributes of things or phenomena, that is, those belonging to Yang can be transformed into belonging to Yin under certain conditions, and those belonging to Yin can also be transformed into belonging to Yang under certain conditions.

For example, if a person's body temperature is 36.8 degrees and you give him a glass of water, if the water is lower than 18.4 degrees, it is water that tends to be negative. Yin means downward and inward. If you drink it and feel cool in your stomach, then the water is A mild herbal medicine. But if you drink hot water above 73.6 degrees, then the water is water that tends to be yang, and yang goes up and tends to the surface. If you drink it for a while and you will sweat, then the water will be light hot water to you. medicine. Why is it light? This is compared to your body's pH.

The manifestation of yin and yang in medicine is based on quantitative changes. Specifically, if a heavy yin is used, yang must be used, and if a heavy yang is used, yin must be used.

That is, in a Tai Chi, when yin and yang are balanced, yin is twice as much as yang or yang is twice as much as yin. For example, yin is twice the volume of yang, and at the same time yang is twice the mass of yin, etc.

For example, drink a small amount of coffee. It can promote sleep when you drink it, and you will be excited when you drink it in large quantities. Some people have different physical constitutions. Drinking more can promote sleep, while drinking less can make you excited. This is also the reason why the transformation of yin and yang changes due to different quantities.

Another example is astragalus - its diuretic effect is obvious within 20 grams, and it tends to inhibit it if it exceeds 30 grams; its effect on blood pressure is that it can increase blood pressure within 15 grams, but it can lower blood pressure if it exceeds 35 grams. When there are symptoms of qi deficiency, use roasted astragalus. If there are no symptoms of qi deficiency, use raw astragalus. 】

Lin Feng did not expect that the Tao of Yin and Yang was so broad. It could not only help in cultivation, but also be of great help to the diseases and health of human beings. This is the way of medicine. When treating a disease, you must first differentiate between yin and yang. Human diseases have symptoms, and the symptoms correspond to yin and yang.

The changes in yin and yang are different for the same medicine. If the yin is strong, use yang medicine, and if the yang is strong, use yin medicine. The Tao of Yin and Yang is endlessly interesting and magical.

If it is excessive, it will cause diarrhea; if it is deficient, it will be replenished. This type of therapy is also based on yin and yang. Deficiency and excess are the two sides of yin and yang, and purgation and tonic are also the two sides of yin and yang. On the surface, there may not seem to be much about Yin and Yang, but its breadth and application are endless. Whether it is in spiritual practice or medicine, it is the fundamental principle of the program.

【Host: Lin Feng】

【Cultivation: Supreme Immortal Lord】

【Holy Path Cultivation: Entry Level】

【Cultivation value: 2/100】

【Master: Yin-Yang Basics of Yin-Yang Dao]

The more Lin Feng thought about it, the more subtle it became. He needed to digest the content he had obtained. Only the yin and yang avenue needs to be integrated and understood in the practice of medicine. It does not mean that you will know the principles of yin and yang. The key is application.

For example, if a person has a fever, what medicine should be used and what method should be used using the Yin and Yang Dao? It all requires deep thinking.

Another example is how to retract the sword without retreating when the power of the sword is too strong, and how to control the yin and yang. Wait, Lin Feng feels that there is too much to think about. It is estimated that he will have to think about Yin Yang Avenue for many years.

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