After Commander Han and Political Commissar Liu made a summary, they sent a telegram to report to the headquarters.

Over at the headquarters, the vice president and Mr. Liu are sitting at the table

"Mr. Liu, what do you think?", the vice president asked

"This is a good thing. I don’t know who Dr. Lin is."

"Never mind him, as long as he can provide medicine and guns to our army, such a person cannot be an enemy, and it is even less possible for the national army to be so generous.", Vice President

"The specific matters will be decided by the military division. We can just send people to collect precious medicinal materials. The military division will keep a quarter of each harvest and hand over the rest.", Mr. Liu said

"Okay, is a quarter too little?"

"Forget it, let's leave some for them, otherwise Mr. Han will be anxious."

"Send some more doctors to Mr. Han."

"no problem. Let Han Cheng maintain the relationship with Dr. Lin and ask him to blame him if any problems arise."

"He doesn't dare. Doctor Lin is their God of Wealth, and it's too late for him to offer it," Master Liu said.

At this time, Lin Feng was staying in the provincial capital, and within this month, the military division launched several battles and wiped out the The two Japanese brigades seized countless weapons, and the troops in the military division also consumed a lot, and the number of wounded reached hundreds.

This made the group of medical staff led by Han Rui very busy. Fortunately, with anti-inflammatory drugs, the troops The losses were greatly reduced.

When it was almost time, Lin Feng pretended to go back to the military division. He carried a bag with some medicinal materials and equipment in it, so that even if someone checked, he could pass.

Lin Feng sometimes took the main road. Sometimes he would fly for a while through the woods, but he didn't dare to expose himself too much, so he spent a lot of time walking.

Lin Feng was walking in front of him, and suddenly saw someone coming back in front of him, so he asked,"Brother, what's going on?"

"We can't leave from the front, they are surrounded by Japanese soldiers, they seem to be working on some kind of mining area.", the man said.

Although it is not difficult for Lin Feng to get past here, it does not suit the identity of an ordinary person. If someone asks in the future, it will be difficult to explain.

So Lin Feng followed the others and walked around. If he wanted to go around, he could get away with it. There was a big bend, passing through the territory of the military division.

Lin Feng carried his luggage and entered the area under the jurisdiction of the military division. There were pedestrians walking on the road, and they were not affected.

There are two roads in the mountains, one is back to the independent brigade, and the other is It was a turn to go to the military subdivision.

Lin Feng didn't see the road clearly and turned directly into the road of the military subdivision.

Not far away, he saw a village. Lin Feng looked at the unfamiliar village and was about to wonder if he had gone the wrong way. At that time, two soldiers stood out from the roadside. They held guns and pointed at Lin Feng and said,"Who are you and what do you do?""

"I? I'm going back to Wangzhuang.", Lin Feng said

"Wangzhuang, you went to the wrong place. This is not Wangzhuang.", a soldier said

"Ah, I went to the wrong place. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.", Lin Feng said hurriedly.

Seeing Lin Feng's evasive appearance, another soldier said to another soldier,"I think this person is a spy. He must not have gone astray."

"Yes, maybe a spy"

"You are a spy, come with us.", a soldier raised his gun and said to Lin Feng

"spy? I'm not a spy, I'm a doctor. I went to Wangzhuang and went to the wrong place.", Lin Feng explained

"No, you have to come with us. If there is no problem, we will let you go.", the soldier said

"Okay, I'll go with you.", Lin Feng said.

The two took Lin Feng to the military division security office.

The director of the security office was a young man named Lin Dabao.

After Lin Dabao asked Lin Feng some questions carefully, he did not find any flaws in Lin Feng.

"Are you a doctor?"


"Where do you work?"

"In the provincial capital, I sometimes buy some medicinal materials and sell them in Ping'an County.", Lin Feng was referring to the deal with the Independent Brigade.

Lin Dabao asked a lot of questions, checked Lin Feng's bag, and then analyzed himself. After Lin Feng was not a spy, he was ready to let Lin Feng go.

At this moment, Han Rui ran He came over and said to Lin Dabao,"Dabao, the hospital is short of manpower. Please quickly find some people to help.""

"Okay, Sister Han, I’ll do it right now.", Lin Dabao said.

When Han Rui entered the room, she also saw Lin Feng sitting opposite Lin Dabao and asked,"Dabao, who is this? Why haven't I seen him before?"

"Dr. Han, this is Dr. Lin from the provincial capital, and he is also a doctor. He is traveling with you. He took the wrong route. He was originally going to Wangzhuang.", Lin Dabao said.

When Han Rui heard that Lin Feng was a doctor, she immediately became enlightened. What she lacked the most right now was a doctor. There were so many sick and wounded patients that she couldn't handle, especially surgery, where there was an extremely lack of talent. So she said to Lin Feng. ,"you are a doctor?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

"Do you know medical skills?"

"know a little. I am a doctor," Lin Feng said

"Doctor, that's great, fellow, can you help me? We happen to have a lot of sick and injured patients who need surgery, and we don't have enough staff. Could you please help?", Han Rui begged.

Lin Feng thought for a moment and said,"Okay."

"Then come with me. Han Rui said, while Han Rui said to Lin Dabao,"I'll borrow this guy first. You can talk to Commander Han later.""After saying that, he took Lin Feng and left.

Lin Dabao was about to say that this was not one of theirs and he had no right to keep him, but Han Rui had already gone far away. Lin Dabao had no choice but to give up.

Han Rui came with Lin Feng. When we arrived at the hospital, the military subdivision hospital was just a few houses of fellow villagers, and then a large yard. There were a lot of gauze drying in the yard. The troops were relatively poor, and the gauze was reused. There were many wounded people wrapped in gauze sitting in the corners of the hospital. Han Rui led Lin Feng into a house.

There was a simple bed in the room, which was probably used for surgery, and there were some seats next to it. There was a female nurse inside taking medicine. When the nurse saw Han Rui coming in, she said,"Dean, we are running out of medicines here."

"Got it, I'll find a solution to the commander. How are the wounded doing now?", Han Rui frowned.

"There are still dozens of people being treated, and several seriously injured people are gathered in another room because there is no medicine.", the nurse said.

Han Rui also knew that these seriously injured people might not be able to be saved. She did not know how to perform major surgeries and could only simply treat wounds. Moreover, there were not enough medicines, especially anti-inflammatory drugs. The last medicine was also used up.. If it is not handed over to the headquarters, it will be enough.

At this moment, two people rushed in from outside the door. They looked like they were carrying a seriously injured person. When they came in, they shouted,"Doctor, doctor, save our captain!""

When Han Rui heard this, she immediately asked someone to carry the injured person to the bed. Then she opened the patient's clothes and saw blood on his chest.

When Lin Feng saw the person coming, he saw that it was Danu Erwa and the injured person was Liu Hong!

Han Rui After seeing the injury, Rui frowned and then said,"Your captain is too seriously injured and cannot be saved."

"What? Please, save our captain, we kneel down for you."After saying that, Danu Erwa knelt down in front of Han Rui.

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