Ye Chen's mother originally wanted to take Ye Chen to the sect, but later, considering Ye Chen's hobbies, she temporarily put Ye Chen at Ye's house and returned to the sect first, preparing to tell the good news to Ye Feng who was far away in Haotian Sect. Ye Feng has been in seclusion for many years and is probably about to come out.

As the days passed, Lin Feng still had 100 gold coins, and he couldn't spend any of them. Occasionally, he would also visit the headquarters of the Beggar Clan.

Although such days were boring, they were very satisfying. After nearly a year, Lin Feng decided to leave Suiye City and go to the Imperial City of Dongchen Dynasty. He didn't leave for a year, mainly because he couldn't let go of Ye Chen. After a year of training and training, Ye Chen was completely independent, so Lin Feng decided to leave.

Ye Chen had a relative, and he thought about telling Lao Qiu and the others the good news first so that they could feel at ease.

Lin Feng said goodbye to Ye Tiankai and Gang Leader Qiao. Ye Chen was naturally reluctant to leave. He couldn't stop Lin Feng's idea and could only give up.

Lin Feng also asked Ye Chen for a souvenir and a letter written by Ye Chen, so that he could show it to other children.

Before leaving, Ye Tiankai gave Lin Feng another storage bag worth 100,000 gold coins, and Lin Feng had no choice but to accept it. The Founder Ye family was not short of money. As for the original courtyard, Lin Feng had already arranged for Zhang Qiang to live there.

After Lin Feng packed up, he left Suiye City and looked at the Suiye City Gate under the morning light from a distance, feeling a little reluctant to leave. After all, he had stayed here for nearly a year.

Lin Feng looked back at Broken Leaf City for the last time, and then drove away in a carriage. The carriage was given by Ye Tiankai so that Lin Feng could save some energy on his feet. In fact, Lin Feng could fly. Ye Tiankai didn't know Lin Feng's strength and thought he was just a mortal, so he sent him a carriage.

Lin Feng was happy to ride on the carriage and look at the scenery while walking. He was not in a hurry anyway.

After leaving Suiye City, Lin Feng passed through several mountain passes and then walked a long flat road. Ten days later, Lin Feng arrived at a new city, Zijin City. Zijin City is still far away from the capital of Dongchen King. Lin Feng rested on the carriage all the way here and spent 100 gold coins on feeding the horses. This made Lin Feng feel so distressed that he wanted to sell the carriage. If this continued, he would have to spend all his gold coins.

Although Lin Feng had 100,000 gold coins, the journey was far and he still had to save money. Lin Feng wanted to keep 10,000 gold coins as a reserve fund. There is money in the pocket and no panic in the heart. You just can't spend money lavishly. The carriage fare is too expensive. If you don't use the carriage, Lin Feng doesn't have to work hard to save money.

【Ding, the host has completed the task of teaching Ye Chen and obtained the attribute of water]

Lin Feng's voice from the system sounded in his mind again, and he immediately became energetic.

【Attributes of water: moisturizing, descending, hiding. Mutual generation: wood generates fire, fire generates earth, earth generates metal, and metal generates water. Aquatic wood. Wood, fire, earth, metal, and water, memory: cooking by cooking. Wood overcomes earth, earth restrains water, water restrains fire, fire restrains metal, and metal restrains wood. Wood, earth, water, fire, and metal memory: water and fire are incompatible, civil engineering.

1. Representative directions: wood in the east; fire in the south; metal in the west; water in the north; earth in the center.

2. Represent seasons (seasons): spring wood; summer fire; autumn gold; [winter water]; earth at the end of each season.

3. Representative colors: green wood; red fire; platinum; [black water]; loess.

4. Represents the five internal organs: Liver Wood; Heart Fire; Lung Metal; [Kidney Water]; Spleen Earth.

5. Represents emotions: angry wood; happy fire; sad metal; [shocked by water]; thinking about earth.

6. Representative Heavenly Stems: Jia Yi Wood; Bing Ding Fire; Geng Xin Metal; [Ren Gui Water]; Wu Ji Earth.

7. Representative earthly branches: Yinmao wood; Siwu fire; Shenyou metal; [Haizi water]; Chenxu Chouwei earth.

The parts of the human body represented by the five elements of gold are: trachea, lungs, large intestine, bones, mouth and teeth, muscles, spine, pleura, respiratory tract, and nose.

The parts of the human body represented by the five elements of wood are: liver, gallbladder, eyes, eyebrows, hair, limbs, nerves, brain, fascia, and tendons.

