Lin Feng was stunned for a moment. This was probably another misunderstanding that he was a beggar. He was not polite and took the money bag readily. He didn't want to take the money.

After Ye Tiankai and Ye Ling'er left, Lin Feng felt a little regretful. He had short hands for taking people. Facing the direction that the two of them left, use the properties of wood to generate fire and fire to generate earth to help them improve their cultivation a little bit.

Ye Tiankai and Ye Ling'er relaxed after they were some distance away. They were a little nervous and unnatural when giving alms. Ye Tiankai asked Ye Ling'er,"It's natural for us, right? There's nothing wrong with it, right?"

"I see no problem, it’s a normal charity. There's nothing insensitive, nothing dissatisfying or artificial about it.", Ye Ling'er said

"That's good, that's good. It's not easy to do a good thing.", Ye Tiankai sighed

"Yeah yeah. But compared to the attention of the predecessors, it is not worth mentioning.", Ye Ling'er also said

"Okay, let's go, let's go to the City Lord's Mansion first.", Ye Tiankai said, but he found that Ye Ling'er didn't move.

So Ye Tiankai took the pictureYe Ling'er still didn't respond and asked hurriedly:"Daughter, what's wrong with you? Why don't you speak? Why don't you speak?" Ye Tiankai looked left and right, very anxious, but at a loss.

"My daughter, you are talking, talking, but why are you not moving? What is wrong?", just when Ye Tiankai shook Ye Ling'er again and again, suddenly Ye Ling'er moved,"Dad, I'm fine."

"It scared me to death. What happened?", Ye Tiankai asked hurriedly.

Ye Ling'er showed an expression of surprise and joy and said to his father:"I have a breakthrough, I have reached the Nascent Soul."

"What? Have you had a breakthrough? Actually arrived at Nascent Soul? This is a huge realm, and it has only been a few days.", Ye Tiankai said excitedly and surprised

"Yes, it must be the help of seniors. It must be. Seniors have been so kind to us.", Ye Ling'er said firmly

"The great kindness that our predecessors showed us is higher than the kindness of our parents. I, the Ye family, really have nothing to repay. In the future, we will set up a memorial tablet for our predecessors, and all the descendants of the Ye family will have to pay respects.", Ye Tiankai said with unconcealable joy.

"But we haven’t met our senior yet, and we don’t know what his name is either."

"It doesn’t matter, just write, dear senior. By the way, daughter, are your realm still stable? If not, we can go home first"

"No, it's very stable."

Ye Tiankai couldn't help but burst into laughter,"Haha, my Ye family is going to be prominent, let's see what the city lord and other families think of my Ye family."

"Yes, daddy, you won’t be afraid of other companies from now on.", Ye Ling'er said

"Yes, let's go to the City Lord's Mansion first. I don't know what the old fox is up to.", Ye Tiankai said as he changed the subject. Just when Ye Tiankai was talking about going to the city lord's mansion, Ye Tiankai's expression suddenly changed.

Ye Ling'er realized that something was wrong with Ye Tiankai, and hurriedly asked:"Dad, what's wrong with you?"

"No, I'm going to break through. I can't break through on this street. I'll go home quickly."After saying that, Ye Tiankai flew back like lightning.

Seeing Ye Tiankai disappear in front of his eyes, Ye Ling'er was still a little confused. His father also broke through? The Nascent Soul breakthrough can still be controlled by oneself, but the movement of the God Transformation breakthrough is very big , the movement became louder and louder as it went up. If there was no big formation to cover it up, the surrounding areas might suffer. Therefore, Ye Tiankai quickly rushed home to break through. Ye Ling'er immediately rushed back to protect his father.

Here, Lin Feng was still stunned. Looking at the two bags of gold coins in his hand, he thought to himself, is money so easy? And so much so quickly? Are there really many rich people, or are these two kind people really too kind?

Just when Lin Feng was thinking wildly, the child They got the gold coins, asked each other the number of gold coins, and counted their own gold coins. Everyone was like a little money fan. This was their first fortune. In the past, begging would rarely bring a few copper coins, but now it is rare. They had never seen what gold coins looked like before. The 10 gold coins were counted in the hands of the children and they were almost gone.

Seeing this, Lin Feng said,"Stop counting, let's go buy groceries.""The children stopped communicating, carefully put the money away, patted it in their pockets and felt relieved.

Lin Feng and the children were at the vegetable shop again, picking out a lot of ingredients, and the children naturally also picked their favorite ingredients. Big and small bags, everyone took a bag. This time everyone gained a lot.

Carrying big and small bags, everyone rushed back to the small courtyard. After putting down the ingredients, the children, except Ye Chen, ran to Lao Qiu's room one after another, happily showing off their trophies and gold coins given by others.

