Daniel Erwa brought Lin Feng to a courtyard.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, a middle-aged man saw Daniel and said,"Daniu, you are back so soon? Where is the doctor you asked to find?"

Daniel was busy. Pointing at Lin Feng, he said,"Captain Liu, this is the doctor. We brought back those we met on the road." The middle-aged man was none other than Captain Liu Hong of the Ping An Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Force.

Liu Hong quickly pulled Da Niu aside and asked quietly,"Aren't you afraid that you are an enemy spy!?"

"ah? No way. It doesn't look like it, and he showed me the legs.", Da Niu said.

Liu Hong thought for a while and said,"Okay, just keep an eye on me and let the doctor treat the political commissar first. Liu

Hong turned around and came to Lin Feng,"Sir, please also treat our political commissar.""

"OK, no problem.", Lin Feng said, and quietly took out some medicine bottles and equipment from the space and put them in his pocket, so that they would not look out of place when taken out.

"Sir, what's your surname? In which medicine hall do you have a consultation?" Liu Hong asked. He was also trying to find out Lin Feng's details to prevent him from being a spy.

"My name is Lin Feng. I'm not from here. I'm just passing by and going to the provincial capital to buy medicine.", Lin Feng made up a reason.

Liu Hong felt a little relieved after hearing this.

Liu Hong took Lin Feng into a house.

There was a shabby bed in the house, and there was a middle-aged man lying on the bed with blood stains all over his body. When

Lin Feng saw the person lying down, he suddenly remembered that the person who was carried out of the hospital looked very much like the same person.

And Liu Hong, Daniu and the others looked very much like the people who took this person out.

Lin Feng Only then did they put the things together.

It was probably after their political commissar was rescued, but there was no medical treatment, the injury was not healed, and there was a risk of infection.

Liu Hong said to Lin Feng,"Sir, please show our political commissar Chen."

Lin Feng lifted the quilt of the political commissar and saw that the shoulder of the political commissar Chen was wrapped with gauze, but it was still soaked with blood.

It looked like a bullet wound, and after it was taken out, they brought it over before it was cleaned, causing another infection fever

"no problem."After Lin Feng finished speaking, he first took off the gauze, took out a bottle of alcohol and cotton balls, scrubbed the wound, then took out several boxes of Linxilin, then took out a syringe and gave Political Commissar Chen an injection. Then he used gauze to inject the wound. The wound was wrapped.

After it was done, Lin Feng dropped the medicine and said,"You can keep the rest of the medicine." Lin Feng left five boxes of anti-inflammatory medicine.

"What kind of medicine is this?", Liu Hong couldn't tell what kind of medicine it was.


"ah? Is it an anti-inflammatory drug?"

"Yes, it is a substitute for sulfonamide anti-inflammatory drugs, but the effect is hundreds of times more powerful than sulfonamide.", Lin Feng said.

Liu Hong was overjoyed. He knew about sulfa, but it was hard to buy anti-inflammatory drugs that cost money. The panlin in front of him was actually better than sulfa. He did n't expect that the doctor in front of him could be like this. After receiving the medicine, he immediately looked at Lin Feng in a new light.

He also believed that Lin Feng would not be a spy, and the enemy would not send a doctor as a spy.

"Thank you, Dr. Lin. You have helped us a lot. Thank you. Thank you." Liu Hong thanked him excitedly

"Don't worry, I'll prescribe some Chinese medicine for you, and you can send someone to capture him and give it to your political commissar."While treating the trauma, Lin Feng saw that Political Commissar Chen had symptoms of heart and kidney yang deficiency.

【(4) Heart and kidney yang deficiency syndrome Concept: It is a syndrome manifested by heart and kidney yang deficiency.

Cause: heart yang deficiency, chronic illness and kidney yang deficiency, water qi overpowering the heart.

Clinical manifestations: Yin water syndrome + heart failure

Heart - palpitations, drowsiness, bluish lips and nails. Yin water - swollen limbs, oliguria, chills, difficulty urinating.

Tongue and pulse - dark or purple tongue, white and slippery coating, deep and thin pulse]

Liu Hong brought paper to Lin Feng With the pen, Lin Feng wrote down the recipe,"raw sun-dried ginseng, black slices, cinnamon, cooked rehmannia glutinosa, cornus, yam, wolfberry, eucommia", and then handed it to Liu Hong.

Liu Hong immediately arranged for Da Niu to get the medicine

"Okay, let's go out and let your political commissar have a good rest. In addition, I will stay here for two days to observe and observe. When your political commissar is well, I will return to the provincial capital.", Lin Feng said

"Okay, Doctor Lin, I will arrange for someone to take you to the provincial capital when the time comes. Erba, come and arrange accommodation for Dr. Lin. You have to take good care of Dr. Lin.", Liu Hong said.

Although Liu Hong had less doubts about Lin Feng's identity, he was still a little uneasy, so he asked Erwa to take care of him, which was actually monitoring him.

Lin Feng didn't care about it at all.

After Liu Hong settled Lin Feng, at this time, The guard came over and reported Liu Hongdao,"Captain, there is a letter from the military branch asking you to go to the military branch for a meeting."

"knew." Liu Hong said.

Liu Hong immediately called two guards, then went to the house and took out three boxes of cillin, ready to be given to the military division. After all, there were many wounded in the military division who were injured due to lack of treatment. He couldn't be too selfish. Although there is currently no hospital in the military subdivision, the doctor's level is only a native doctor, and he only performs simple bandaging, so the medicine is very precious.

Liu Hong led the guards out of the mountains and climbed over the mountains for several hours before arriving at the military subdivision. Entering the courtyard, he saw Commander Han, the commander of the military division, and Political Commissar Liu sitting at the table in the courtyard.

Liu Hong was surprised, why no other brigades and independent regiments came this time?

Commander Han saw Liu Hong coming and quickly greeted Liu Hong sat down."Come and sit down, sit down.

Liu Hong sat down cautiously,"Commander, what do you want me to do?" Is there a mission? Commander Han waved his hand and said,"Let's not mention the mission first. I would like to ask, are you responsible for what happened in Ping'an County?" And about the valley"

"Ping'an County? What's up?", Liu Hong said strangely

"oh? do not you know?"

"What's the matter, Commander, tell me, I don't know. Seeing that Liu

Hong really didn't know, Commander Han said,"About a squadron of Japanese were wiped out in Ping'an County." Wasn't it you?"

"Commander, that's not true. We only rescued Political Commissar Chen last time, but nothing happened after that. By the way, Commander, when we were rescuing people, it seemed that some forces helped us and killed the Japs in the hospital, so we were able to escape.", Liu Hong thought

"Oh, and this?", Commander Han said

"Yes, the last time we stopped the Japs, when we arrived at the location, we found that all the Japs had been killed. I suspected that the people who killed the Japs were the same group as the people in the county.", Liu Hongdao

"oh? You've reaped the benefits, haven't you?"

"Commander, there are just a few guns. We are short of guns.", Liu Hongdao

"Okay, I didn’t ask you to seize it. I'll let you check the situation carefully.", Political Commissar Liu said

"Yes, Commander, Political Commissar, I will definitely check it out.", Liu Hongdao

"By the way, how is your political commissar's injury? Our military subdivision also has no doctors and no medicine, otherwise we would be able to help.", Commander Han said. He only gave Liu Hong some alcohol gauze. They didn't have any other medicines, anti-inflammatory drugs or anesthetics, not even the higher-level brigade hospital.


The key to traditional Chinese medicine is dialectics. Some people still don’t feel better after using traditional Chinese medicine for a long time. This means that the dialectics is not right, and the medication is also wrong.


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