The parts of the human body represented by the five elements of water are: bladder, kidneys, urinary system, gynecology, birth canal, ears, bone marrow, blood, feet, and vagina.

The parts of the human body represented by the five elements of fire are: heart, small intestine, eyes, tongue, heart burn, body temperature, duodenum, tonsils, muscles, and sweat.

The parts of the human body represented by the five elements of soil are: spleen and stomach, abdomen, face, skin, lips, back, buttocks and legs, waist, and digestive system.

Symbols of Five Element Diseases

Five Elements Metal is too weak or injured: dry and moist skin, Qi deficiency, respiratory diseases, easy colds, joint diseases, cervical and lumbar discomfort, weak lung function, dry stool, constipation and hemorrhoids.

Metal born in the native land or metal in the five elements is strong: diseases of the respiratory system, lungs, throat, liver and gallbladder, muscles, intestines, reproductive kidneys, and stomach.

The Five Elements Wood is too weak and restrained: poor brain nerves, prone to insomnia and dreaminess, dizziness, sparse hair, numbness and swelling of limbs, muscle and bone pain, liver and gallbladder diseases, blurred eyes and eye feces, and body aches and weakness.

Water-grown wood or wood that is too strong: diseases of the liver and kidneys, gastrointestinal diseases, nerve diseases, weakness of limbs, and rheumatic diseases.

The five elements of water are too weak to be restrained: kidney deficiency, genitourinary system, gynecological and fertility diseases, male impotence and early ejaculation, spermatorrhea and night sweats, hernia, ear diseases, eczema, female white blood, irregular menstruation, and weak sex.

Metal is born with water or water is too strong: kidney deficiency, asthma, male prostate disease, female uterine cold intolerance, frequent urination, urinary excretory system diseases.

The five elements of fire are too weak to be restrained: Qi and blood deficiency, heart disease, infarction, anemia, nervous deficiency, insufficient muscle strength, weak gastrointestinal function, palpitations, and fear of cold.

Wood generates fire or the fire is too strong: dizziness, red eyes, blood pressure problems, headache, tinnitus, heart disease, skin disease, numbness of limbs, constipation.

The five elements of earth are too weak and will be restrained: weakness of the limbs, weakness of the spleen and stomach, weight loss, gastrointestinal diseases, sores, skin diseases, and diseases of the excretory system and anus.

Fire generates earth or earth is too strong: irritability, inner turmoil, nausea and vomiting, digestive disorders, tumors, gastrointestinal diseases, constipation.

The relationship between wood: Liver, gallbladder, tendons, eyes and claws, sour greenness brings spring breeze, the owner of wood comes from the east, and the tune rises and grows.

【Water is related to kidneys, bones, reproduction, ears, and black color. Fear of fear will damage the kidneys. Black beans and black sesame seeds can nourish the kidneys. Both belong to water.

Kidneys, bones, and reproduction develop from the same mesoderm during embryogenesis.

Lin Feng couldn't help but feel happy. Now he had perfect control over the Five Elements. He sat alone in the carriage and reviewed these laws.

And integrated into the Five Elements Sword Technique, the five powers are extremely powerful when used alone. Now the overall power is even stronger. As for how strong it is, Lin Feng dare not try. He guessed that the Five Elements Sword Technique can destroy everything in a solar system. The planet may destroy the 3,000 Immortal Cultivation Continent.

With the new skill, Lin Feng was very excited and thought about how to try it. Suddenly he thought of Ye Chen. He could try to tease Ye Chen. Lin Feng mentally recited Ye Chen silently, raised his finger, drew a circle, and while using the properties of water, he pointed his finger in the direction of Ye Chen from a distance.

【Ding, call...Xuanwu body, supreme holy bone.....Holy knife, pot....Return to the true nature of Mahayana cultivation....】

The sound of the system sounded, and Lin Feng knew that the instruction was successful, and there were many more things than before. Lin Feng speculated that it was because of the perfection of the five elements.

Broken Leaf City, Ye Family,

Ye Chen suddenly felt something change in himself, but he couldn't see anything no matter how hard he looked, he thought it was his illusion. In fact, he has been enlightened by Lin Feng, but he also has the ability to return to his original nature, which means that he looks like a mortal on the surface.

There is a river in front of the gate of Zijin City. A wide bridge is built on the river, leading directly to the city gate. On both sides of the river, there are green willows and the fragrance of flowers overflows. Ships pass by on the river from time to time.

After Lin Feng entered the city, he first looked for an inn, but after searching all over the city, there was no inn to stay in. It was either too expensive, costing 10,000 gold coins a night, or it was completely full. Either the inn is too high-end, and when you see Lin Feng's poor appearance, you kick him out.