Lao Qiu hurriedly praised,"Not bad, kids, you are really good." He looked at Lin Feng through the door and guessed that it must be Lin Feng's contribution, so he smiled with satisfaction at Lin Feng.

Ye Chen didn't come forward to show off his gold coins. After all, he was a big kid. He obediently helped Lin Feng pack and place the ingredients, and then prepared to cook. For some reason, Ye Chen felt that he just liked chefs and was used to doing chef's work, as if he was born to be a chef.

In the past month, Lin Feng taught Ye Chen everything he could teach, and Ye Chen basically learned everything. It can be regarded as a success in learning. The yin and yang and five elements of food are also mastered by him.

For example, if you eat too much cold food, you should use warm food. Warm and cold are the two sides of yin and yang. Ye Chen cleverly combines the yin and yang of ingredients to achieve a healthy diet.

The taste of the ingredients was also prepared based on the principle of the five elements that Lin Feng taught him. It can increase the taste without overdoing it because of the large amount.

【The five grains are for nourishment, the five fruits are for help, the five livestock are for benefit, and the five vegetables are for supplementation.】

【Among the five flavors

, pungent foods can promote qi, warm the body, and induce sweating, such as green onions, ginger, fennel, etc.; sweet foods can relieve tension and have a relaxing and tonic effect, such as licorice, honey, etc., which can be used for those who are weak; sour foods It can astringe qi, have antiperspirant, antidiarrheal or help digestion and stagnation effects, such as black plum, pomegranate peel, hawthorn, etc.

Bitter food has the function of purging and removing dampness, which can reduce the accumulation of moisture and heat in the body, such as cassia seeds, bitter melon, etc., so it is suitable for people with heat constitution; salty food has the function of moisturizing and dispersing stagnation. , such as kelp, jellyfish skin, etc., can be used for people with constipation or skin lumps

While Ye Chen was busy, Lin Feng took out kitchen utensils, a pot, a kitchen knife, and a cooking spatula. Then he called Ye Chen over.

When he heard Lin Feng calling him, Ye Chen quickly put down the phone in his hand and came to life.

"Ye Chen, you have basically mastered all the cooking skills you have learned, and now you have to practice how to master them."

""Yeah," Ye Chen nodded.

Lin Feng pointed to the pot, kitchen knife, and shovel in his hand and said to Ye Chen,"These are the three basic necessary tools for a chef, the kitchen knife, the wok, and the shovel." This is for you. You must take good care of it. Since you like chefs, these three items are like your life. You must protect them like you protect yourself. In this way, you can integrate your spiritual cooking skills into it and achieve perfect unity.

This kitchen knife is a good knife. It can be used for chopping and chopping garlic. It's not like the small boxing knives sold outside that can break the garlic just by chopping it. This pot and spatula are also made of fine iron and titanium steel."

"Well, I must take good care of it and be a great chef.", Ye Chen nodded quickly. Since Ye Chen was taken in by Lao Qiu, he has been eating too much, so he determined to be a chef so that he can cook for his younger brothers and sisters. After

Lin Feng came, It gave him hope and fulfilled his dream of being a chef, so Ye Chen also studied very diligently and wished he could learn it early. He was also very grateful to Lin Feng in his heart. Like the elders in the family, Ye Chen already regarded Lin Feng as him. A lifelong master, a master who will always be remembered forever.

Lin Feng would never have thought that with a little effort, he could become a future chef

【Ding, congratulations to the host for giving me metal kitchen utensils and gaining the attribute of gold], the crisp voice of the system came out

"Is this okay?" Lin Feng was both happy and doubtful. He always thought that only by finding books could he obtain attributes. How could he obtain attributes by sending metal today?

"System, how come the metal you send has properties? Is it better to send it later?", Lin Feng asked

"Sorry, host, this gift is random. It may not happen once in ten thousand times. I hope the host will give up the idea of ​​being lazy."

"Forget it," Lin Feng said no more.

【The property of metal is to converge and purify, so among the five internal organs, it corresponds to the lungs.

Mutual generation: wood generates fire, fire generates earth, earth generates metal, and metal generates water. Aquatic wood. Wood, fire, earth, metal, and water, memory: cooking by cooking. Wood overcomes earth, earth restrains water, water restrains fire, fire restrains metal, and metal restrains wood. Wood, earth, water, fire, and metal memory: water and fire are incompatible, civil engineering.

