Although the demon clan does business here, as long as the customer pays, it doesn't matter who the customer is.

Lin Feng sat alone at a table in the hall and ordered some food.

Suddenly I saw a dirty little beggar girl at the door of the inn, about 4 or 5 years old, with dirty and messy hair, and a dark and dirty face. She was holding a broken bowl and shouted towards the inn,"Sir, okay, okay. Okay, give me something to eat"

When a waiter at the inn saw a beggar coming to beg, he felt unlucky and immediately went out to chase him away,"Go, go, go."

The little beggar, however, still looked inside eagerly and said,"Just give me a little, a little.""

The boy got impatient and said,"Go away," and then kicked the beggar out. The little beggar immediately fell to the ground and started crying.

Lin Feng was a little unhappy when he saw this. Firstly, he couldn't stand this guy, and secondly, the little beggar was from the human race.

But Lin Feng didn’t want to make too much noise, so he gave the guy a lesson.

【[Heat evil congesting the lung syndrome], Lin Feng made this guy suffer from heat evil congesting the lung syndrome.

【(sevenSyndrome of heat evil blocking the lungs

Concept: It is a syndrome manifested by evil heat congesting the lungs and the lungs failing to dissipate and descend. Cause

: External evils are not resolved and enter the inside (lungs) to transform the heat. Clinical manifestations: Internal heat syndrome + lack of clearing of the lungs and elimination of internal heat - Fever, thirst, irritability, short red urine, constipation.

Lungs - cough, asthma, yellow phlegm, nasal irritation, chest pain and even spitting up bloody and smelly phlegm.

Tongue and pulse - red tongue with yellow coating, heavy and rapid pulse.

When the waiter entered the inn, his expression suddenly changed. He touched his forehead, swallowed, quickly found a kettle, and started drinking water. But the more he drank, the more irritable and restless his face became.

The coughing sound kept coming, and he seemed to be out of breath.

Gradually he fell to the ground. Seeing this, other waiters rushed forward and helped him into the inner courtyard.

The little beggar cried for a while. When he saw the movement in the inn, he stopped crying and looked inside curiously.

Lin Feng was sitting near the door, and he could see inside from the outside. Lin Feng waved to the little beggar.

The little beggar immediately saw a guest waving to him in the inn. She pointed at herself doubtfully and seemed to say, are you calling me?

Lin Feng nodded and waved again.

The little beggar immediately got up, wiped his nose, and quickly entered the inn.

When the other waiters in the inn saw this, they were about to stop the little beggar. Lin Feng had anticipated this and immediately stopped him, saying,

"I called her here, and I paid all the money."

When the waiter saw that this was the guest's request, he had no choice but to say nothing and let the little beggar quickly run to Lin Feng's table.

Standing at the table, Lin Feng looked at the meal and couldn't stop drooling.

Lin Feng smiled He smiled and said,"Sit down and eat.""

The little beggar hesitated for a while, then sat down unceremoniously on one side and started eating without any scruples.

Maybe it was because he hadn't eaten for a long time. He moved very quickly. Lin Feng shouted from time to time,"Eat slowly, Don't choke."

Then Lin Feng handed her another glass of water," while eating and drinking."

The little beggar took a sip of water from the water cup, then a mouthful of rice and a mouthful of vegetables and started eating.

Lin Feng saw the little beggar eating for a while and quickly stopped her, because overeating will make him sick. The little beggar didn't eat now. She was just a little full. If she let go, she would probably finish the whole table.

Lin Feng put a bowl of soup in front of the little beggar,"Let's have some soup.""

"Um.", the little beggar just hummed

"What's your name?"

"My name is Zhou Xiaoran"

"where is your family?"

"i have no family"

"only you?"

"Where do you usually live?"

"Lives in a bridge cave under a bridge in the south of the city."

Lin Feng secretly thought, this little girl is also brave. Fortunately, the security environment here is pretty good, otherwise it would be really dangerous. The person in charge of this city seems to be a person with management ability, probably a human administrator.

"Are there many beggars like you?"

"There are many. Just in the south of the city, there is our Beggar Gang base.", Zhou Xiaoran said

"Beggars? Do you have someone to take care of you?"

"Well, we also have to hand over part of what we beg for. The person in charge of us is a big sister who is also from the Beggar Clan. The beggars are all humans"

"Human race?"

"Well, it's the human race. Most of the monsters here are rich people. There are few rich people in the human race, and most of them are beggars."


"I don’t know, it seems that most of the human race is imprisoned by a curse, so they can only be beggars."

"oh? I don't think you have one"

"It happens naturally after the human race reaches the age of 10. Not before the age of 10."

Lin Feng was very surprised when he heard that there was actually a curse prohibition that he could not see ugly.

He observed Zhou Xiaoran again, and sure enough, he couldn't tell it unless he looked carefully. There was actually another prohibition in a hidden corner of Zhou Xiaoran's sea of ​​consciousness! And it was dormant. State, no wonder Lin Feng didn't notice it at first.

Lin Feng also took a breath, who has such hatred for the human race?

"Why are there still humans who are not beggars?"

"It's because they are foreign humans, not local humans. Local humans have been beggars all their lives. It's all caused by the prohibition."

"How did you know that at such a young age?"

"My eldest sister told me"

"Then aren't the human race afraid of being bullied by the demon race?" Lin Feng also said curiously.

"Don't be afraid, our gang leader is very powerful, even the monsters and demons are afraid of them, so they don't dare to do anything to the human race, they usually just bully them.", Zhou Xiaoran tilted his head and said

"oh? Is your gang leader so powerful?"

"um, yes. But I haven't seen it"

"What is the name of your gang leader?"

Zhou Xiaoran said,"The gang leader seems to be called Lao Daobazi. It was my eldest sister who told me"

"What? Is it called Lao Daobaozi?" Lin Feng was also extremely surprised. His name was actually the same as Rakshasa Haishi's name, Lao Daobazi.

"Yes, Gang Leader Fang Zheng has basically shown up. Most people don’t know what he looks like, or whether he is a boy or a girl, but judging by his name, he must be an old man.", Zhou Xiaoran said.

Lin Feng didn't expect that there was someone with the same name as Rakshasa Sea City, and Lin Feng was also curious.

Lin Feng thought about the old sword handle in Raksha Sea City, and naturally thought that the old sword handle here should also be like this. appearance

"Besides begging, what else do you do?", Lin Feng asked again

"In addition to begging, some elder brothers and uncles went to work in the spirit stone mines outside the city. The spirit stone mine is the property of the leader of the demon clan here."

"The leader of the demon clan?"

"Well, it's a bull demon, but with the gang leader here, the demon clan doesn't dare to do anything to the human race"

"Do you know who your city lord is?"

"City lord? The city lord seems to be a demon!"

"Demons? How do you know so much?"

"My eldest sister told me this."

"You are a very powerful big sister.", Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Yes, eldest sister is amazing. She is a subordinate of her gang leader, and she can see the gang leader sometimes, and the big sister is also very powerful! Many monsters and demons are afraid of her," Zhou Xiaoran continued.

"Oh, really? What's your eldest sister's name?"

"We only know the eldest sister, others call her Black Rose. As for her name, we don’t know, we call her Sister Rose."Zhou Xiaoran said with a childish look.

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