Lin Feng only found out after asking the store that in 10 days, Purple Gold City would hold major sects and dynasty genius disciple competitions, hosted by the city lord's palace. The Tianjiao Disciple Competition is held every four years, and each time a different city bids to host it. This year, Zijin City won the right to bid, so Zijin City spent a lot of money on the competition.

The prizes in the competition were very generous, so rich that all the major sects were so greedy that they sent their disciples to participate. First, each major sect wanted to compare the strength of other sects through the competition, so as to compare the gap and continue to work hard in the future.

Secondly, the Dongchen Dynasty attaches great importance to every competition. Among them, the dynasty tries to win over the talents in various ways, either giving away princesses or giving them wealth.

It is precisely because of the competition that the guest rooms are full. Those sects are not short of money. In addition to the inns being full, various businesses are also booming. Restaurants, brothels, auction houses, elixir shops, treasure pavilions and other businesses are the most popular..

Of course, the beggar business is also booming, which attracts many beggars from the surrounding areas to beg and make a fortune.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Lin Feng had no choice but to return to the outside of the city and find an open place to settle down first.Come. This place is close to the side of a hill, next to the main road. There is an endless stream of people coming and going on the road, most of them heading towards Zijin City.

When Lin Feng was in Broken Leaf City, he bought a lot of delicious food, and he didn't forget to enjoy it when he came out. He lay on the carriage, drinking tea and eating delicious snacks. There is only one maid around to take care of him.

Just after resting for a while, Lin Feng's stomach growled, and he secretly screamed,"Oh no, I'm going to have diarrhea. The food I ate must have spoiled and was unhygienic."

Lin Feng secretly scolded the profiteers, why don't they improve food hygiene? Without time to think about it, Lin Feng held his stomach and saw that there were only hills nearby. After considering so many things, he quickly ran up the mountain and entered the dense forest, hurriedly looking for a place to relax.

It was not until he was ready that Lin Feng felt comfortable and relaxed. He arranged his clothes again, came out of the dense forest, and came to the carriage.

As soon as he settled down, Lin Feng was stunned. A hundred questions ran through his heart. Where is the carriage? Where is the carriage? Where did it go? Lin Feng looked left and right and forward again, but still couldn't see the shadow of the carriage. Sometimes, when other people's vehicles passed by, he suspected that they were his own. Lin Feng ran back and forth for many miles, but still couldn't see it. Only then did Lin Feng confirm that it was stolen.

"Damn it, who is this heartless person who stole my carriage? Your grandma gave birth to a son with 100 buttholes! Every asshole poops every day! Every piece of shit gives birth to countless maggots, and every maggot enters your son's mouth...", Lin Feng scolded him like a shrew, no matter how disgusting he was. No matter how much he scolded, it didn't help. It was still useless. Some passers-by looked at him strangely. Helpless, Lin Feng had to give up in anger.

Although it didn't matter whether Lin Feng used the carriage or not, lying on the carriage was still a pleasure. How could he enjoy it while flying? Did you know the security here is so bad? Lin Feng began to complain about the security of Purple City again.

What should we do tonight? In the past 10 days, Lin Feng spent the night on the carriage. Now that the carriage is gone, he can't sleep on the ground. There will be several female gangsters here, so what will he do? Accept it, or resist it?

Lin Feng thought, by the way, there is also system space. He usually only uses the storage space and forgets about the other functions of the system space. There is a small world in his portable space with beautiful scenery. The small world has not been used yet, and it contains 100,000 square kilometers.

Lin Feng's system space is divided into three independent parts, one is the storage space, one is the portable world, and the other is the prison space. He often uses the storage space to store things, but he has never used the small world. The prison space is specially used to detain people, and Lin Feng has long forgotten it.

So he decided to spend the night in the small world from now on, so he wouldn't have to worry about accommodation in the future. However, there is a problem with the small world. It is like being in a wilderness and is not as comfortable as an inn. Inns are always served by people.


Knowledge points, review:

Wood: liver and gallbladder, eyes, cyan, anger, sinews

Fire: heart, small intestine, red, happiness, pulse

Earth: spleen and stomach, yellow, thoughts, muscles

Metal: lungs, large intestine, white, sorrow.

Remember fur These key points will be useful in the future.

Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. Memorize wood, earth, water, metal, and fire. The relationship between water, kidneys, bones, reproduction, ears, black, and fear of wood-[fire]-earth[-metal]-water. Counting from left to right means mutual growth, and every other number means mutual resistance.


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