Lin Feng knew nothing about everything that the Ye family guessed about themselves. He was still sitting in the corner to rest.

A beggar came next to him and sat in the corner near him. He shouted to passers-by:"Uncle, okay." Okay, give me some. Baozi and steamed buns. You can give me some money."

"Beauty, do your best, God bless you."

"Handsome boy, please give me some. I hope you find a good wife and have a smooth blind date."

"Master, the immortal will bless you with good health."

Brother, I wish you many children and many blessings.

"My little friend, God bless you."

"Hey, hey, don't go.."..

The beggar shouted for a long time, but no one gave him alms, not even a copper coin. The beggar was so angry that he stopped shouting.

Lin Feng closed his eyes to rest. At this time, Lin Feng felt someone pat his shoulder. Lin Feng opened his eyes and saw that it was the beggar next to him. This beggar was also the beggar he met in Ye Mansion yesterday.

"Why are you here?" Lin Feng asked curiously.

The beggar replied:"We can come here too, but we usually don't."

"Why, are you afraid of Lao Qiu?"

"It wasn’t because we were afraid, but our gang leader told us to go around Lao Qiu and not allow us to ask any more questions, so we did as we were told.", said the beggar

"Oh, maybe your gang leader has something to do with Lao Qiu. By the way, what's your name?", Lin Feng asked

"My name is Zhang Qiang, what about you?"

"My name is Lin Feng." As soon as Lin Feng finished speaking, he suddenly felt that the name was very familiar, like the subordinate in his dream. However, it was impossible, so he stopped thinking about it.

Zhang Qiang also sat down and leaned against the wall,"Here is a person. You can eat the buns." Lin Feng handed the buns he just took to Zhang Qiang. Zhang Qiang took them over and ate them politely. While eating, he said,"Thank you, brother."

"You're new here, I've never seen you here before.", Zhang Qiang asked curiously

"Yes, I got here yesterday. No, I met Lao Qiu"

"Oh, then you are very lucky. If you come to our side, it will be more strict. Our gang leader has set tasks for us."

"Do you also have KPIs?"

"What KPI?"

"It means assessment"

"Yes, there is an assessment, and those who beg more will get more."

"This is normal. The more you work, the more you get. Your gang leader knows how to manage. Lin Feng smiled and said,"By the way, you have a gang called the Beggars Gang.""

"Yes, Broken Leaf City, our gang leader gathered us together to form a gang, but our gang never bullies others."

"Then your gang leader is pretty good," Lin Feng vaguely remembered a beggar gang from martial arts novels, so he jokingly said,"Your gang leader can't be Qiao, right? Zhang

Qiang said curiously"Yes, my last name is Joe"

"What?" Lin Feng thought that it couldn't be such a coincidence, and then asked:"Isn't it called Qiao Feng?"

"Yes, his name is Qiao Feng. How did you know? Oh, I guess it was Lao Qiu who told you.", Zhang Qiang said.

His name is really Qiao Feng. Lin Feng wondered if he had arrived in a martial arts world, but this was clearly a world of cultivation. Maybe it was a coincidence. Lin Feng thought wildly again. The Beggar Clan and Hong Qigong would not There is someone named Hong Qigong.

Lin Feng asked curiously,"Does your beggar gang have an old man named Hong Qi?"

"Hong Qi, that’s not true.", Zhang Qiang said firmly

"Oh," Lin Feng hummed. If there really was Hong Qi, Lin Feng would probably go crazy.

Just when Lin Feng and Zhang Qiang were talking, Zhang Qiang suddenly touched Lin Feng and said,"Look, over there."

Lin Feng followed Zhang Qiang's target and saw In front of the road, I saw Ye Ling'er walking from home to the restaurant. Lin Feng felt puzzled. Wasn't Ye Ling'er at the restaurant just now? Why did he suddenly come from the Ye Mansion?

"Brother, this Ye Ling'er is a lady of the Ye family, is that right?", Zhang Qiang said.

Lin Feng ignored what Zhang Qiang said, just thinking about the shadow of Ye Ling'er in the restaurant just now

"Look, Ye Ling'er is here, here, I'm lucky enough to be able to meet the goddess face to face, I'm so happy.", Zhang Qiang said excitedly.

Lin Feng glanced at Zhang Qiang, still leaning against the wall, squinting his eyes. Such a wealthy family has nothing to do with him. He only came out to exchange money, and he was just taking a rest.

Ye Linger passed by Lin Feng with his maid. Next to him, he saw Lin Feng and two beggars. He thought for a while, took out 10 taels of silver and threw it in front of Lin Feng, and then left.

Hearing the crisp sound in the bowl, Lin Feng opened his eyes, hey, there was someone giving alms in front of him. taels of silver, and a few pieces of silver, adding up to about 10 taels. Lin Feng was confused again, and shouted in his heart,"I am not a beggar, why do you always treat me like a beggar?" Am I so like a beggar? Or will you be treated as a beggar just like a beggar? Zhang

Qiang also lit up,"Brother, you are lucky again. Look at the charity that the eldest lady gave you.""

"knew.", Lin Feng slowly put away the silver. Since there was silver, he would not take it unless he wanted to take it. Seeing Zhang Qiang's greedy look, Lin Feng took out one or two, and then put it back. He took out a dollar of silver, thought about it again, and took it out. One tael of silver was handed to Zhang Qiang,"It's for you."

Zhang Qiang rubbed his hands and said,"Brother, how embarrassing is this?" He took it and put it in his arms."Brother, if you have anything to do in the future, come to me on West Street and I will help you settle it."

"Well, thanks for that.", Lin Feng responded without a word. Lin Feng looked at Ye Ling'er's leaving back, used his finger to tap the three attributes of wood, fire and earth together, and tapped Ye Ling'er again with a little effort.

Ye Ling'er took the maid After leaving, when she was approaching the door of the restaurant, she suddenly felt that her cultivation had made another breakthrough, from the third stage of the Golden Elixir to the fifth stage of the Golden Elixir.

Ye Linger guessed that it must be the senior who helped her again, but no. Knowing the reason, Ye Ling'er carefully thought about the process of the three promotions. It was really ordinary. Suddenly she thought of one thing in common, which was giving alms to beggars. This happened three times. Ye Ling'er suddenly realized

, He probably showed his kindness by giving alms to the beggar. That senior wanted to help him because he saw that he was kind. Such a powerful person had no reason to help him, and it was even more impossible for him to take a liking to him. How could such a powerful person, surrounded by saints and the like, take a fancy to herself?

It must have been her good deeds that impressed her seniors, it must be like this. Ye Ling'er was sure that this was the case, and she felt relieved, at least She knew what was going on, otherwise she would always feel uneasy.

As the saying goes, no reward will be received without merit, and she would feel uneasy if the gift was given in an unclear way. What is certain now is that she was appreciated by her seniors for her good deeds. So Ye Ling I must make up my mind to do more good deeds and give more in the future.

Of course, the donation must be sincere, otherwise the seniors will definitely see the false intentions, so you must do it sincerely. Otherwise, the seniors will be displeased, and the cultivation may be withdrawn. Yes, Ye Ling'er feels that she can't hide anything from her seniors.

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