1. Representative directions: wood in the east; fire in the south; metal in the west; earth in the center.

2. Represent seasons (seasons): spring wood; summer fire; autumn gold; earth at the end of each season.

3. Representative colors: green wood; red fire; platinum; loess.

4. Represents the five internal organs: Liver Wood; Heart Fire; Lung Metal; Spleen Earth.

5. Represents emotions: angry wood; happy fire; sad metal; longing for earth.

6. Representative heavenly stems: Jia Yi wood; Bing Ding fire; Geng Xin metal; Wu Ji earth.

7. Representative earthly branches: Yinmao wood; Siwu fire; Shenyou metal; Chenxu Chouwei earth.

The parts of the human body represented by the five elements of gold are: trachea, lungs, large intestine, bones, mouth and teeth, muscles, spine, pleura, respiratory tract, and nose.

The parts of the human body represented by the five elements of wood are: liver, gallbladder, eyes, eyebrows, hair, limbs, nerves, brain, fascia, and tendons.

The parts of the human body represented by the five elements of fire are: heart, small intestine, eyes, tongue, heart burn, body temperature, duodenum, tonsils, muscles, and sweat.

The parts of the human body represented by the five elements of soil are: spleen and stomach, abdomen, face, skin, lips, back, buttocks and legs, waist, and digestive system.

Symbols of Five Element Diseases:

Five Elements Metal is too weak or injured: dry and sluggish skin, Qi deficiency, respiratory system diseases, poor appearanceColds, joint diseases, cervical and lumbar spine discomfort, weak lung function, dry stool, constipation and hemorrhoids.

Metal born in the native land or metal in the five elements is strong: diseases of the respiratory system, lungs, throat, liver and gallbladder, muscles, intestines, reproductive kidneys, and stomach.

The Five Elements Wood is too weak and restrained: poor brain nerves, prone to insomnia and dreaminess, dizziness, sparse hair, numbness and swelling of limbs, muscle and bone pain, liver and gallbladder diseases, blurred eyes and eye feces, and body aches and weakness.

Water-grown wood or wood that is too strong: diseases of the liver and kidneys, gastrointestinal diseases, nerve diseases, weakness of limbs, and rheumatic diseases.

The five elements of fire are too weak to be restrained: Qi and blood deficiency, heart disease, infarction, anemia, nervous deficiency, insufficient muscle strength, weak gastrointestinal function, palpitations, and fear of cold.

Wood generates fire or the fire is too strong: dizziness, red eyes, blood pressure problems, headache, tinnitus, heart disease, skin disease, numbness of limbs, constipation.

The five elements of earth are too weak to be restrained: weakness of the limbs, weakness of the spleen and stomach, weight loss, gastrointestinal diseases, sores, skin diseases, and diseases of the excretory system and anus.

Already knowing four specific attributes among the five elements, Lin Feng became very enthusiastic and couldn't wait to think about getting familiar with metal properties.

Lungs belong to gold and are associated with breathing, autumn, white, and the large intestine.

According to this principle, a runny nose while breathing is related to the lungs. Autumn is easy to damage the lungs.



【Knowledge points]

Metal association: lungs, white, large intestine, autumn, breathing.

Metal defeats wood, fire defeats metal.

Metal generates water, and earth generates metal.

The five fingers of the palm: Starting from the little finger, the numbers follow: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Every other finger is the conflicting sign of wood, earth, water, fire, and metal.

Or stare at these five words: Wood - [Fire] - Earth [- Metal] - Water. Counting from left to right means mutual generation, and every other number means mutual restraint.

People are used to thinking: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. It is a mixture, with metal overcoming wood, water overcoming fire, fire producing earth, and earth producing metal. Water produces wood.

Please remember it according to the mutual origin and memorize it. Don't be influenced by habitual thoughts.


Wood is related to the liver, gallbladder, and eyes. Fire is related to the heart and small intestine.

Earth is related to the spleen, stomach, and muscles. Metal is related to the lungs and large intestine.

Sometimes when the stomach is uncomfortable, no matter how to adjust the large intestine or stomach, it is not good. At this time, it is necessary to consider the problem of the lungs, so as to moisten the lungs and clear the lungs.

The lungs are related to breathing, and the new coronavirus and influenza virus invade the lungs through breathing.

Traditional Chinese medicine does not look at what kind of virus it is, so the traditional Chinese medicine used to treat COVID-19 is also effective against colds, influenza A, and other diseases.

And some people have also discovered that the medicine to treat COVID-19 is cold medicine, which can clear away heat and cold, and treat wind-cold cold.

Because the virus invades the lungs, it regulates the lungs and expels evil spirits. If some Chinese medicines have a pungent taste, pungency is expelled.

Therefore, the relationship between the five elements is closely related to the body. I hope readers will keep these knowledge points in mind.


The author said:

The novel mainly incorporates practical knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine into it, and I hope readers can learn some practical knowledge.

It is still useful to take the time to learn something after decades of life.

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